PC planter stealth grow. First time.



So the shortest plant will be 14 days old tomorrow and the tallest plant will be 12 days.

Lowlife ak47 usually flower like crazy around 2 weeks so I can't wait to see what happens.

I'm not sure why one of the plants is so short.

Anyway.. today is transplant day for comeback kid and I need some LST tips.

Am I good to LST now or just wait a little more? I added some pictures to better answer that question.



Well-Known Member
I hadn't seen that video before.
Hate to put a downer on pc grows but it doesn't look right to me. At first glance it would seem that the plant grew up towards the side of the case instead of going straight up to the light which is very unusual. Also the side of the big bud that was up against the front of the case had buds as thick as those on the side that was in full light and that just doesn't happen.
Not sure I could give up buying bud with 25g every 3 months either.


I hadn't seen that video before.
Hate to put a downer on pc grows but it doesn't look right to me. At first glance it would seem that the plant grew up towards the side of the case instead of going straight up to the light which is very unusual. Also the side of the big bud that was up against the front of the case had buds as thick as those on the side that was in full light and that just doesn't happen.
Not sure I could give up buying bud with 25g every 3 months either.

Yeah, I understand what you're saying.
That does seem weird that the bud grew like that. So all that LST'ing and Scrogging
we may think he did could be a fake to promote the pc case sales? Hmmm.


I'd probably leave the kid another couple of days. The other one is crazy man!

Alright. I'll wait to see what it does.
Hey, it's better than wasting time doing nothing.

You really think the other one looks good? :]
I'm relieved and glad then. The leaves looked kind of droopy so I was paranoid.

When would you think it'd be a good time to start lst on that one? Not sure if I have enough room in that middle section to tie something around it.


Well-Known Member
You're on the right track. I start when there's a bit of sidebranch growth and I can put something around the top of the plant without doing any damage. 2 or 3 days I'd guess.
The other one isn't growing normally but it looks healthy enough and if it's a girl it will give you bud. What more can you ask?


Comeback kid is transferred while the other short thing chills in it's peat pot still.

If it is a female and DOES grow normally..
I may toss it outside somewhere, set up a divider in the container, or just give it to someone else so they can have fun with it.

I have some cheap quick wiring job done here. It's because I don't have any cables to use as an extension.. So when Those Turn up.. You won't see those wires. AT ALL. Or something close like that.

What do you think of the container? :]




What I also forgot to mention was..

I have about 8 inches of vertical grow space now. I'll gain like 3-4 more inches if I move the power strip to the TOP of the case and in between the sides where the top fan is.

The bulbs might be really close to the Mylar on the side so I'll put spacers in between to push the bulbs away a bit.

I wouldn't have to deal with doing this until
the plants are bigger and taller. That's when I'll have my scrog set up too.

Sound good so far?


Well-Known Member
Looking wicked man, I hope my set-up will look as clean as this. Girls are lookin gorgeous and I cant wait to see more. Keep up the good work man.


Well-Known Member
Love the container. How come you didn't invite us over for ice cream?
I like the sound of your plan too.


Started the LST today.

Comeback kid is much bigger..

The little shrimp looks Retarded.

Pictures tonight.


LST training.

The plant is getting wider and taller.

Everything seems to be looking fine.

The plant actually has a smell. But only
when you're nose is like inches away from it.

The other plant still looks almost exactly the same.. I didn't even bother taking a pic of it. lol

Sorry for the delay in pictures but
finals week at college is kicking my ass.




my room is significatly stinky.
not too stinky. just... light.
You know its a weed smell if you smoke though.

Or maybe thats the smell of last nights bong session...

The plant does have a stench though.

Its confirmed a female :]


Well-Known Member
Don't know about your situation there but i need to deal with that smell where I am.
When the fans go off the smell is contained within the case so I have my lights/fans come on at night and off in the day. Combined with a carbon cooker filter on the exhaust nobody has rumbled me so far.


I'm going to need a carbon something..

I really want those odor eliminating CFL bulbs too.

I have to switch to 2700k later. I was thinking maybe on day 23? I dont know.

You guys decide based on the pictures I post up tomorrow.

My canon 40D just bit the dust, so no pics tonight :(

HAPPY 420.

Celebrate it while I'm in school for like 10 hours doing finals presentations. Last day until the summer semester picks up in may.

4/21 is where it's at for me ;)