Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Same shit.. different day... weather is good... what about you... anything of interest in your day...??
more or less same here. I've been swamped for the last week or so and it looks like that's going to continue for the next month or so...


Well-Known Member
That beats clock watching...THAT sucks.... you look at the clock do a million things(so you think) and its 1 minute later... Doh...!!


Well-Known Member


h e l l o.................................. :(...


Well-Known Member
open house in an hour. school functions stoned, hmmm. not sure on that one. maybe i'll just have a couple cookies instead. hehehehehhe


Well-Known Member
hahaha....I could totally see you stumbling down the halls of some school saying "hey kid, want some marbles?" :mrgreen:


New Member
I'm glad I'm past those school function days. God knows I went to enough of them with sports and all the other whats not they were both in.

I don't know how many hours I logged sitting in front of a school waiting for practices to get out.


Well-Known Member
the principal always yells at us at the parent meetings. actually she yells about parents who don't show up, but she does it as if it's us. um, hello? we are all here. all 100 of us. it's the other 100 you should be yelling at. but they aren't here are they? :wall: