im beginner, help me to learn alittle bit more.


Active Member
no I didnt germinate it ... ive never had a succesful germination even using the "plate method and the paper towel"

I just poked a hole in soil and put a seed a inch in the soil... This is my first ever growing ANYTHING or creating new high srry. anywayyyy i did that and covered the small hole and watered it until the soil was soaked. now im guessing ill wait until the seed comes out the ground. cuz I got the light set up from 7 in mornin to 7 at night. thats when it gets sunrise here and gets sunset. will it grow?.. or do i have to germinate it?

Edit: ohhh i forgot to ask... do plants hate heat?. cuz i got it in a 3x3 closet with no ventalation in it.. just the bottom of the door... i opened the door today and the heat beamed out on me and almost knocked my eyeballs out. It wasnt too hot but enough to make you say... ehh its hot in here, turn on the air condition.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
to be honest I have never had success with just putting a seed in the dirt. You have to germinate the seed before puttin it in the soil. Make sure you put the plates in a warm place like on top of the a tv or monitor. It usually takes about 1-3 days for them to crack. Ive had them crack in as little as 10 hours though


Active Member
so, I guess i will wait 4 days until I check on the seeds?

Edit: Ok, right when i saw ur post about asking if I germinated first... i started germinating some seeds.... just now after i posted, i checked on them and i seen theres like a little point of white sticking out of the seed and it looks kinda cracked open. I planted it. I have a question... how many hours a day should I leave the light on? 400w hps ballast. I work night shift and my 1 room apartment is hot when the light is on, anyway I would like for someone to give me a time frame I should set my light to turn on and off becuz I prefer to not be in my room while its warm as hell. soooo I start work at 7:00pm and I get home at 6:30am. I dont mind having the light on in the morning cuz thats when i get my morning high and i dont feel shit.


Well-Known Member
so, I guess i will wait 4 days until I check on the seeds?

I have a question... how many hours a day should I leave the light on? 400w hps ballast. I work night shift and my 1 room apartment is hot when the light is on, anyway I would like for someone to give me a time frame I should set my light to turn on and off becuz I prefer to not be in my room while its warm as hell. soooo I start work at 7:00pm and I get home at 6:30am. I dont mind having the light on in the morning cuz thats when i get my morning high and i dont feel shit.
You need to keep your lights on at least 18 hours a day, some will even go 24 hours for several weeks. Hope you invested in a air cooled reflector. If the heats bothering you, you can bet the the plants are feeling it as well.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
^^ for sure get your temps down.
Since you work night shift anyway maybe you should have your lights turn on at night to keep the heat down.
HPS I would keep it down to a 18hr cycle just because of the energy cost. I do 24 hours under t5's and flouros then move to a hps(12/12) to save money


Active Member
how much more money will the electric bill go up if i leave it on 18 hrs a day? 400 watt hps ballast


Well-Known Member
how much more money will the electric bill go up if i leave it on 18 hrs a day? 400 watt hps ballast
Can't say how much your bill will go up, but keep in mind that the plants need at least 18 hours of light to remain in the vegitative state. If your going less, your going straight into flowering. Alot of guys will go straight into flowering with rooted clones, but starting with seedlings they will never mature enough to produce much bud.


Active Member
Can't say how much your bill will go up, but keep in mind that the plants need at least 18 hours of light to remain in the vegitative state. If your going less, your going straight into flowering. Alot of guys will go straight into flowering with rooted clones, but starting with seedlings they will never mature enough to produce much bud.

so wut if i keep it 7pm to 7am... will the weed still make me high?

please give me estimation on how much my electricity bill will go up :leaf::spew:

EDIT: If yes... the weed will make me high... thennn how long should I keep these plants alive until I harvesst them?.... and how much bud or weed u think that they will produce once its time to harvest?....... most likely I will change it to 18 hrs a day if the bill dont go up that much but please answer my questions. Thank you I love you Mary Jane...

OH YEAH!!!! please tell me wut clones r xD cuz i dunno wtf u talkin about when u talk bout rooted clones

Edit #2: kk.. lol im so high but I still am thinking how I can make this grow good....after I germinated and the little white tip sticks out of the seed... how many days will it take until the plant comes out of the soil? ok... so how many weeks should I leave my lights on 24 hours?... i want this to be a good grow please give every tip because I wanna get the best results even though i am beginner. Thank you so much for replying to my threads . I love you all just like my homeboys that stay in my neighborhood in SW . thank you for getting me started and everything you suggest to me. Thank you seriously.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Time of day has nothing to do with the quality of your pot. If you convince the plants that 7pm is when the sun comes up then they wont know any better. As long as they are getting their steady 12hrs of darkness, then they will flower just fine. I have read about people changing their light cycle in flowering but thats more advanced and wouldnt try it yet.Just stick with the 12/12 once you get into flowering.
The veg lights are up to you really. Some people say that 24hrs is better and some say 18hrs is better. It doesnt seem to matter much really. I noticed my plants do grow a little bit faster with 24hrs though

I am pushing about 1000w total watts between my two rooms and I have lots of other things, fans, humidifier, heater(for winter time). My energy bill is about $15 a month more. Its really not that much and I wouldnt worry to much about it. Its just one of those things my ol' lady bitches about so I gotta watch it lol

As far as when to harvest them you should go off the color of the trichomes(crystals on the buds). Thats when you know when to harvest. here is a good picture of the trichomes.

