1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
Yea i know...the last thing i need is them trapsing in and out,not sure what they are doing yet though...it might be external but it's still gunna be a pain in the arse!
I'm getting well excited!!!!!...the smell is awesome.Pistils are just starting to turn brown and they're getting really sticky now....Grow for Daddeh :)
I'm gunna let the bagseed go to about 6 nodes then chop them off at the second node,gunna flower them at 10inches so i can keep them at around 2 1/2ft for maximum light penetration.Thats the plan anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey all
Heres my weekend update as per usual...i will get some shots of individual plants tomorrow when theres better light....


Pics 1-3 group shots
Pic 4 Bagseed on the go ;)


Pics 5-8 Individual Cola's
Pic 9-10 Randomness

Erm not much to say really apart from they are looking a bit droopy as they are due a feed in the morning
Happy Camper :)

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking fat and frosty. What's in the cups again? Are you doing 12/12 from seed? You might want to wrap some duct tape or something around the cups if they are clear. Roots HATE light.


Well-Known Member
they look fucking awesome dude!!! i wish i'd let one of my ww's grow au naturellle like yours. they're so healthy you've done an amazing job! you can really see them frosting up.
i'm starting my jounal in the morning. i got usb cable for my phone so i can put pics up a bit easier.
i'll have to work out how you do a journal, i should be able to but i am a novice with computers.
if i get busted i'll feel like such a doughnut!! my instinct tells me not to do one, but i posted pics of my harvest, so if i was a target i would've got a visit then coz i probably would've got a bit of bird for that ammount. i'm quite stoned atm so i'm a bit paranoid...


Well-Known Member
tnx westy,ive been looking at yours today and that super skunk looks mouth watering!
Hi Mared,the bagseed im not too sure about tbh mate.They were in a bag of bud my best mate bought so we'll see how they grow...i probably wont get through the full grow and thats why bagseed has been potted.Let's hope i get 4 girls.
I'm doing an 18/6 on the pots,im just utilising the 400w for 12 hrs and move them over to 2x20w CFLS(100w output each) for the other 6 hours.The cups are covered with black insulation tape ;)


Well-Known Member
Cheers Oscar,i go through the paranoid bit nearly every other night...it don't help smoking dope and watching crime busters uk though haha.
I'm not sure how true it is but ive read on a legal site somewhere that its unlikely that you would got to jail for 5 plants..Can anybody verify the laws concerning cultivation in the u.k?


Well-Known Member
i had 10oz in oz bags so the old bill would've had me on intent to supply even though i have no intention of selling it.
did you see crimebusters when that copper smelled it in the street and they kicked the door in and found an old chinese woman in there watching the telly. they were in that street nicking a car thief and the copper just caught a wiff of it in the wind and followed his nose. glad i've got a carbon filter now...


Well-Known Member
I've started my journal now Krimes, if i get busted i blame you.. lol. its called "a grow journal, nuff said" i hope you'll check it out every now and then.
I've been looking at your latest pics again and i can't praise you enough, FANFUCKINTASTIC!!! i hope mine turn out half as healthy as yours

mr west

Well-Known Member
I've started my journal now Krimes, if i get busted i blame you.. lol. its called "a grow journal, nuff said" i hope you'll check it out every now and then.
I've been looking at your latest pics again and i can't praise you enough, FANFUCKINTASTIC!!! i hope mine turn out half as healthy as yours
Dude, do us a favor and give us a link to ya new jurnal, ive started smoking now and canny be botherd with searching. Cheers mate puff puff pass>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
morning oscar,copy and paste the address of it in your signature.
Man you got nuthin as regards to growing weed,10 oz off 2 plants is damn impressive...i can only aspire ;)
As for getting busted....well we all know the risk we take growing....use a proxy to hide your ip.

dr easer

Active Member
so it took your babies from sept. 2 through oct 2 to sprout? mine are on about a week and no sprouts yet. i'm not sure if this is expected or what.


Well-Known Member
i don't know how to put a link in, but i'll give it a go now. i am thick as fuck with computers..lol proxy, ip???


Well-Known Member
i don't know how to put a link in, but i'll give it a go now. i am thick as fuck with computers..lol
go to your journal,highlight the address in your url bar and right click.press copy..then go to Myrollitup,on the left hand side click on edit signature,right click and paste the address from your journal


Well-Known Member
google proxy servers and have a read...they mask your i.p so you cant be traced without damn reasonable effort


Well-Known Member
jesus fucking christ i am so thick!! its on the 1st page of grow journals for now, i'll try and do it again later, its doing my fucking head in. there's not much in it atm.
thanks for trying help. Oscar..


Well-Known Member
Ok,maybe i didnt explain it too good man.
go to your journal page,right click your mouse on the address bar in your web browser at the top of the page and press "copy".
Now go to your "myrollitup" where all your subscribed threads are..on the left hand side press on edit signature,when the page opens right click on where you put your signature and press "paste"...make sure you save changes before you come out of there...its as easy as that but i guess picking your own nose is kinda hard after a few joints of white widow ;)
