Compulsive Liar


Well-Known Member
[Lucas];2370953 said:
My story of bullshit comes right from RIU;

When I was In 7th Grade, I had started getting high. I loved it so much, In 8th Grade we smoked a fat joint before school. By the time Spanish class rolled around, I wanted to get high again, So I pulled out my pipe, loaded a bowl, and smoked some dank bud right in class. All the people around me covered there mouths, and one chick was like, "It smells like burning!". As my teacher looks, I blow a cloud of smoke out. I just denied it. I was like what smoke?, when she asked why I blew out smoke. Luckily she was some stupid fat chick. Im glad I didnt get caught, I had just bought 100 dollars worth of bud, and It was in my backpack.
I believed that guy as I myself used to smoke in class occasionally too. It was stupid, but fun hen I was young. Just because you wouldn't do it doesn't mean others wont.


Well-Known Member
I believed that guy as I myself used to smoke in class occasionally too. It was stupid, but fun hen I was young. Just because you wouldn't do it doesn't mean others wont.
You can say you did too and I will believe it tell you get retarded with it and post how the teacher asked what it was and you said nothing.


Active Member
lol gotta go with homeboy cruehead..not a stitch of that sounds plausable...
Yeah, sounds like a story one of my old friends told me, he said he would sit in class, put his sweater over his face and toke bowls in his shirt... In the middle of class, yaaaOK


Well-Known Member
I've smoked a joint with a past teacher. And I can tell that you've got a holier than thou attitude. I could tell you a thing or two that would shock you, and so could many many people on this forum. In my opinion your a young, immature and sheltered boy who hasn't yet experienced real life. Grow up.


Well-Known Member
<==fell outta chair in class trippin on mushrooms when was a kid. true got inj a lotta trouble too. as for smokin in class...plausible but not good


Well-Known Member
I've smoked a joint with a past teacher. And I can tell that you've got a holier than thou attitude. I could tell you a thing or two that would shock you, and so could many many people on this forum. In my opinion your a young, immature and sheltered boy who hasn't yet experienced real life. Grow up.
Danny, I realize your intelligence and am willing to help. I am going to show you how to distinguish the truth from the lies and everything in between. I will even color code it for you.

[Green]=Plausible [Red]=Bullshit [Yellow]=Sketchy, but possible.

When I was In 7th Grade, I had started getting high. I loved it so much, In 8th Grade we smoked a fat joint before school. By the time Spanish class rolled around, I wanted to get high again, So I pulled out my pipe, loaded a bowl, and smoked some dank bud right in class. All the people around me covered there mouths, and one chick was like, "It smells like burning!". As my teacher looks, I blow a cloud of smoke out. I just denied it. I was like what smoke?, when she asked why I blew out smoke. Luckily she was some stupid fat chick. Im glad I didnt get caught, I had just bought 100 dollars worth of bud, and It was in my backpack.

I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Man I HATE those IDIOTS that always make up bullshit, it pisses me off to see how freaking ignorant they are, and how obvious their lies are.....


Well-Known Member
i dont know it is hard to believe that you are so stupid you would try and smoke in class i mean if you get caught in my state that would be 6 months in another school, called A.E.P in my State, 6 months Probation about a 1000 dollar fine plus the money you have to pay every month to the probation officer and I know cuz my friend got caught not smoking but just with a half ounce and thats what he got.
and when you say you blew out a cloud of smoke and she said what was that and then nothing happened that sounds like bull i mean the chances
of no one snitching no one smelling the weed in class is pretty slim but i dont know you might of got lucky but its the way you explain it
that makes it sound like bullshit but like i said maybe its true but then again who cares.........

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
People who lie compulsively are usually trying to impress people.Everything that comes out of my ex's mouth is a lie,and any good jokes or put downs he got are all from me.He's just a despicable human being anyway, and I wish his head would hurry up and cave in so other people could have some of the oxygen he wastes with his open mouthed breathing.


