Sugar in the Raw Vs. Molases


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever had experience using "Sugar in the Raw" rather then molases?

Good results?
bad results?

just curious.


Well-Known Member
yea i tried this and molasses on 4 plants, the sugar plants didn't really have any noticable change good or bad, and the molasses 2 looked way more trich covered and was more sticky and taste better when cured.


Well-Known Member
well molasses is is. any recommendations on brand of molasses or anything i need to look out for as far as ingredients are concerned?


Well-Known Member
just make sure it is "blackstrap molasses" that is the most unrefined and thus easy for plants to use kind. other than that obviously if you can find natural or organic blackstrap that may be cool.


Well-Known Member
will a walmart super-center have blackstrap?

im not sure if thats a normal kind that would be used for cooking or not.

thanks for the help Dr. +rep for you


Well-Known Member
Mollasses is much better than sugar because it brings a good magnesium, zinc, and iron amendement to your plants... and these your regular flowering foods dont have much of in them... neither does sugar.....


Well-Known Member
i use molasses the plants love it,molasses is the bi product of making raw sugar,so its not the same at all.just use molasses :)

just a girl

Active Member
Hello everyone,
I'm a health nut here so would like to explain about the above question. 1-Sugar in the Raw, as seen in the above pic is NOT RAW Sugar. Sugar in the Raw is white sugar, coarse ground, the coated with molasses and sold to you. Organic Raw Sugar can be gotten at the Health Food Store, It is Sugar Cane that has been harvested and min. process right at the field. This is RAW SUGAR.
Molasses (not Blackstrap Molasses) is the first boiling of Molasses. Blackstrap Molasses is the 3rd or 4th boiling of Molasses and is the Best of the bunch (boils). Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses is Molasses that has not has Sulphur added to it as a preservative.
Hope this helps,


Well-Known Member
cool beans.

went to walmart tonight and they were all out :(

i did get what i needed for my carbon filter though :)

Hand Banana

Well-Known Member
Finally someone started a thread about this! I've been debating between the two, and I finally decided to just use both! 1 teaspoon of sugar in the raw, 1 teaspoon of molasses--the plants seem to be loving it so far! (4 weeks into flowering)


Well-Known Member
Put about 25ml of granulated,brown sugar in some boiling water it is best if you do this in a pan i stops any granuls been left in that form you want a syrup use about a litre of water to sugar.boil ultill all the granules dissapear the plants love the stuff .but be very careful useing this during the summer insects love the stuff.feed the sugar mix then add the normal feed a little after say 20 mins this gets it down into the roots and away from any insects the last thing you want is too be attracting insects into the grow room.i only use this and any sweet additive to my plant during the winter months when the pest are not around i use buddy during summer.