Angry people on roll it up read this


Well-Known Member
Most people are negative towards people who ask questions that can easily be answered by searching or reading the stickies.

Nothing wrong with that imo.
If a question bothers you or you find it to be redundant- don't answer it. This is supposed to be an open forum for questions and answers. People helping people. Let's face it - 90% of the questions have been asked before - no need to belittle somebody over it. I'm glad this was brought up - I was getting quite put out by some of the nasty responses - to the point where I don't even enjoy visiting much anymore. I hope things change for the better.


Well-Known Member
this is funny. all new users who have been asking dumb questions or giving bad advise whining about people telling them so.:roll:

they should rename this the crybaby thread.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
uumm i have a question,

i have 2 lights and 2 seeds. how much will i yield?
It's crap like this and people like you that perpetuated this thread to begin with. We all had to start from scratch knowing nothing about growing - fortunately not everybody on this forum has the same mentality as you. I'm sure you grow perfect plants with a 1 lb. yield off each plant - heck, you're probably the Einstein of Pot.


Active Member
I have read your post and your one of those angry asshole this post is for you why so angry man people like you will never learn yes please move on get lost:peace:
this is funny. all new users who have been asking dumb questions or giving bad advise whining about people telling them so.:roll:

they should rename this the crybaby thread.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
yes we all started out the same but the people who actually do know their stuff learned it from reading, studying and working towards being that good. It doesn't happen overnight and it most certainly doesn't happen by reading stuff from the internet all day. Same goes for anything. I'm an active member of a music production forum and you'd be amazed some of the silly questions people ask when all they have to do is read the manual. So before you post do a quick search first and ask an educated question.


Well-Known Member
Easy. 2 pounds.
Dude, 2 + 2 = 4. If you don't know what you are talking about, do not come on this site, jacking my thread..... HAHA! just kidding.

I agree with most posts here...I am tolerant of the silly questions, and yes anything can be googled, so that would make any question asked a stupid one...Since this stuff is not in grandpa's encyclopedia Britannica, a new grower who is asking silly questions is actually doing preliminary research...but maybe should read before asking silly questions. But Like Cracker Jax said, it is funny when the answer is not the one they were looking for, and they keep asking until they get the one they want.

And as for reading the bottle of nutes....I do not know about advance nutrients, but one of my first mistakes was reading the directions on FF big bloom...The bottle reads: Every watering......4 tablespoons/gal, saturate thoroughly, Heavy feeding....1/2 cup/gal every 7-14 days, Foliar feeding...2 tablespoons/gal.

Even at half strength, every other watering....IMO this is way too hot.

I asked and got the typical....I stopped asking questions shortly thereafter, and just read and using logic...experiment. FF on their nute chart (not provided on bottle) calls for only 1T/gal in conjunction with one teaspoon of grow big....every other watering...this at half strength is probably a good starting point....I now own a ppm pen and have been using Botanicare, but running out and the FF stuff is probably going to get used.



Well-Known Member
I have read your post and your one of those angry asshole this post is for you why so angry man people like you will never learn yes please move on get lost:peace:
who says im angry? you because i disagreed with you? said your giving bad advise?

somebody said this site is for learning and sharing. just as important as giving the right information is making sure the wrong info isnt distributed.

my reputation speaks for itself, i help plenty of people here. maybe i helped somebody by telling them your advise was bad and gave them the proper help. thats what were here for.


Active Member
You offer alot of negitve advise and very rude. I checked out your grow journel
and I can see why your so angy. Positve thoughts will bring positive thing in your life try it you might like it:peace:
this is funny. all new users who have been asking dumb questions or giving bad advise whining about people telling them so.:roll:

they should rename this the crybaby thread.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
I spend quite a bit of time on here and from time to time I might say something a little harsh but there are some stupid...i mean stupid threads and comments.
I would say for the most part, this place is incredibly friendly and helpful to most users. Like it was said in the other posts, alot of the idiots get weeded out or just dont come back. If people would read the forum rules, take advice to do a little research on their own, there wouldnt be too many hurt feelings.

If you have a problem, just contact one of the moderators. If its valid, they will warn or ban the person and close the thread. If you're just a whiner with thin skin then maybe a mirror is the answer. (this isnt meant to anyone, just everyone)


Active Member
uumm i have a question,

i have 2 lights and 2 seeds. how much will i yield?
lol, no im not one of the angry people on RIU, i avoid those people at all costs,

to the OP if you hang around long enough you will know the people who give good advise and separate them from the "angry" ones


Well-Known Member
This is what I got for... 04-14-2009 12:43 PMgive them hell slick..rob
SlikWiLL13's... 04-12-2009 02:46 PM-aladdin- NICE GROWS SLICKWILL
Wake n Bake, nothing... 04-12-2009 08:30 AMFUNNY!~Sunny~
Cut fan leaves during... 04-10-2009 09:42 AMthanks for the help - Hulk Nugs
When to add nutrients... 04-08-2009 02:31 PMSorry this is late. Had to ask how to do this. Got my TDS :smile:
Growing in plain view? 04-06-2009 07:09 AMits420
Removing all leaves 1... 04-05-2009 09:43 PM
Removing all leaves 1... 04-03-2009 01:53 PMI hear yah... CJ
gorge cervantes says no... 04-01-2009 05:10 PMbowl smoked and relaxed my bad
420 harvest 03-31-2009 09:00 PMNICE PICS MAN!

thats just the last 2 weeks worth of rep ive gotten....wait, whats that? the fan leaves thread? isnt that the one where i shot your bad advise out of the water?


Active Member
I use advanced. And their feed chart thats online works pretty good. Some strains can take more some cant. I use a Hanna pen and I have learned through time plants can only take in so much nutriants I never mix my stuff strong I always keep it mild to many chemicals mixed together will be toxic to the plants only give them what they need. and knowing the strain you grow will help alot learn the plant. Do you use superthrive? :peace:
Dude, 2 + 2 = 4. If you don't know what you are talking about, do not come on this site, jacking my thread..... HAHA! just kidding.

I agree with most posts here...I am tolerant of the silly questions, and yes anything can be googled, so that would make any question asked a stupid one...Since this stuff is not in grandpa's encyclopedia Britannica, a new grower who is asking silly questions is actually doing preliminary research...but maybe should read before asking silly questions. But Like Cracker Jax said, it is funny when the answer is not the one they were looking for, and they keep asking until they get the one they want.

And as for reading the bottle of nutes....I do not know about advance nutrients, but one of my first mistakes was reading the directions on FF big bloom...The bottle reads: Every watering......4 tablespoons/gal, saturate thoroughly, Heavy feeding....1/2 cup/gal every 7-14 days, Foliar feeding...2 tablespoons/gal.

Even at half strength, every other watering....IMO this is way too hot.

I asked and got the typical....I stopped asking questions shortly thereafter, and just read and using logic...experiment. FF on their nute chart (not provided on bottle) calls for only 1T/gal in conjunction with one teaspoon of grow big....every other watering...this at half strength is probably a good starting point....I now own a ppm pen and have been using Botanicare, but running out and the FF stuff is probably going to get used.
