Your input on a whole Family puffing.

Endo Dank

Active Member
In recent year's theres been a increase and whole generations of families smoking weed. heck One of my friends family smokes, every last one of them underage of course too with there mom or there uncle. I was just wondering if anyones ever let there child smoke underage. Also if you set boundries on it, Like good grades or no grass hehe. Another problem the goverment is taking more harsh laws on drugs because of these families. Was just baked and thought about it, I'll read every input posted.:weed:


Well-Known Member
ive been buying from and smoking with my family since i was 15, more recently selling to them. the family that tokes together definatly eats together, then gets fat and sluggish and watches a movie, therefore staying together.


New Member
My husband and I both smoke, my brother and his wife smoke, both my kids used to smoke (one quit recently). (they're both over 21)

We used to have big bong holidays. The last few Christmas mornings were great fun, bongs and gifts. One year we hung blunts on the tree Christmas morning, and then all day was "pluck a blunt day".


Well-Known Member
In recent year's theres been a increase and whole generations of families smoking weed. heck One of my friends family smokes, every last one of them underage of course too with there mom or there uncle. I was just wondering if anyones ever let there child smoke underage. Also if you set boundries on it, Like good grades or no grass hehe. Another problem the goverment is taking more harsh laws on drugs because of these families. Was just baked and thought about it, I'll read every input posted.:weed:

Endo Dank

Active Member
My husband and I both smoke, my brother and his wife smoke, both my kids used to smoke (one quit recently). (they're both over 21)

We used to have big bong holidays. The last few Christmas mornings were great fun, bongs and gifts. One year we hung blunts on the tree Christmas morning, and then all day was "pluck a blunt day".
That should be a holiday, ending the day with some nice brownies


Well-Known Member
Yes, but read all those other posts warms me up inside
Don't get me wrong, I smoke with my son...I have 3 boys, I raised them all the same. There was NO drug use in my home. They had to wait until they were of age to make that type of decision. The only focus my kids have/had is school and sports. Now as adults they can make their own decision on whether or not they want to smoke, they are legal...BUT as minors, I do not condone the use of drugs, any kind of drugs. They need to be more worried about schooling and becoming responsible adults...:peace:

Endo Dank

Active Member
Don't get me wrong, I smoke with my son...I have 3 boys, I raised them all the same. There was NO drug use in my home. They had to wait until they were of age to make that type of decision. The only focus my kids have/had is school and sports. Now as adults they can make their own decision on whether or not they want to smoke, they are legal...BUT as minors, I do not condone the use of drugs, any kind of drugs. They need to be more worried about schooling and becoming responsible adults...:peace:
Good job, there some people out there doing meth with there kids :|


Well-Known Member
I have to see an entire family puffing but I've seen teenagers copying their parents with disastrous consequences for their development. Not sure about scientific proof, but in my own observation the young potheads never grow fully functional brains. Anyone ever letting their underage child smoke should not have had children.


stays relevant.
I dont have kids... but my fiancee, brother, sister, and mother smoke marijuana. My (Step) father doesn't smoke, but he encourages me to grow it. My biological father smoked pot, did heroin, crack, speed, he also manufactured all of the above, but I think the heroin crack and speed ultimately lead to him dying at the age of 54.

So moral of the story: Smoke pot or die at 54 from ALS. :roll:


Active Member
I have smoked with my mother. Also i have smoked with a couple of my buddies and their dads. No biggy, but this didnt take place until i was in my early 20's.

None of them would have dared do it with my if i was still a teen. I think is goes back to what SunnysideUp says; Let them grow to make their own decisions. They saw i was mature and grown and making that decision for myself. They just wanted to partake.



Well-Known Member
Interesting question. Both my kids smoke, but they won't come out and say it. I know what it looks like and they are not hiding anything. I have my MMJ and they both know, so not a big deal in my family, they just like to keep it to themselves.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who's whole family smokes. Old hippes and deadheads. His uncle is the best grower. Smoked with his mother and father and brother all at a party Good people. I've smoked with my mother, but she didn't condone it when I was a teenager. Now 30 and she gives me advice on my grow. I have a young son know and have been thinking a lot about this topic. He will not learn from me but if he decides to experiment when he's a teen there's not much I can do. I wouldn't want to be a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
When I was 12, I started smoking with my friends dad and a bunch of friends. He would buy and let us do it in the controlled environent. We never got into trouble. But now I smoke with some younger friends. When I have kids Id rather them toke then other stuff

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
better than something safe in your home under your supervision than on the street fucking for crack I always say..
No not really but I take that sort of mentality. So long as they are mature and understand the possible reprucussions then there isnt much harm in it.
Explain that its something while not being addictive, can (and will if you let it) make laziness much worse and motivation for other things much lower as well.

oh yeah if you do let em toke, by some microwavable food so they dont burn your crib down cooking or hurt themselves. So long as they dont act dumb they should be able to handle it as a teen then.


Well-Known Member
It is true, she had arthritis. I hid it under my pillow and she pinched it daily. We never spoke of it. It did us both good.