Any Morel Hunters?

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I have been hunting for them for years now.

I live right off the Blue Ridge Parkway so there are a lot of woods around. Probably going some time in the next week and we usually find a shit load of Ramps too!
My dad loves the ramps. I always pick a few for him, my wife doesn't even like em in the house. lol

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I've found several nice patches of tans in the past week or so. All of which have been under recently deceased elm and dogwood.


Active Member
i use to road trip out to montana to pick....hundreds of pounds we drunk at days end ate trout and morels in a pan

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Man oh Man is it rough hunting this year
The weeds got a jump on the shrooms makes it hard to find
we got about 5 Lbs but my back is killing me from bending over looking under the May apples


Well-Known Member

being the smart guy i am i always save my tenderloins and back straps until early summer-
whip those out for breakfast with morels and onions on a spring morning fishing trip and you will be a hero

not too many showing in mid michigan yet but rain starting friday for a week almost, that'll get things going
think mothers day


Well-Known Member
this is an interesting thread, i was actually getting dressed to go morel hunting right now! all my plants are vegging indoors so it's the perfect opportunity to get a better feal for my new growing area, which also happens to be my secret morel honey hole. over the next few weeks i'll be preparing my plots and nothing makes for a better excuse than a few orange mesh bags(like the kind onions come int) thats what morel pickers generally use and will give you an excuse to be sneaking around in the woods, as well as a reason to want to be secretive about exactly where your spots are.

if you go to they have a state by state reporting system for people to post how many and in what county they found them in, people have been finding them down south as much as 2 weeks ago and they are just popping here in minnesota this week, this weekend is supposed to be a good one!

here are a few pics of my catch from a few years ago, i found them in about half an hour while taking care of my seedlings...


Well-Known Member
my girl friend got me hunting mushrooms last yr. i have always hunted and been good with the outdoors. but we dont have many morels in my neck of the woods. last fall i found at least 50 hen of the woods. my guess is around 100lbs+. does anyone know of a good site to find pics of other edible mushrooms.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
we've had them on the go for peobably a month and a half now. as you say, damned tasy mother fuckers! pheasant breast in a morel and cream sauce :) nomnomnomnomnomnomnom. we sell for £50kg, it's madness alright.


Well-Known Member
i went out yesterday to look for morels and scout grow spots for the year, ended up finding about 130 black morels, huge ones at that, one of them was the size of my hand and probably weighed close to half a pound itself!


Active Member
looked into headin towards montana next week...they only got about 10000 acres to pick from in natl forrest....its pretty territorial up there with the 3 rd generation laos and chinese pickers outta washington that follow the shrooms out west.....still.....hmmmmmmwaht about georgia any public morel hunting grounds there?