UK To Enslave Youth


Well-Known Member
LOL, always with the Jealousy thing.... it's ironic because we have a better quality of life in Europe than you do in the States....
You are full of shit, have you been here?
I HAVE been there and I will say London has good food [some of it] the fish and chips are great though I don't care for the vinegar. There are a lot of things to see though some are a bit silly like the bit of lead pipe in bath, but I love antiques and they are [or they were] cheep, the english hall marks on silver [I'm big into old silver] and the amount out there have put me big into english silver, I git a kick out of having a party and everyone drinking wine from silver goblets made before 1850 that I paid less than I would have had pay for fine crystal.
The french are easy to piss off or to get into their head so I can have great fun with them and theres a great deal to see there.
That said you would need a lot more money than I have to get true quality of life in europe.

We work less hours, we have better healthcare, we have better schools, we have lower percentage of people incarcerated, we have lower crime rates, we have a lower percentage of people in poverty.....etc etc...
Better health care can be argued on the lower end but its not true overall as the US is far better on the upper end and the same is true of schools.
Most people in the US who fall under the poverty line at lest have a car a lot have their own house though the kids may have to play their xboxs on on tube type tvs but at lest they have a TV in their bedroom and through away more than people above the line in europe have the money to buy.

Please tell me the % of people below the poverty line in europe that live in their own house and own more than one car?

What exactly is there to be Jealous of?

YES this can't be stated too strongly, but also it truly sticks in your craw that an upstart like the US has saved moldy old europe's ass more than once.

warrentless wiretapping,
Here you seem a bit nuts. People in the US would flip if they know how often european's are recorded, and in all the ways.
Why would a warrant be needed to tap someone in europe? Did you pass some new law?

your countless prisoners held without trial,
How stupid can you get I only know of one citizen held past when he should have had a trial and he had a trial and fuck jose padea [or however its spelled] and he got rights that YOU don't have. YOU could be picked up by a cop for nothing and held for 30 days without anyone knowing where you were, you couldn't call anyone even a lawyer. Do you think that a US citizen would think thats ok. I guess its ok for europe but in the US you would have a hell of a lot more rights even if you are european.

your economic slavery? doesn't sound very FREE to me.)
In the US its hard enough to get to work for someone else but its easy to work for yourself and the goverment will help [some of this has come to a halt] NOT STAND IN YOUR WAY, with brains/luck you could get rich. TRY THAT in EUROPE.

The first thing you said to me was that I needed to study history and the truth is I doubt YOU know half as much as I. As for understanding history few will top me. I would like you to try to school ME.
You asked me what country came up with habeas corpus [as if I wouldn't know] and stated that its the principle that all men are free and you were full of shit about that, if you had read blackstone you would have known that you were full of shit, I assume your link was to the magna carta and YOU should read about it as it gave the right to nobles to appeal being imprisoned without cause with a writ of habeas corpus.

I ask you DO NOBLES still have this right? As the normals seem not to.
Blackstone's books will give good background for
understanding for the US's laws and a lot of the constitution as well and is a good read.


Well-Known Member
Ironic, the UK abolished slavery long before the US did.
You seem not to know that England was on the side of the south and didn't want the slaves freed as it would stop the large flow of cotton, and england made more money by taxing the free within their area of control.


New Member
So if someone came along and told you that it was mandatory to volunteer, you'd baaaa at them and climb in the truck?

Charity = giving because you want to.

Mandatory volunteering = involuntary servitude.

we've reached an all time low when we start comparing charity to slavery. you all really need to stop. read the funny pages once in a while. :)

Going to school to learn at the expense of your parents and their tax dollars is not the same as being forced to work for free.

Taking PE class is not the same as being forced to work for free.

So when all these teens flood this "volunteer" market, how many adults with bills to pay are going to lose jobs? Why pay an employee when you can get some involuntary servants in there to do the work for free?

Maybe your job will turn into something "volunteers" can do and you'll be out on the street.

You know UK students are REQUIRED to have an Hour of physical exercise EVERY WEEK in school....

That equates to over 400 hours over secondary school alone.


if it is then I'm all for it, and looking at the USA's fatshit kids, your country could definately use it.

You say people need to give something back? I don't owe anything. I'm fucking taxed to death. Some of those "volunteers" need to be over here mowing my freaking lawn to thank me for the education that my tax dollar pays for. My property tax dollars are supporting a school that I haven't had a kid enrolled in for over 5 years now. Yet I need to "give something back" that's rich.

Look down the road at what is behind the corner, this is the beginning of indoctrination. Next thing you know, it's "good citizen camp" No big deal, it's only 3 months of intensive brain washing.


Well-Known Member
So if someone came along and told you that it was mandatory to volunteer, you'd baaaa at them and climb in the truck?

Charity = giving because you want to.

Mandatory volunteering = involuntary servitude.

Going to school to learn at the expense of your parents and their tax dollars is not the same as being forced to work for free.

Taking PE class is not the same as being forced to work for free.

