Plants are sick, need help fast. (Pics posted)


Active Member
so i just switched my light to 12/12, and for some reason My plants are curling and getting brown spots. I think i put to much nutrients in there, so i have already flushed all my water out. Plants have gotten a little better, but they still are curled over. What do i do?



Well-Known Member
dude your pics are to small...curling leaves..or much water..not enough water..can you flush..are you using soil..what kind?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell with those pics, and I'm not a hydro grower.Looking at the 3rd pic and the browning around the edges, I'd say nute burn. If you flushed, stop the nutes and wait a day or two and see, is all I can offer.
so i just switched my light to 12/12, and for some reason My plants are curling and getting brown spots. I think i put to much nutrients in there, so i have already flushed all my water out. Plants have gotten a little better, but they still are curled over. What do i do?