My first 3 chamber closet grow with Blueberry


Well-Known Member
I ran into some problems today & made some mistake...yet again.
I refilled the reservoir & mixed new solution while doing this my nutrient meter starting playing up it gave different reading all 5 times & the PPM kept jumping up and down so I calibrated the meter & changed the batteries. Took another reading at 1100 (I was aiming for 1000) but couldnt even top up the tank to decrease the PPM because I used up all of the water which I allow to sit for 24hrs however in the past the plants have tolerated an extra 100PPM so Ill just give it a few days then Ill top up the tank. BUT THEN I noticed grains floating about in the reservoir :o:cuss: FOR FUCKS SAKE! NOT AGAIN!. This has happened before but Im not sure what the cause of this is IF YOU KNOW WHY EXACTLY THIS IS HAPPENING & HOW TO RECTIFY THIS THEN PLEASE SHARE (the white grain in the tank that is).
Ive left some bucket of water to sit so I can refill the tank tomorrow. I wish I had something good to say like Oh a new learning curve but Im just too pissed off!

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
I ran into some problems today & made some mistake...yet again.
I refilled the reservoir & mixed new solution while doing this my nutrient meter starting playing up it gave different reading all 5 times & the PPM kept jumping up and down so I calibrated the meter & changed the batteries. Took another reading at 1100 (I was aiming for 1000) but couldnt even top up the tank to decrease the PPM because I used up all of the water which I allow to sit for 24hrs however in the past the plants have tolerated an extra 100PPM so Ill just give it a few days then Ill top up the tank. BUT THEN I noticed grains floating about in the reservoir :o:cuss: FOR FUCKS SAKE! NOT AGAIN!. This has happened before but Im not sure what the cause of this is IF YOU KNOW WHY EXACTLY THIS IS HAPPENING & HOW TO RECTIFY THIS THEN PLEASE SHARE (the white grain in the tank that is).
Ive left some bucket of water to sit so I can refill the tank tomorrow. I wish I had something good to say like Oh a new learning curve but Im just too pissed off!
im not going to be here much longer m8 if you want my help come over to shanti's site mr nice you havet he link.

you have it spot on m8 with the feeding, if its with in 100 ppm and goes up just add ph water to bring it back down change water ever 7 days and watch the fuckers grow! i never add nuts only top off with water over the space of 7 days even if they miss somthing once you make a new batch of feed up they will suck up all they want/need and the plants thrive the way you say sounds perfect the cf goes up bring it down with ph'ed water change every 7 days and you will yeild loads

good luck, stay safe, grow on:joint:


Well-Known Member
Ive refilled the tank again with fresh water & new solution with Ionc bloom/boost & hygrozyme this time there are very little salts in the reservoir hardly noticable. Lets see how it goes.

Some of the leaves are turning pale green some more than other is this due to the fact that they are in week 4 (wk 5 tomorrow)? See pics.



Well-Known Member
You can give them a bit more nitrogen but be careful nobody likes leafy buds so sometimes it is best to let the fan leaves die off in the last few weeks. Looks great man!


Well-Known Member
You can give them a bit more nitrogen but be careful nobody likes leafy buds so sometimes it is best to let the fan leaves die off in the last few weeks. Looks great man!
What supplement is readily available which contains Nitrogen so I can mix it in hot water & add it to the tank?


Well-Known Member
What supplement is readily available which contains Nitrogen so I can mix it in hot water & add it to the tank?
a hippie would say urine, haha
i would say add a carb booster with a little N (can't remember name of product, srry), or some concentrated kelp extract would do the trick...

anyways, it's looking tasty, how's your room smell?