This is what actually contains the THC and other canabanoids in the bud. These little mushroom lookin crystals turn color from clear to cloudy to an amber color.
You can see some clear and some cloudy in this picture. The clear ones are not activated yet, so if you were to harvest a plant when its all clear it wouldnt get you high and would probably give you a headache.
When to harvest is all about your prefferences. If you harvest the plant when the trichomes are mostly cloudy you will get more or a head high or a energetic high. If you wait for them to turn an amber color then you will get that stronger body high that will sometimes put me to sleep lol
so its all up to you. Some people sample buds a couple times to see what they like best

Oh and clones. Clones are just cutting from any plant that you rooted and made into its own plant. You can take 20 cutting(branches or grow tips) off a plant and grow all out as plants that are idencital to their "mother". So if you have a really great plant that you want to have around for a while, cloning is the way to go. I make sure my cutting are at least 3" and some people go for more like 8". Its probably something you will have to read up on before you try it.


Active Member
so I should wait until the buds are a amber color untill I harvest them... cuz that means that they are ready to smoke to get me high huh? so i cut alittle bit of the branch and plant it to make clones?.... should I use a mature plant or a young plant?.... Thank you so much

So since my germinated seedling hasnt broke the surface yet... I should use 24 hour light for how many weeks?

should I keep the soil really really moist until the seedling breaks the dirt?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Dont worry about harvest until you get close to that. When I started I read up on germing then I read up on vegging and right before I put my first batch into flowering I read up on that.
Take it one step at a time so you dont over load yourself with info.

I usually spray my seedling for the first week or so. After the first watering wait till the top of the soil is dry before watering again. Then I just water by spraying them for the first week or so

Check this book out. Its got pretty much everything you would need to know to get going,M1,M1


Active Member
holy shit.... it broke the soil like the next day after my last post.... it feels good to know that I actually created this from a small seed and it keeps getting bigger and bigger... i bought some organic fertilizer spikes from the store and I put one in the soil so the plant will be happy.... its a beautiful green seedling. How often should I keep it watered? ive been watering it everyday. k... im starting to leave the light on 24 hrs a day. the plant seems to be growing alittle or moving alittle everyday. What else do you suggest on keeping this plant alive and well. and any extra advice?


Active Member
hmmm cmon guys im excited on what you all have to say .... i dun wanna read a book. i wanna see it from the experts theirselves

Anyway how does mary jane grow 24 hours a day 7 days a week without resting?... its amazing ? O_O


Active Member
Im just wondering if my closet grow room looks good? it has air going in and out giving my plant fresh air and (N) and i water it when ever the soul look dry so what you think


Active Member
it looks decent enough to grow... mine is just a closet with white wallpaper and white ceramic tiles. all i had to do wuz hang up the light and there it wuz.


Active Member
now im starting to see the 3 leaves on each side of the seedling... Now I understand how the marijuana leaf is. It seems that the 3 leaves on each side will join together and will create the marijuana leaf that is so famous huh ?

I was also wondering.... when my plant starts to get big and mature.... Is it safe to leave the light on 24 hours a day like im doing now?... or will that kill the plant?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
No the leaves get more figure as the plant grows. 1 then 3 then 5 then 7 then 9 and even 11 fingures. I have had plant that go straight from 1 to 5 fingers leaves though so its not set in stone. I have noticed that all of my plant that go straight from 1 finger to 5 finger were females. It was on a certain strain so maybe it was just those seeds
I leave my veg room on a 24 hour cycle. They like it\
It seems to speed everything up for me. Some people say that they need rest but I havent had problems so far


Active Member
No the leaves get more figure as the plant grows. 1 then 3 then 5 then 7 then 9 and even 11 fingures. I have had plant that go straight from 1 to 5 fingers leaves though so its not set in stone. I have noticed that all of my plant that go straight from 1 finger to 5 finger were females. It was on a certain strain so maybe it was just those seeds
I leave my veg room on a 24 hour cycle. They like it\
It seems to speed everything up for me. Some people say that they need rest but I havent had problems so far

oh cool... so what gender do u think my seedling is ?.. it seems my plant has alot of little leaves coming from the center... i figured that the leaves would join together. i can count 14 leaves coming from the center.. just small little leaves ... is this still the early stage of development for the seedling?

edit: well of course it is because april 2 is when my seedling first popped out of the soil.... cuz i just looked at the calender. how much more time u think it will take for the beautiful marijuana leaves to come out and dazzle me with their beauty? Ive been watering my seedling every day.. should I water every other day?.... after 2 days the soil is totally dry. THANK GOD my land lady got a small air condition and I put it in my window. I wuz complainin bout the heat xD!!!! and she is thinking its her central air.. soooo today I blocked off the vents like she told me and she gave me a air condition.. ITS PERFECT IN HERE!!!! Oh yeah.. and I do leave my light on 24 hours a day... anyway.. when my plant gets mature.. is it safe to leave the light on 24 hours a day?... or will it kill the plant..? :mrgreen::bigjoint: