Hawaii Growers

Police got my plants, I'm sick!! They choped them down the surounding grass was knocked down like a chopper was hovering over. Bastards, that's the last time I'm growing in the open sun I going hide them under the haole koa and keawe from now on. They had to be 5-6' by now. Funny thing is they left a small guy that was about 3 inces and look like it went threw hell. So I watered the little gall and wished her a short goodbye and good luck then high taled my ass out of there. I took all back roads home to make sure no one was following. Time to start new.
What a bummer!!!! freaked me out, so I put my babies under the mango trees. the 2 big ones have now been moved under my window. only afew more weeks so I don't want anybody jumping in my yard and taking them. the stupied Rottie won't stop anyone. punk pulled out 3 of my seedlings so I had to put the cage around them. I think it is the fish emoshion he is going for, stupid punk=ass good for nothing.
What a bummer!!!! freaked me out, so I put my babies under the mango trees. the 2 big ones have now been moved under my window. only afew more weeks so I don't want anybody jumping in my yard and taking them. the stupied Rottie won't stop anyone. punk pulled out 3 of my seedlings so I had to put the cage around them. I think it is the fish emoshion he is going for, stupid punk=ass good for nothing.
thats the fish emulsion aunty.:cry:my dogs do that too and I get 6 of em!got some solid starters ruined by them...I just kinda learned to deal with it :hump:at least they bark up like hell!! when people come near..LOL
Police got my plants, I'm sick!! They choped them down the surounding grass was knocked down like a chopper was hovering over. Bastards, that's the last time I'm growing in the open sun I going hide them under the haole koa and keawe from now on. They had to be 5-6' by now. Funny thing is they left a small guy that was about 3 inces and look like it went threw hell. So I watered the little gall and wished her a short goodbye and good luck then high taled my ass out of there. I took all back roads home to make sure no one was following. Time to start new.
Sorry to hear about that. Better luck next time.
hopefully it was rippers who know how to make it look like cops, now they will always check that area when they fly by
I kinda doubt it. I would think if it was rippers they would hightail it out and not hang around to make fake heli markings. It was cops. That sucks. Thats why I have mine indoors I have enough to worry about
in my experience one of the rippers favorite games to play is making it look like it was a cop seizure, sometimes even having police tape left there - not telling anyone you grow is the #1 rule... but we all post on this forum so we've already broken that one huh

as of right now it is their right to legally seize your crop - if growers are medical users then they really need to get their paperwork in line so raids dont happen
in my experience one of the rippers favorite games to play is making it look like it was a cop seizure, sometimes even having police tape left there - not telling anyone you grow is the #1 rule... but we all post on this forum so we've already broken that one huh

as of right now it is their right to legally seize your crop - if growers are medical users then they really need to get their paperwork in line so raids dont happen

It was cops I had my share of rip offs as well and no one has choped (clean cuts) any of my plants when they were vegging especialy when there was a shovel stashed in the bush next to them. The cops took the shovel as well but left a choped plant that had some bud on it that I was trying to re veg. No one knew were my plot was just Aunty and that didn't happen. All my pics was of only plants no surounding that wild give any idea of the location. Best of luck to every one else I got 8 more ready to hit the hills in a tottaly new location.
kk you growing windward leeward or north shore?

Im growing on leeward side, mountains above pearl harbor, havent gotten a rip yet, seems like nobody else grows up there, I have never seen another plot up there after 11 years of living here.
By the way they hiked to my spot cuz I always tie the long grass together so if someone walks pass they will brake.
Heres a couple buds i cut today. Thing weighs a lot. I'll be giving you some of this when it dries haole.


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Aloha Hawaii Growers,

I've been sending PM's letting folks know the location of the potluck. If you did not receive one (my mailbox isn't showing that all went thru) let me know. We'd love to see everyone there.

KKDay...so sorry about your plants
Police got my plants, I'm sick!! They choped them down the surounding grass was knocked down like a chopper was hovering over. Bastards, that's the last time I'm growing in the open sun I going hide them under the haole koa and keawe from now on. They had to be 5-6' by now. Funny thing is they left a small guy that was about 3 inces and look like it went threw hell. So I watered the little gall and wished her a short goodbye and good luck then high taled my ass out of there. I took all back roads home to make sure no one was following. Time to start new.

Thats sick bro. I have bad news too... Someone jumped in my yard when i wasnt looking and snatched up my SSH girl:cuss:... ah karmas a bitch.
allright gang, this is my nirvana n.p.p. plant that I'm supercropping this season...just took a pics few minutes ago....hope you like:mrgreen:by the way, it's just 1 plant :)


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Thats sick bro. I have bad news too... Someone jumped in my yard when i wasnt looking and snatched up my SSH girl:cuss:... ah karmas a bitch.
i had my share of rip offs in my yard too. let me tell u rippers no kut nice they yank the whole freakin thing roots and all. last year long season i had a plant that passed the 4ft stone wall so my father in law said i should tie it down. so i tied a 5lbs weight on the top of the plant and even that was gone. but must be young kids cause wasnt even mature the buds