So when all these teens flood this "volunteer" market, how many adults with bills to pay are going to lose jobs? Why pay an employee when you can get some involuntary servants in there to do the work for free?

Maybe your job will turn into something "volunteers" can do and you'll be out on the street.

You say people need to give something back? I don't owe anything. I'm fucking taxed to death. Some of those "volunteers" need to be over here mowing my freaking lawn to thank me for the education that my tax dollar pays for. My property tax dollars are supporting a school that I haven't had a kid enrolled in for over 5 years now. Yet I need to "give something back" that's rich.

Look down the road at what is behind the corner, this is the beginning of indoctrination. Next thing you know, it's "good citizen camp" No big deal, it's only 3 months of intensive brain washing.
Don't be so bitter and twisted up.

You obviously have no idea what community work is.... I don't think ANY UK TEENS will feel enslaved because they have to spend an hour a week reading to the elderly..... or helping people with learning difficultes cope with they're lives....


Helping Vulnerable people!

(i.e. doing jobs that NO ONE gets paid for....)

You're correct... it wouldn't be VOLUNTEERING, but then school isn't VOLUTARY either... so really its just adding somethign to the already REQUIRED CURRICULEM.

Stop projecting YOUR COUNTRIES problems onto other countries...

No one here (the UK) agree's with you... that is besides the right wing Nazi FUCKS... (the people that read the Daily Mail)

The fact that you LOOSERS even come on here to rail against a GOOD IDEA that DOESN'T EVEN AFFECT YOU shows how F'in juvenile you all are.

Your warped values f'in disgust me, I hope you're f'in proud.

Well done Misshestermoff :clap: I just lost the last shred of respect I had for you.


Well-Known Member
Taking PE class is not the same as being forced to work for free.
Oh yeah? Ask the fat kid which he would rather be doing?

so you NEED an hour a week to learn about how to exercize? but an hour a week to learn about your community and the people in it is slavery....

You are ALL F**king stupid

QED Bitches


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to post on this thread again....

You loosers don't seem to be able to debate without resorting to Nationalism, so I'm going to take the higher ground.

I could go on and on about the MANY problems with your society.... but you already know what they are, you just choose to ignor them.

Keep deluding yourselves how bad WE have it if it makes you feel better about your countries shitty situation....

Hey, and if it DOES get to me, I'll can go to my Doc (for free) and he can prescribe me some FREE DRUGS for my stress..... actually I don't like pharmacuticals so I'll just smoke it up instead.


New Member
Way to prove your point with facts.

You've just proven that those UK teens need to be spending that hour in a debate class learning that name calling is not an acceptable debate method.

OK, let's say those teen are forced to go to old people's homes and read to them, who is coming along to make sure they aren't stealing from the old people, or abusing them, or that they're even showing up at all?

What happens to the old people who are being visited by a teen who is resentful of being there, what if the teen, who hasn't had any training on how name calling and fit throwing is not acceptable, and the teen ends up hurting the old person, or kills them?

I know I wouldn't want ghetto boy alone with my grandmother if she were still alive. Here in the US we tend to take care of our own, we don't like sending strangers that we know nothing about to spend "quality time" with our elders. We'd rather do it ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Way to prove your point with facts.

You've just proven that those UK teens need to be spending that hour in a debate class learning that name calling is not an acceptable debate method.

OK, let's say those teen are forced to go to old people's homes and read to them, who is coming along to make sure they aren't stealing from the old people, or abusing them, or that they're even showing up at all?

What happens to the old people who are being visited by a teen who is resentful of being there, what if the teen, who hasn't had any training on how name calling and fit throwing is not acceptable, and the teen ends up hurting the old person, or kills them?

I know I wouldn't want ghetto boy alone with my grandmother if she were still alive. Here in the US we tend to take care of our own, we don't like sending strangers that we know nothing about to spend "quality time" with our elders. We'd rather do it ourselves.
Seriously have you nothing better do?

is your life so empty and lonely that you find gratification by talking about things you know nothing about??

FACTS? you mean 'facts' like the 'fact' that being made to do work during your school years is 'slavery'?

You're quite right, name calling isn't a method of debate, but then this isn't a debate.... this is a bunch of Americans talking shit about somethign that doesn't affect them, they know nothing about, and they read in 'the Daily Mail' :clap:....

And then ONE English guy, telling you ALL to fuck off.

Seriously, before you post again, research the Daily Mail (get impartial sources) and you will feel fucking stupid for your warped views.

Its funny, you say we should be spending time with our old people, yet there are MANY elderly people who have NO ONE come visit them in their homes.... I imagine this is even worse in your country despite what you say about 'taking care of your own'.... (we've all seen Abe Simpson and his old peoples home.... that shit happens)

If America Doesn't like our school system, you can stop sending your wealthy children here to our superior Schools.


