i found an eighth today!!!


Well-Known Member
wow luky u ;P

sigh i keep having on my mind i wana quit cigerats so bad but evry time i blaze up i just need a cigerate some where in my high time but weed i dont give a fuck if i got a chance to smoke a blunt i would in a heart beat lol
It was easy for me to quit smokin cigs, I just smoked more weed. The only hard part was work, but i smoke herb there to, lol


New Member
yeah i wish i could quit to but its hard when you live with smokers
hell ye exact same shit with me if one guy dosent call me to smoke 1 day i know there are at least 4 other ppl that r goin to call me 100% sure it just gets so stressing all the time >_< i stay high to much!


Well-Known Member
Too bad there isn't a test that can give you the kind of resolution you get from a Breathalyzer - I.E. a test that can actually prove your sobriety level. Testing for THC metabolites is such bullshit because of how long it can stay in your system. A friend of mine got popped and part of his probie was piss tests - dude cold turkeyed and still pissed hot for over a month. He has been high all day every day since he was 18, that's some bullshit if you've been straight for a month and the test they use can make it out to look like you just lit up yesterday to the court.
Unless you're pissing for authorities just get the fake pee - testing facilities can not observe you pissing as it is a violation of your privacy rights and I can garauntee it works. Available at your local headshop or porno store that sells para.
No that fake piss don't work here, they test for cleansing agents. Synthetic piss doesn't work either it just comes up inconclusive n they make u piss again. If it happens again u fail


Well-Known Member
this is THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE fucken a i would die for this country. im proud to be an american even though some things seem unfair...sry its just my opiion im trying to get listed for the army right now but it pissis me off lol i know im setting myself up here but they wont send me to war since im the last male to carry on my family name


Well-Known Member
ive found plants b4...but never a bag. i guess its also werth noting that i NEVER took a single bud off a plant i found. thieves deserve death. period.

edit: but keeping a bag you found on the ground is fine...there aint no weed lost n found.
Wish it had been you that found mine.:sad:


Well-Known Member
this is THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE fucken a i would die for this country. im proud to be an american even though some things seem unfair...sry its just my opiion im trying to get listed for the army right now but it pissis me off lol i know im setting myself up here but they wont send me to war since im the last male to carry on my family name
I'd do the same for mine nothin against the US but I love Canada, couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
So they won't send you because your the last male in your family, I've never heard of that before, I think I actually just gained a little more respect for the US, weird. Although it should be your decision in the end.
Just had to add that Canadians don't say "aboot" and we don't live in igloos, sure we say "eh" but not as much as Americans think, lol. Every time I see U.S. shows talking about canadians I'm like what we don't talk like that, lol....Peace


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i know how you feel im not alowed to go to canada though they wont let me in cause i have a dui which i think is strange i know many canadians ive lived on the border most of my life in idaho lmao I LOVE HOCKEY


Well-Known Member
HOCKEY RULES!!!, lol and I know how you feel I have an assaulting an officer charge and I'm not allowed in the states.......Bastards, I wanna go to Vegas


Well-Known Member
HOCKEY RULES!!!, lol and I know how you feel I have an assaulting an officer charge and I'm not allowed in the states.......Bastards, I wanna go to Vegas
yeah it sucks but hey i can go to crappy ass mexico again lol im in missouri now i just moved like a month ago or so the have this set up where they have these boats in the water where you can gamble i beleave the law is you just cant gamble on the land in most of these states well besides the indian reservations but anyways this ships are on the dock most of the time but every so often the have to go float the river for a certain mount of time. i know its not like vegas lol ive been there once but do you have anything like the boats over there


Well-Known Member
Not that I know of, been to Mexico to though its aight, I just can't make any stop-overs in the states so sometimes flights might cost a bit more to get a direct flight. Goin to Ireland next year and to not have to switch planes in the states will cost me about $1G extra for 2 tickets, fuckers. I'm not a big gambler I just want to go to Vegas to party


Well-Known Member
Excuse me weedman but is that for real? You can't go to canada because you've had a dui? You and about half the male population over 40 almost it seems.

I have a dui too and I'm supposed to be going to canada this summer with friends. Ima be really ticked off if there's a problem getting in. I'll be like what the fuck eh? What's this all aboot?


Well-Known Member
lmaooo!! hehe

maybe it was me was ur plants on a back porch? in the back yard in penselvania
Don't I wish. Now, I WONDER if that prick that stole it KNOWS just HOW much drama I went through to get it there, to raise it......to love it...dirty bastard he was.


Well-Known Member
Excuse me weedman but is that for real? You can't go to canada because you've had a dui? You and about half the male population over 40 almost it seems.

I have a dui too and I'm supposed to be going to canada this summer with friends. Ima be really ticked off if there's a problem getting in. I'll be like what the fuck eh? What's this all aboot?
thats what ive been told i dont know for sure though ask 69


Well-Known Member
I think your right on that, not sure though you might want to check it out before you drive all the way up here


Well-Known Member
yeah thats really cool!!! ive always wanted to go to england my told has told me some pretty good stories when he was stationed there in the army plus i have some family over there on my mothers side which ive never met i have to wait till im at least 22 cause im on probation now i cant go to ireland im a damn alcoholc lol aa member since oct 2007


Well-Known Member
If that's the case I'll just borrow my brothers passport and ID. That's just wrong. Screw em, I'm going anyway.