Too much Fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
I have just planted two plants in the ground with a handful of bloodmeal mixed in the hole. I also fertilize 1/2 strength miricle gro 18-18-21 tomato food once weekly. Would it be to much if I also added a little fish emulsion? I want them to be healthy without over fertilizing. Please help

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I have just planted two plants in the ground with a handful of bloodmeal mixed in the hole. I also fertilize 1/2 strength miricle gro 18-18-21 tomato food once weekly. Would it be to much if I also added a little fish emulsion? I want them to be healthy without over fertilizing. Please help
how big are they?


Well-Known Member
there only about 6 inches tall. I was going to wait until they get a foot tall before I start adding the fish emulsion. I just dont know if that is too much

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
there only about 6 inches tall. I was going to wait until they get a foot tall before I start adding the fish emulsion. I just dont know if that is too much
my mix is a cap full per gallon. just be careful not to over due or you'll burn em up. I would wait on fish emulsions, for they really aren't big enough for it.n (imo) the fish emulsion I got is powerful on bigger plants.


Well-Known Member
Its not a good idea to use Organic Fertilizers with Chemical Fertilizers.

The salts in the chemical nutes can kill your microherd causing a lockout of any organically derived nutes.

Its not gonnna hurt anything really, just a waste of your money and bloodmeal.

Stick with just the tomato food you have. But think about going totally organic next time :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'd do one nute at a time and wait a couple of days to see how the plant reacts...
More doesn't mean more weed... and too much means dead.. plus at 6" they're still young and that sounds like a lot of nute..
Are you near woods...pests...?? I read that bloodmeal used outside can attract animals... I don't know if true... just putting something I read out there for consideration/debate.


Well-Known Member
ya I will wait until they are at least a few feet tall. I heard that to about the blood meal so I put little mesh fences around them to keep out all the critters. 3 days after adding the bloodmeal they all noticibly greened up. I just have to relax and learn as much as i can. Its my first grow and I have high hopes if u kno what im saying. lol

South Texas

Well-Known Member
1/4TH the normal nute solution for 10 inch plants or a little bigger. Chem ferts is playing with fire. The bloodmeal is high in nitro, like the fish stuff. Go easy.