2 months and its only 8 inches tall


my plant is a trainwreck its 2 or 3 months old it only has 2 leaves and it looks like a palm. its under a plant light the blue ones that are made for plants and its in a deepish pot


Well-Known Member
its stretching because it doesnt have enough light move your light as close as you can a good way to tell if its to hot for your plant is to put your hand under the light if it burns your hand it will burn your plant


Well-Known Member
its stretching because it doesnt have enough light move your light as close as you can a good way to tell if its to hot for your plant is to put your hand under the light if it burns your hand it will burn your plant
how do you know that without pics? it could be rootbound


Well-Known Member
Get a better light. Maybe better soil too. Mainly the light. I've never heard of those plant lights actually working. Is blue light even good for a bud plant?


Well-Known Member
Get a better light. Maybe better soil too. Mainly the light. I've never heard of those plant lights actually working. Is blue light even good for a bud plant?
no, that's why people use HPS, plants absorb more of the red spectrum during flowering


Well-Known Member
Throw away the plant light, they are complete garbage as you can now see. It's not because it's rootbound, but there could be other issued we don't know about.

Even if there are other issues, the plant light has to go. Do not even use it after you get other lights. (HPS, Metal Halide, CFL's or even standard 4' shoplight flourescents. Any of those are worlds better than what you have.

Take a look at this pic, this is a 2 month old plant that's been raised under two 250w Metal Halide lights that used to be in a school gymnasium and which I got for free off craigslist: Notice it's in a 16oz cup... Rootbound or not plants still grow.



Well-Known Member
The light just needs more light get some cfl's or a couple of small flouresnts these are not exspensive make sure that you get daylight tubes get one cool tube and one warm. The warm one will add a little heat.get the lights inces off the top of the plant you want compact internodes.leggy plant are no good utilise the little light that you have if possible get a couple or 4 would be great and wall mount these around the plant.this will give you max yeiled for the light used.get cfl's 150watt energy saveing this will not increase the bill by much.i have seen 6 ounce dry grown on 1 plant done this way,but if you are gonna grow you will need a small cloneing room so your ready to go straight after the first plant has finished.watch the dvd on grow more bud not sure if its dvd 1.2.3 but these are realy worth a watch on you tube its called low buget grow.then get some h.p.s/h.i.d lights after your first grow.