Guantánamo Bay


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals did anyone see that National Geographic special about Guantanamo Bay? That some crazy stuff. I cant believe that bastard Bush got away with all that torture b.s. Dang man its like wtf is going on?
Wow what an awesome post. You seem very fair minded and open to topics of debate. I especially like your presentation of empirical proof. Great job.

Wow what an awesome post. You seem very fair minded and open to topics of debate. I especially like your presentation of empirical proof. Great job.


I'll try to be nicer next time. :)

I sure hope so.
Its all good man, I wasnt trying to spark a debate or anything. Sit back and relax man, you need to smoke some weed :bigjoint:.

CrackerJax said:
:lol: Obama is doing the EXACT same thing... wake up sonny.

out. :blsmoke:
That sux to hear. I thought Obama was against torture and wanted to close Guantanamo Bay. What are your sources?
I sure hope so.
Its all good man, I wasnt trying to spark a debate or anything. Sit back and relax man, you need to smoke some weed :bigjoint:.

That sux to hear. I thought Obama was against torture and wanted to close Guantanamo Bay. What are your sources?

Well I read where Guantanamo is going to be closed "at some point", but they are not going to release anyone who they deem a threat. That's pretty much what Bush was doing. he released prisoners but kept anyone who intelligence didn't think should be released. What the current administration plans to do is to move them elsewhere but still keep them. It's a shell game in the end.

out. :blsmoke:
They are there for a reason, and deserve much less then they get. What to treat women as trash/mules and want to kill everyone but their own, fuck that, we need Gitmo to expand...bring them here and add another section to Area 51
IMO they should have never closed the damn thing. I have no problem with them using any means to get whatever info they feel is important.
The real problem is is the that we know..
war and the media just doesn't mix well.
we went to war fellas, what do you think comes with that value meal?
oneside is beheading and the other is waterboarding.
...I suggest we stay out of the game called war'n occupation altogether.

I don't think it matters that gizmo is closing.
one could only guesstamate to how many secret cia prisons throughout the world right?

only because of a few cell phone photos do we even know the name.
The cia has displayed a history of when something is leaked out,, it isn't pretty.

if the cia didn't make us these enemies, we wouldn't need the cia?
if the cia didn't make us these enemies, we wouldn't need the cia?

Couldn't have said it better myself, props man!

IMO they should have never closed the damn thing. I have no problem with them using any means to get whatever info they feel is important.

The problem with torture is that it'll get you whatever information you seek, be it true or false, anyone will tell you anything to make the pain from torture stop. That makes the information gained from torturing prisoners unreliable. Voltaire figured that out in the 18th century, it's foundations still very much apply to today.

I don't think we should torture anyone, it doesn't get us any useful information and only succeeds at bringing us down to the 'terrorists' level.

But (damn I was waiting for this day) CrackerJax is right, Obama is doing the same shit, not giving dates on when the place is closing and simply moving the prisoners to other prisons instead of Gitmo... what a pile of shit disguised as a neatly wrapped gift...
the bay is closing.. but do u really think they getting rid of those prisoners?... they're just sending them to other prisons elsewhere...
I'm not sure it will be closing. I have alread seen a verbal slide backwards form the administration... we'll see.

out. :blsmoke: