Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
good morning everyone! looks to be a nice day here. im gonna go to my newly-busted-ass(REAL bad broken arm) uncles house and set up an outdoor scrog today. hes layed off, fucked up, and broke so we gotta get the man growin!


Well-Known Member
I am going for a run guys...No showings today and I am bored outta my mind.
Slik that is cool!! I hope that if I ever get jammed up my nephew would hook me up!

Have a good day all. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Weedman, what do you use to strain yours?
i run it through a fine metal strainer (kitchen type) with a piece of cheese cloth in it..... does a good job... of course its not 100% pure

but most of us are only running a ounce of trimmings each time any way ..

after that i let it sit 4+ hours and siphon the water off the top and then ive been putting whats left in to oven to dry out ... but like i said i think that 10$ screen will be perfect to get rid of the last of the water


Well-Known Member
i strain my gumby with a wire collander. it lets small stuff through but i dont care because i make BHO out of the gumby! now thats some good stuff!

i just harvested a girl last night so ill have oil by 4:20!!


Well-Known Member
Funny stuff... I was outside on my balcony and the other day I'd thrown my last grow dirt off the balcony onto the snow to get rid of it and the landlord had seen it..so this morning I go out and the grass is growing like mad, its just a big patch of growth about 3" long already... the landlord who knows I grow (outside, not in) asks "what the hell is in that soil...??" LOL.. A ton of nutes..




Well-Known Member
just got 2 hits of durban poison off the 1 hitter, damn im flyn ...
yesterday that himalayan had me chillaxn...

im never really able to tell a difference at home smoking .... but i can now .. :)


Well-Known Member
Advice... to avoid any site war issues I'd advise restraint on this topic... bad things and consequences will happen.....


Well-Known Member
Ya hoo... sack O weed
On a different note... I was talking to landlord and we started talking about weed and I told him I'm going for my card and he told me that a guy who had gotten popped next door 3 years ago was caught by infra red helicopter..I didn't even know we had them, then they put a power consumption meter on his box and raided him.... he had 100 plants in an apt.. thats dumb...


Well-Known Member
mind if I interrupt? I use panty hose....:clap:
Glad you did interrupt! I like that idea! I have tried the gold coffee filters and I have tried the kitchen metal collindars. Neither worked real good for me. Panty hose is an awesome idea, that would work and I think I have some....Thanks Tips!

G'Afternoon all...:weed: