Should I use bloodmeal?


Well-Known Member
I bought bloodmeal and i wonder how much to use per hole. each hole holds about 7 gallons of dirt. Should I mix a handful in each hole? Please help!!!!! I am planting in 2 days and any info would help. Is bloodmeal a good product and what does it do? Thank u


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'd say about 1-2 cups would be good to start(for 7 gal).

It provides N and is fast-acting. It also contains a little P and K.


Well-Known Member
Yea, TTO has it right. alittle over a handful mixed in should do it, it;s what my friends and I do. Good luck. have a good season, aloha


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'd say about 1-2 cups would be good to start(for 7 gal).

It provides N and is fast-acting. It also contains a little P and K.
i do half a cup for every 3 gallons of soil,so yea a cup or so should be good you i would think,worm castings are good soil amendment too,along with added perlitebongsmilie


New Member
People keep telling me that dogs and animals will dig in that dirt if you put bone meal or blood meal in... It sounds plausible, like crop circles are plausible. Ever hear of this? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
People keep telling me that dogs and animals will dig in that dirt if you put bone meal or blood meal in... It sounds plausible, like crop circles are plausible. Ever hear of this? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
yes animals can and will sometimes dig in it,you can lay down window screen,and stake the corners down it should keep them form being able to dig,and unless there paws are super sharp it should slide and not tear it up,it helped with my 2 dogs,also you can put about a 5 inch layer of rock on top,it helps too and you can still water and the moisture can evaporate but it actually will stay moist on top longer and not go top dry to quick.


New Member
I don't use it personally and I grow in containers. I always put an inch of pebbles on top for just what you said and also for keeping them upright in wind.

Thanks for answering that question for me. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I don't use it personally and I grow in containers. I always put an inch of pebbles on top for just what you said and also for keeping them upright in wind.

Thanks for answering that question for me. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
NP,fish and fish emulsion also can cause problems too,i eventually made a small fenced section in my grow area and it worked until the raccoons would go over the sides,so i made a top with chicken wire,and a small gate to get in no problems since then:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: and it cost about 25-30 dollars for wood and about 25-30 dollars for nails,screen and misc stuff,you can also padlock it as a neighbor kid preventative we got those little suckers too:bigjoint: