Plants are really bushy for 2nd week of flower!!!!!!!!need some serious advice!!!


Active Member
So i am about to start the 2nd week of flowering and my plants are so bushy that more thatn 50% of the bottom half of them receives NO light at all.(i know i could get better answers if pics were posted, but i dont feel comfortable with my grow on the net so please help if you can) I have an 8x8 room with 1000w mh/hps and on the whole foxfarm hydro line and i also add sweet and h202. 6 plants in flood and drain are the ones that are getting real bushy. they eat 3 times daily during lighing hours. Here are my questions if any one can answer:

1. should i cut bottom branches that receive no light ? Will it hurt my baby's ( ihave done extensive research on RIU and no one can specificall answer this)


do i cut the smaller flower sites off branches that wont even produce much anyway. would that help more energy get to the top?

2. i dont have the budget for a inline fan with ducting to vent the room til next grow, does anyone have any diy links/suggestions to solve this prob. its about to get really hot, ya know!

3. does anyone have any experience with the foxfarm line in hydro, if so pplease tell me about your results or if you dont like it , what do you think is better?


Well-Known Member
I can give advice on Plant bush and Vouch for FF in soil, Awesome stuff.
Your plant needs all the leafs it can get, the feed the buds. However I always strip off the lil tiny one's the skinny no good ones. The bottom bushy one's leave them be, they will feed upper buds so no worry's.
So i am about to start the 2nd week of flowering and my plants are so bushy that more thatn 50% of the bottom half of them receives NO light at all.(i know i could get better answers if pics were posted, but i dont feel comfortable with my grow on the net so please help if you can) I have an 8x8 room with 1000w mh/hps and on the whole foxfarm hydro line and i also add sweet and h202. 6 plants in flood and drain are the ones that are getting real bushy. they eat 3 times daily during lighing hours. Here are my questions if any one can answer:

1. should i cut bottom branches that receive no light ? Will it hurt my baby's ( ihave done extensive research on RIU and no one can specificall answer this)


do i cut the smaller flower sites off branches that wont even produce much anyway. would that help more energy get to the top?

2. i dont have the budget for a inline fan with ducting to vent the room til next grow, does anyone have any diy links/suggestions to solve this prob. its about to get really hot, ya know!

3. does anyone have any experience with the foxfarm line in hydro, if so pplease tell me about your results or if you dont like it , what do you think is better?

1 hands down this is the right answer. do not sut nugs from the top. if you cut lets say 5 bowl of shitty weed off the bottom before it grown into a 5 bowl. its going to be like a dime on top, this is because the plant is only useing its energy to make nugs where there is light.

2.) never ever cut top nugs. ever

3. you got good nutes esp using a entire line, somehting better house and garden van de zwan. .. . . its 300.00 though


Well-Known Member
On Indica plants I trim off the bottom 1/2 to the bottom 1/3 and with Sativa dominant plants I trip off the bottom 2/3. Basically, ANYTHING that wasn't connected to main-branch got cut off.

Anything with a little stem branching off of my main stems got trimmed the fuck up. Force those buds up top!!!

I left all fan leaves that were connected to the main stems.

Day 28- This plant is supposed to be a "low-yielder"