Well-Known Member
i love it when stupid socialists talk about FREE education and FREE medicine .
the medicine and care you get in the UK i wouldnt want it .even for free..
the dental care in the UK i wouldnt want it either..even for free. i like to have good health care and nice teeth.
oh.all this free shit . how much do you pay in tax;s? how much does a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread cost?
how much is a gallon of gas? i think britts are too fucking stupid to understand all the free JUNK they get is over priced expensive junk that they actualy pay for every single time they spend or earn a dime in their economy.
stupid as fucking dog shit the britts are.


Well-Known Member
....yet we'll never be bankrupted because we have an illness that requires expensive treatment.

You don't fool me Max, you say teeth but we know you mean tooth....... all the Brawls on your Trailer park can't have been kind to your face.


New Member
I've been to england many times and have friends over there. Never fear, the vast majority of brit's i meet are far more educated than JointSmith and understand that like Reagan, when they left "Thatcherism" behind, they also left behind their future.. That's not saying a whole lot, but I know it to be true.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah? Ask the fat kid which he would rather be doing?

so you NEED an hour a week to learn about how to exercize? but an hour a week to learn about your community and the people in it is slavery....

You are ALL F**king stupid

QED Bitches
i'm moving. got a room? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Way to prove your point with facts.

You've just proven that those UK teens need to be spending that hour in a debate class learning that name calling is not an acceptable debate method.

OK, let's say those teen are forced to go to old people's homes and read to them, who is coming along to make sure they aren't stealing from the old people, or abusing them, or that they're even showing up at all?

What happens to the old people who are being visited by a teen who is resentful of being there, what if the teen, who hasn't had any training on how name calling and fit throwing is not acceptable, and the teen ends up hurting the old person, or kills them?

I know I wouldn't want ghetto boy alone with my grandmother if she were still alive. Here in the US we tend to take care of our own, we don't like sending strangers that we know nothing about to spend "quality time" with our elders. We'd rather do it ourselves.

"ghetto boy"? :shock:

seriously, go outside. you seem to be caught in a whirlpool. everything i see you post about swirls back to conspiracies and prison camps. has something changed in your life? you weren't like this 6 months ago.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I've been to england many times and have friends over there. Never fear, the vast majority of brit's i meet are far more educated than JointSmith and understand that like Reagan, when they left "Thatcherism" behind, they also left behind their future.. That's not saying a whole lot, but I know it to be true.

out. :blsmoke:
dude wtf leaving behind thatcherism was one of the best things we did. you have no idea what your talking about under thatcher Britain went to the dogs with miners striking petrol shortages and thats before we even start on the fucking falklands. she only got into power by wrongly labelling enoch powell of being racist when all he was trying to say was that allowing immigrants into the country like the USA did will eventually ruin our country.... how right he was.


New Member
Thatcher took England off of the dole....and on to free markets which are the key to long term prosperity. England has reversed itself with the help of building financial centers in London, but where is it now? The entire trouble with the coal industry is related to the US auto maladies...unions.... which keep labor above market value and as a result, uncompetitive. Thatcher recognized this and proceeded correctly. You don't throw good money at bad books.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've been to england many times and have friends over there. Never fear, the vast majority of brit's i meet are far more educated than JointSmith and understand that like Reagan, when they left "Thatcherism" behind, they also left behind their future.. That's not saying a whole lot, but I know it to be true.

out. :blsmoke:

Wierd, in the UK Thatcher is widely regarded as the worse prime-minister we have ever had.

The privatization of our NATION INDUSTRIES in the name of PROFIT, cause never seen before job losses from which our country has never recovered.

You really show your ignorance on British issues when you spout bollox like this.

Find a British person on RUI that agree's with you..... I bet you can't.

i'm moving. got a room? :bigjoint:
For you FDD, I always have space, I hope you don't mind sleeping next to a grow tent

"ghetto boy"? :shock:

seriously, go outside. you seem to be caught in a whirlpool. everything i see you post about swirls back to conspiracies and prion camps. has something changed in your life. you weren't like this 6 months ago.
I didn't really understand the 'Ghetto Boy' comment either, is this supposed to be a Race thing? (sounds kind of racist)

I used to respect you MissHester.... now you seem to have a dangerous combination of self righteousness and paranoia.

Your view of teenagers, and people in general, are much like the light bulb representing your intellect...... Dim.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i love it when stupid socialists talk about FREE education and FREE medicine .
the medicine and care you get in the UK i wouldnt want it .even for free..
the dental care in the UK i wouldnt want it either..even for free. i like to have good health care and nice teeth.
oh.all this free shit . how much do you pay in tax;s? how much does a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread cost?
how much is a gallon of gas? i think britts are too fucking stupid to understand all the free JUNK they get is over priced expensive junk that they actualy pay for every single time they spend or earn a dime in their economy.
stupid as fucking dog shit the britts are.
yeah we are stupid, stupid enough to follow the US into a fucking war to get oil, thats why your gas is cheap. and hows that working out for you? 4273 dead young men while you ride around in your gas guzzling cars..

fyi dude paying for a loaf of bread contributes to the economy but how does it pay for our free healthcare??? it doesn't we pay council taxes for it

as for saying all brits are stupid as dog shit lol yeah and you guys are leading the world in intelligence....