Well-Known Member
People who lie compulsively are usually trying to impress people.Everything that comes out of my ex's mouth is a lie,and any good jokes or put downs he got are all from me.He's just a despicable human being anyway, and I wish his head would hurry up and cave in so other people could have some of the oxygen he wastes with his open mouthed breathing.
Wow thats pretty harsh


Well-Known Member
what gets to me the most when people lie to my face is that they must think im some fucking sap who will buy any shit they say!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but i dont have the heart to say "stop fucking lying man, thats complete bollox"


Well-Known Member
I have seen someone take a hit in class. Its plausible. It was just a tiny hit from a sneakatoke, and he held it in til there was no smoke, but still. Any other teacher would have smelled it and made the CPO's come and search everyone, but this teacher was utterly retarded. The highschool was short on English teachers and was obviously desparate, I mean she was not fit to be teaching first graders, so needless to say, sophomores ate her alive. I used to ask to go the bathroom at the beginning of class, and not come back and she wouldnt even notice. Or just walk out when she was at the board writing. ANd no one did anything in that class but talk and screw around, but everyone had A's and B's. I also had a friend say he took a rip during woodshop, which is definitely plausible just because of the fact it was a pretty big shop and it had a bunch of ventilation.

But to actually blow smoke out in front of a teacher and have her not do anything about it seems pretty implausible. Even my retarded 10th grade English teacher would have called the campus police at that point. I dont know though, stranger things have happened. Like dannyking said, I'm sure people here could tell you some pretty crazy true stories.

Back to the topic though, I definitely know a few compulsive liars. I have a friend that lies about the most retarded shit. And not little lies either, he'll make up whole stories that are completely bullshit. Or another thing he likes to do is steal stories from other people and put himself in their place. Its like stoney said, he just wants to impress people...but hes retarded so he needs to lie to do so.


New Member
I dated a guy back in HS (eons ago) that lied so much that he couldn't keep his lies straight. If you busted him out on a lie, he'd try to lie his way out of that.

It was easy to tell when he was lying, if his lips were moving and sound was coming out, it was a lie.


Well-Known Member
I have seen someone take a hit in class. Its plausible. It was just a tiny hit from a sneakatoke, and he held it in til there was no smoke, but still. Any other teacher would have smelled it and made the CPO's come and search everyone, but this teacher was utterly retarded. The highschool was short on English teachers and was obviously desparate, I mean she was not fit to be teaching first graders, so needless to say, sophomores ate her alive. I used to ask to go the bathroom at the beginning of class, and not come back and she wouldnt even notice. Or just walk out when she was at the board writing. ANd no one did anything in that class but talk and screw around, but everyone had A's and B's. I also had a friend say he took a rip during woodshop, which is definitely plausible just because of the fact it was a pretty big shop and it had a bunch of ventilation.

But to actually blow smoke out in front of a teacher and have her not do anything about it seems pretty implausible. Even my retarded 10th grade English teacher would have called the campus police at that point. I dont know though, stranger things have happened. Like dannyking said, I'm sure people here could tell you some pretty crazy true stories.

Back to the topic though, I definitely know a few compulsive liars. I have a friend that lies about the most retarded shit. And not little lies either, he'll make up whole stories that are completely bullshit. Or another thing he likes to do is steal stories from other people and put himself in their place. Its like stoney said, he just wants to impress people...but hes retarded so he needs to lie to do so.
This is the offical review of my color coded guide to busting Cruehead's story.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna clear some things up. I grew up in the hood. My school always smelled like weed. Between class periods, at least 4 or 5 kids would light up in the bathroom. These kids would get in fights with teachers, and be back at school a few days later. If you got smoking in the bathroom, you would have to call home, and a coupled days of being susspended. My Spanish teachers mother died in Mexico, and she quit. There was a few weeks left of school, So they had a temporary teacher when I did this. The lady didn't know English! Everything that happened, actually did happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna clear some things up. I grew up in the hood. My school always smelled like weed. Between class periods, at least 4 or 5 kids would light up in the bathroom. These kids would get in fights with teachers, and be back at school a few days later. If you got smoking in the bathroom, you would have to call home, and a coupled days of being susspended. My Spanish teachers mother died in Mexico, and she quit. There was a few weeks left of school, So they had a temporary teacher when I did this. The lady didn't know English! Everything that happened, actually did happen.
ok dude you can stop now