Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses is Molasses that has not has Sulphur added to it as a preservative.
Sulfur is not added to any molasses as you think.
"Sulfured" molasses is produced when
green sugarcane is processed and sulfur gas is added to help in the extraction process.
This molasses IS NOT sold in stores for human consumption. It is
very bitter and nasty.
Many misconceptions surround molasses and it's use in gardening.
Micro's- Not as much available as many think. In fact you would do far, far better using a kelp extract for micro's!
Carb delivery of molasses - Yes it does. Best used as a carb source for making AACT bio teas!
Molasses in soil. I find it has a compacting quality that I don't like at all. Over use can cause bad things to happen in the soil and it's living content. The fact that the mineral delivery is near being a moot point at delivery rates that are safe... Make it closer to an old school myth then any real helpful thing....
I use dark brown sugar to bump up carbs a bit in a cpl of supplements. This precludes any fermentation that likes to happen with molasses.... Molasses use also shortens any shelf life of my supplements.
DB sugar (or any sugar for that matter) can be use at 1/2 the rate of any old molasses suggestion of 1 TBL per gallon...SO THEN the sugar should be at no more then 1.5 tsp per gallon..
I know I'm opening pandora's box for some.. They "see" what their mind wants them to see, or what they want to see. This is called conformation bias. It is real and is common amoung novice and even advanced growers...
Look, use it if want
but, be aware. It's not doing anything more then feeding the living bio's in the soil with any real world effect...