Time to clone? pic


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals. I have two plants approximately 1 month old from seed.
The strain is Bubba's Kush x Deep Chunk.
I want to clone these beauties and find out which one is a female.
Is it too early to clone? Should I wait a few more weeks?
And if I do clone them, should I flower these two plants, or should I wait until the clones root and then flower the clones?



Well-Known Member
I would wait until they get bigger, give you something to clone. Wait another month and let them fill out , then clone and wait a week or 2 and make sure your clones get roots, then flower the big ones.


Well-Known Member
well wait a few weeks until you are able to take a few more cuttings, that way you can choose a good mother plant from the clones you've taken......and it should not take as long to flower your present two plants, so you can determine their sex.....save yourself valuable time if they are a couple of males.

best of luck


Well-Known Member
im just an observer and imo it looks as if your over/under watering ...i had plants that looked like your's ..and i think it was the temps @ my roots..but i would wait till it gets bigger before you clone.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
If you're comfortable with your cloning skills, clone the bottom 2 shutes off your plants now. Mark them for ID and flower the 2 plants you have. Keep the clones off any female you may have for mothers, or flower 1 each if both are female, keeping 1 each in reserve for mothers. You'll know where you stand sooner.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
im just an observer and imo it looks as if your over/under watering ...i had plants that looked like your's ..and i think it was the temps @ my roots..but i would wait till it gets bigger before you clone.
Hey thanks for the help. Much appreciated. Actually I just transplanted about 4 days before I took that picture, so I think they were adjusting to their new home.
They have perked up pretty good since.

If you're comfortable with your cloning skills, clone the bottom 2 shutes off your plants now. Mark them for ID and flower the 2 plants you have. Keep the clones off any female you may have for mothers, or flower 1 each if both are female, keeping 1 each in reserve for mothers. You'll know where you stand sooner.
Good luck.
To tell you the truth.... Ive never cloned before today.
Its been about a week since I posted that picture, and I really wanted to try my hand at cloning. So I bought some liquid cloning stuff, a humidity dome and a spray bottle. I cut two shutes off the bottom of both plants like I have seen others do here at rollitup. I used 50% coco coir 50% fox farm oceans forrest and put them in plastic red dixie cups.
Should I put these clones in 24 hours light or leave them in the current 18/6 light cycle? Im pretty sure I can leave them in the current 18/6 light cycle with the mother plants. Right?
Anyways thanks for your help guys. I hope my first cloning is a success!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes your going to want to wait a bit longer so you can get better clones and more of them.


Well-Known Member
yes you can leave them at 18/6...they will be just fine..hope your cloning thumb be green my friend..VV


Well-Known Member
Hows it going man.... finally someone who can take some advice without freaking out like half the people do. Agree with everyone else and yes you should wait longer.bongsmilie And remember the clones are NOT the big fan leaves there the little plant looking shoot offs.


Well-Known Member
Ok I took 2 cuttings from both plants April 12, about 5 days ago. I think I have had success.
Out of the four I cut....
clone #1 is looking great! It has actually grown bigger.
clone #2 & 3 are looking great!
clone #4 is really droopy. Hopefully it will survive.. Time will tell.
I plan on transplanting the clones in two weeks. I will get a good look at the roots, and then I will flower the parent plants to determine sex. They have both doubled in size since I started this thread two weeks ago. This is the longest I have ever vegged my plants. Im hoping to get a decent yeild!


Well-Known Member
Hey I do have a question. About lighting... Again.
Can I flip the light period from night/day to day/night?
My Flower Room light comes on at 10am and shuts off at 10pm. I have three plants in there right now.
The clones and their parents light comes on at 7pm and turns off at 1pm. Since the summer is almost here, I thought it would be easier to cool the hot lights at night. Thats why.
So does anyone have experience with this? I searched the faq and some threads, but didnt see this exact question. soooooo...


Well-Known Member
Looks like it needs more light
Haha are you judging the amount of light I have from that picture I posted? Cause thats just dumb to think I only have one 23 watt cfl! Haha:weed:
But seriously. can I flip the light schedule from night/day to day/night like that?
From 7pm-1pm
To 10am-10pm?


Well-Known Member
The worst thing that will happen is my big plants that Ive been vegging for months will turn hermie. Which would be really really bad. So I want to avoid that if at all possible. What if I put them into darkness for 24 hours before swtiching the light from day/night to night/day. Hmmm maybe


Well-Known Member
Wow dude those suckers really grew!! I just saw an updated photo you posted today in another thread!
Very nice, What lights are you using by the way?