Super Thrive & Flowering?


Well-Known Member
I'm 21 days into flowering and have read that some people use super thrive every water. Is it recommended to use super thrive while flowering?

If so, how much of it and how frequently? Right now I'm alternating between flowering nutes and regular water with 1 table spoon of molasses.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I'm 21 days into flowering and have read that some people use super thrive every water. Is it recommended to use super thrive while flowering?

If so, how much of it and how frequently? Right now I'm alternating between flowering nutes and regular water with 1 table spoon of molasses.
its not recommended but you can use it during flower. you can use it every watering and feeding, as its not a nute.its a hormone:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm 21 days into flowering and have read that some people use super thrive every water. Is it recommended to use super thrive while flowering?

If so, how much of it and how frequently? Right now I'm alternating between flowering nutes and regular water with 1 table spoon of molasses.
Hey man I use superthrive every watering. I start using it from seed/clone, and I use for every watering except for flushing.
I use about 5-15 drops per gallon.
If Im using alot of nutes, I use 15 drops. If Im using no nutes at all, I use about 5 drops of superthrive.
I dont know if thats how its supposed to be done, but that how I do it. I love the results. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I use st all of the time. you shouldnt use it in the first couple weeks of flower but its ok after that. I use it the entire grow and always have nice strong plants. just a few drops a gallon is all you need. and yes you use it every watering.


Well-Known Member
i've used it all during flowering, few drops less than 1ml per gal.

i'm in week 7 and i think i'm gonna stop using it now.


Well-Known Member
I use superthrive to start the plants off,and i use it along with my veg nutrients and my floering the only time that i don't is during the last few week say lasy 2 because i want the nutrients out in the final week.


Well-Known Member
I use superthrive to start the plants off,and i use it along with my veg nutrients and my floering the only time that i don't is during the last few week say lasy 2 because i want the nutrients out in the final week.
I've only been using it for cuttings and seedlings. Still debating whether to start using it in flowering...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I've only been using it for cuttings and seedlings. Still debating whether to start using it in flowering...
don't be afraid to use during flower. there is no fertilizers in it, it is just vitamens and hormones. it is concentrated so do go by derictonson bottle.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i read 2 bad things about st
1)st may cause to strech your plants too much
2) st can bring about " hermi " issue if it is used in flowering period.


Well-Known Member
It's basically vitamin B1 and NAA which is the same ingredient in La Femme which is a female hormone spray.
I use it a lot but have seen quite a few posts from people who say it causes airy buds.
I don't personally know if this is true, but I haven't used it during flowering because of that reason.:joint:


Active Member
I went to walmart yesterday to pick some up,i use it every watering...and they told me they couldnt sell it too me cuz it was on recall!
anyone else have this issue yet?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I went to walmart yesterday to pick some up,i use it every watering...and they told me they couldnt sell it too me cuz it was on recall!
anyone else have this issue yet?
yes they took it offthe shelves here in oregon. they willrelable it and it wellbe back as a diffrent name. far as i no cali still has it on the shelf