Here's the original thread incase anyone wanted to skim through it.
now i love you too. not that i didn't. you told him to take it back. good man.
Here's the original thread incase anyone wanted to skim through it.
There are many people in the state penitentiary/cemetary that would agree with you.peer pressure is a bitch.
if you really wanna mess with him go back and get the plant again then cut a clone out of it and put the clone in the place of where his plant was, that'll gettem goin
spot on!! thats wott i wont him to do, then get the rile owner to send in sum pic,s,,,,,You should leave a note and ask the victim to post here. See what their take on this sorid affair is.
Here is the red flag boys, if I had to bet my life on it I would say he never returned the plantsHey guys I apologize for robbing that mans Plant and never should have done it. I wasn't thinking at the time it happened. I took the plant back to the guys house and I put it where I took it from..Obviously didn't do it during the day cuz the guy would have killed me!! But I hope he is happy that he got his plant back. I have 2 of my own growing out back so I have no reason to go steal other peoples hard work..Soo I am very sorry for making u guys angry and I just want to be apart of this Forum like everyone else & grow the best marijuana with your guys help.
Very sorry, Hope you guys can Forgive me and my actions
ahahaaadid u at least get a cutting to clone and remind yourself of your wrong doing?