leafs turning yellow and dying???


Well-Known Member
ok so 2 days ago on my big plant i noticed the single rigged leafs turning yellow and getting crunchy like and dying. its no other color but a distinct yellow. my single rigged leafs died and fell off and the only pair of 3 point leafs are dying at the bottom. i dont see no others dying at the moment but can any one help me ?


Well-Known Member
We need pictures bro, then i bet someone will then. Its way easier to diagnose your problems!!


Well-Known Member
no shit but i donthve batterys yet.... my problem isnt hard the leafs are just turning yellow and crunchy then they die off.


Well-Known Member
Damn bro, you should get some soon incase you run into any more problems. But it sounds to me like a deficiency of somethin, im just not sure... How old are they??


Well-Known Member
I NEED HELP LOL Why is it so hard to get a anwser now a days.....
K, first off wat stage of growth u in,Wats the PH, and ur nute as well as strength,
these r all things to look @ thast can cuse ur prob.
Also wat is the setup? frequency of waterings/feedings