2nd yr outdoor Thai HazexSkunkII tripod super crop experiment

be more curious

New Member
This is my 2nd year growing out doors and I will post my pictures of first years success and this years progress. I am trying to grow a tripod of super cropping. Three plants sprout in a triangle and off those three I will be bending each to form a massive cone. The reason is that I want a short fat high yielding crop this year. I only have until Oct. then I have to move so short and sweet season for me.
Please rep me and I will do the same to you. New to site but not to growing.

This is the start to my plan..layout


be more curious

New Member
haha I love brutal honesty. Yeah it was first year, and the curing proses will get needed improvement. I never intended to sell, so when it comes by the pound..I tend to forget bag appearance.

be more curious

New Member
I had to move the plants indoors, caught my damn neighbors in the corner where I am growing. Yeah they said "it cool, we won't tell.." translating into Ill rob you when the time is right.

I have them under two 24" cfl tubes. One is 2700k other is 4700k to help light spectrum. 18/6 light cycle and well ventilated because of the shitty box I made. My bro came by and told me about a screen growing process to help out the super cropping tops to find a spot to bud out of screen holes (its spaced like chicken wire).
I still have worthless soil, I want to premix a pot for them but worried about shocking and killing the little guys. They are on day 23 what do you think? Transplant and hope for the best? or let them live in the semi-normal soil their in?
When is the earliest time to start flowering? Anyone recommend the 36 hours of dark prioir to flowing?



Well-Known Member
HURRY , switch the plants into there own pot.. the worst thing is when they get big their roots will own each other and then it will be hell getting them apart.. trust me .. best thing is have them in there own pot and they will be much healthier

be more curious

New Member
HURRY , switch the plants into there own pot.. the worst thing is when they get big their roots will own each other and then it will be hell getting them apart.. trust me .. best thing is have them in there own pot and they will be much healthier
I am worried about shock, but I have thought about that. Can you explain what you mean by roots "owning eatchother"? Nute recomindation to help reduce transplant shock??

be more curious

New Member
Well all three are transplanted, and I have was motivated to build a grow box (Rubbermaid) for the lil guys. It came Out so dope! One of the plants is the most deformed thing I have ever seen but I wont to see what happends to it anyway. I got to 4inch fans attacked to box, one intake one outtake. Same two bulbs. Got a temp/humid gauge.

What's the humidity supposed to be?

I am germin so more skunkII seeds I got from buddies. will have 6 plants altogether, but only two will have 2gal pots, out of cash and I have seen 16oz cups yield nice buds so wth I will try it. I will get some pics uploaded soon...

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
I've never heard of plants being grow so close.

I've always heard it's best not to. So you might want to be careful Columbus, your sailing into uncharted seas.

be more curious

New Member
added more light 2 23w 2600k and 2 27w 5700k CFL. Heat has increased from the steady 65 with the tubes. I am getting 85 degrees with 26% humidity, is this okay for the guys? I will check tonight and post soon the night temps as well as an overall avg of temp/humidity for a few days/nights.

be more curious

New Member
Plants are starting to smell, so I made a DIY Carbon scrubber for it. My temps went up 5-8 degrees i am topping out at 86 with lights on. Is this tolerable for them? Humidity is avg 40%, I need some other brains on my thread..lol

be more curious

New Member
well the plants suffered some heat stress two nights ago some how i got temperatures up to 97! well i am taking off the carbon filter for now and going to adjust my output fan to the top of the box and add some passive intake holes in the side/bottom of one side. Any input on carbon filers that can handle smell but not hinder air flow???


Active Member
well the plants suffered some heat stress two nights ago some how i got temperatures up to 97! well i am taking off the carbon filter for now and going to adjust my output fan to the top of the box and add some passive intake holes in the side/bottom of one side. Any input on carbon filers that can handle smell but not hinder air flow???
after reading thread, ive come to the conclusion you can grow, but you need some guidance. i recommend you get your temp down to 78-80 degrees this is key once your heat passes 90 degrees the photosynthesis process stops taking place. i dont know what to tell you about the smell i enjoy my house smelling of dank :joint: just get that temp down anyway you can cause that effects the yeild of your plants

be more curious

New Member
after reading thread, ive come to the conclusion you can grow, but you need some guidance. i recommend you get your temp down to 78-80 degrees this is key once your heat passes 90 degrees the photosynthesis process stops taking place. i dont know what to tell you about the smell i enjoy my house smelling of dank :joint: just get that temp down anyway you can cause that effects the yeild of your plants

Guidance always accepted. Temps are in the 80 again 82 - 86 plants are fine.



Active Member
does the DIY carbon filter cause them much air restriction in the exhaust? dang if so i gotta find a diff way cuz i have 2 pc fans and was about to make a filter myself