Well-Known Member
a hippie would say urine, haha
i would say add a carb booster with a little N (can't remember name of product, srry), or some concentrated kelp extract would do the trick...

anyways, it's looking tasty, how's your room smell?
perhaps a lil b'care cal-mag? a hint of N in it, just enough to add a lil green and you can add 5ml/gal with any feed regiment....when i used air stones i used to get a ton of setiment, could this be it? since then i only use rubber air defussers


Well-Known Member
a hippie would say urine, haha
i would say add a carb booster with a little N (can't remember name of product, srry), or some concentrated kelp extract would do the trick...

anyways, it's looking tasty, how's your room smell?
The cab smells so sweet & fruity, eery morning I take a whiff & it wakes me up.


Well-Known Member
perhaps a lil b'care cal-mag? a hint of N in it, just enough to add a lil green and you can add 5ml/gal with any feed regiment....when i used air stones i used to get a ton of setiment, could this be it? since then i only use rubber air defussers
What if I just let the plastic tubing sit in the reservoir with no air stone attached would that stop sediment build up?


Well-Known Member
a hippie would say urine, haha
i would say add a carb booster with a little N (can't remember name of product, srry), or some concentrated kelp extract would do the trick...

anyways, it's looking tasty, how's your room smell?
Good call there or sometimes I add a little grow nutrient along with the bloom.

Can somebody please tell me if these pics show if I need to flush now: The pics are in the following link I would have posted them here but there are too many to post again; (Post No. 13)
Why flush for two weeks?


Well-Known Member
An update has been long overdue so here we go:

Week 7 of flowering.

The challenges (problem) never end for a noobie, the latest is that I found little grains at the bottom of my Ionic bloom not my reservoir but in the bottle of nutes I have no idea how it got there or what caused it. Ive noticed some copper like spots on the leaves, assuming it has affected the plants they are currently in the process of flushing with only PHed water (no additives added not even hygrozyme) but only for 24hrs. Then Ill resume the schedule with "Vitalink MAX Bloom (2 part nutes)". And thats it for now Ill post pics soon.

If anyone has any experience with Vitalink nutrients please come forth I have a few quick questions for you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its a little overkill to flush for that long unless you ran really high nutrient concentrations.
I thought we are supposed to flush prior 2 weeks to harvest in hydro. My blueberrys are light feeder the MS is always @ 1.5/1000PPM so for what duration would be an ideal flush period for these girls?


Well-Known Member
Here are some quick snap shots of the grow op, as you can see one of them has decided to turn rouge Im not sure if the discolouration is just due to genetics or if its an indication of some sort hopefully one of you guys can diagnose it.



Well-Known Member
well, since your in week 7 of fruiting, my guess is that this one plant is just extracting the last of nutrients from the leaves, as for the particular reddish colour, i think mybe genetic but nothing to worry about. But your leaves seem to have been hanging droopy from the start of your grow, the buds seem fine but i wonder, maybe your ph is off?


Well-Known Member
well, since your in week 7 of fruiting, my guess is that this one plant is just extracting the last of nutrients from the leaves, as for the particular reddish colour, i think mybe genetic but nothing to worry about. But your leaves seem to have been hanging droopy from the start of your grow, the buds seem fine but i wonder, maybe your ph is off?
Its at 6.2, but recently I flushed them & started feeding then Vitalink nutes (2 part) maybe next grow Ill try lowering the PH a little to compare the differences.


Well-Known Member
Another update...

The top colas & calyxs & getting nice & chunky.
I read a thread about harvesting when the buds are ripe & hairs recede instead of ONLY looking at trichome complexion, by the looks of these hairs I guessing the girls have a good 3 weeks remaining.



Well-Known Member
I just read about half your journal and I can see why you would think that there might be an environmental problem. I also noted though that you have been running a very high ph (6+ sometimes as high as 8) for most of this grow and that can certainly give you the lookouts that were apparent during early veg. It can very well be a combination of new grow room (building materials) and high ph which makes it even more difficult to diagnose. Sorry mate, I would just keep a couple of control plants outside the grow chamber during next veg and see if the ones inside the grow space are affected in a negative way. I would consider a lower ph of 5.6-6.0 in Hydro.

Good luck Pro, I know how frustrating this can be ;)
