The End of America by Naimi Wolf


Well-Known Member
This film does such an excellent job explaining how history repeats itself and goes into detail on how America has changed in the past 20 years. We are absolutely living in a police state yet somehow the majority of the population fail to see this. It is only one hour long and does a wonderful job touching on the similiarites of other dictators (Stalin, Hitler, Sadam) and our current administrations. Highly recommended. Has anyone viewed this yet? Here is a link to the video and the description they provided:

"In a stunning indictment of sweeping policy changes during the Bush years, author Naomi Wolf makes a chilling case that American democracy is under threat.

Investigating parallels between our current situation and the rise of dictators and fascism in once-free societies, Wolf uncovers a number of deeply unsettling similarities -- from the use of paramilitary groups and secret prisons to the targeted suspension of the rule of law. With this galvanizing call to arms based on her recent book, she urges regular citizens to take back our legacy of freedom and justice."


Well-Known Member
sounds interesting man. im going to bookmark it and watch it sometime this week. i thought i've seen about every movie like this... guess not..

EDIT: watched the first 40 min. of it... very good so far. finish the rest tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
ViRedd, why in the world would I turn on Glenn Beck?

Cheers Gordon, glad someone got as much from this film as I did. It is information some of us already know but the historical comparisons are really impacting.


Well-Known Member
ViRedd, why in the world would I turn on Glenn Beck?

Cheers Gordon, glad someone got as much from this film as I did. It is information some of us already know but the historical comparisons are really impacting.
Because Vi doesn't have a sound card for his computer and he doesn't want to except anything that doesn't fit into his little conservative box.
Glenn Beck is nothing but a Republican tool, although he claims to be an independent.


Well-Known Member
Because Vi doesn't have a sound card for his computer and he doesn't want to except anything that doesn't fit into his little conservative box.
Glenn Beck is nothing but a Republican tool, although he claims to be an independent.
Yes, and you're nothing but a Democrat Tool, what is your point, Dank? I mean besides the continuous Ad Hominid Attacks against any one that you disagree with?


Well-Known Member
Naomi Wolf is on the Alex Jones show today. Just started listening. The discussions today were VERY important. Worth your time.


New Member
The reason I suggested watching Glenn Beck, is because he has been chronicling our nation's slide into fascism. It started with President Wilson (Federal Reserve and the income tax), then to FDR (Social Security, minimum wage, confiscation of gold, the withholding tax and make-work programs). Then with LBJ's War on Poverty and Great Society. Then on to George Bush (privacy rights) ... and now Obama with CEO pay, government ownership of the banking system, insurance companies and auto companies.


PS: Dank ... for once, put your nonsense aside and smell the coffee.


Well-Known Member
Naomi Wolf is an absolute lunatic. She also said during Bush's rule that he had a "secret private army" which he was going to release on the public at the end of the election season to retain his rule with an iron fist.... wait... he just politely stepped down didn't he?


Well-Known Member
This film does such an excellent job explaining how history repeats itself and goes into detail on how America has changed in the past 20 years. We are absolutely living in a police state yet somehow the majority of the population fail to see this. It is only one hour long and does a wonderful job touching on the similiarites of other dictators (Stalin, Hitler, Sadam) and our current administrations. Highly recommended. Has anyone viewed this yet? Here is a link to the video and the description they provided:

"In a stunning indictment of sweeping policy changes during the Bush years, author Naomi Wolf makes a chilling case that American democracy is under threat.

Investigating parallels between our current situation and the rise of dictators and fascism in once-free societies, Wolf uncovers a number of deeply unsettling similarities -- from the use of paramilitary groups and secret prisons to the targeted suspension of the rule of law. With this galvanizing call to arms based on her recent book, she urges regular citizens to take back our legacy of freedom and justice."

I thought we still had the ability to vote and get rid of a bad administration? Are you talking about the US?


New Member
I thought we still had the ability to vote and get rid of a bad administration? Are you talking about the US?
Of course we have the ability to vote ... we also have developed an entitlement mentality. So, what that means is, the citizen votes him/herself perks from the public treasury ... and keep those in power who promise more perks.

Its time for Americans to wake up before all is lost.



New Member
Naomi Wolf is an absolute lunatic. She also said during Bush's rule that he had a "secret private army" which he was going to release on the public at the end of the election season to retain his rule with an iron fist.... wait... he just politely stepped down didn't he?
Uhhhh, Blackwater still exists. I think it's called XI or some stupid thing now. I believe it is tied to the Bush regime, and may be getting ready to work in the US. I can only hope Obama stops this madness, We'll see. BTW Naomi wolf only projects the obvious. There is a progression of tyrany happening in this country. Obama must reverse the trend.


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh, Blackwater still exists. I think it's called XI or some stupid thing now. I believe it is tied to the Bush regime, and may be getting ready to work in the US. I can only hope Obama stops this madness, We'll see. BTW Naomi wolf only projects the obvious. There is a progression of tyrany happening in this country. Obama must reverse the trend.
She wasn't referring to Blackwater... George Bush tried to use Blackwater as his private force, but it didn't work out. Instead there was a small clause written into his bank bailout package which gave him jurisdiction over 1000 us troops solely at his disposal. Naomi Wolf was ranting on and on about how GWB would not relinquish power.... and again NOTHING happened. Lady is a raving paranoid lunatic.

Anyway, look it up before being all "um..." and implying you have done the research :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I didn't get the feeling she was ranting at any point in her presentation or in other interviews I've seen. She does only discuss the obvious, but I feel has a pretty good grasp of the the past, present and what awaits us in the future if something or someone doesn't intervene. A raving paranoid lunatic? and the reason you believe this is.......


Well-Known Member
Primarily because she raves on and on and on like a lunatic and is entirely paranoid that nothing will intervene. Also, her little "predictions" never come to pass...


New Member
She wasn't referring to Blackwater... George Bush tried to use Blackwater as his private force, but it didn't work out. Instead there was a small clause written into his bank bailout package which gave him jurisdiction over 1000 us troops solely at his disposal. Naomi Wolf was ranting on and on about how GWB would not relinquish power.... and again NOTHING happened. Lady is a raving paranoid lunatic.

Anyway, look it up before being all "um..." and implying you have done the research :mrgreen:
Research, research, we don't need no stinkin research. Bush, Like Nixon, would have loved to be the president forever. Power is addictive. As he once said, "it would be much easier if this were a dictatorship", gotta give him credit, he tried. Say, do you enjoy being teabagged??~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Research, research, we don't need no stinkin research. Bush, Like Nixon, would have loved to be the president forever. Power is addictive. As he once said, "it would be much easier if this were a dictatorship", gotta give him credit, he tried. Say, do you enjoy being teabagged??~LOL~.
and wat a quote that was... i would empty my bank account in order to have one hour with that dude :fire: