Will this do the job

hey lazy.. started my own thread instead of screwing with this... ill answer your question real quick.. then post the other thread.. but ya.. i have everything exhausting out of the garden room... and the ac wont blow on the plants themselves no..


and ya..thats too much light for that lil of a grow space..hope you got a kick ass vent system.
down size it too one..youll be happier with the results.
and (mygirls) just checked out your video..NIce...
so how much light do you think i should have ?? vent system should be ok i hope


Well-Known Member
gavmc... I'm confused... you say blue is exhuast and red intake... is that right?

That would put the carbon filter before everything? That's not right.

Also, if that vent system is closed just cooling the lights you don't need a carbon filter.

If that is not a closed system for the lights you are going to need the biggest fan on earth to cool.

Don't beleive those guys that you can't do 2 400w in that space... I have a 430w and a 250w running right next to eachother in a 2'x3' closet, 5 inches from the plant tops... it can be done.

Whether you need that much light is a different story... Pretty much you don't (in my opinion)... 400w would be better, I think... think electricity bill, and 400w to veg will make some nice little monsters to put into flower.

Get back about the design, I want to help...


gavmc... I'm confused... you say blue is exhuast and red intake... is that right?

That would put the carbon filter before everything? That's not right.

Also, if that vent system is closed just cooling the lights you don't need a carbon filter.

If that is not a closed system for the lights you are going to need the biggest fan on earth to cool.

Don't beleive those guys that you can't do 2 400w in that space... I have a 430w and a 250w running right next to eachother in a 2'x3' closet, 5 inches from the plant tops... it can be done.

Whether you need that much light is a different story... Pretty much you don't (in my opinion)... 400w would be better, I think... think electricity bill, and 400w to veg will make some nice little monsters to put into flower.

Get back about the design, I want to help...
thank you very much my man im still a bit confused about how to make this work i think i am going to stick to 1 light instead of two wat is closed system for the lights ?

im a serious begginer but im really wanting to get this up and running and yeah your right about the exhaust and intake why wont i need a carbon filter are you saying i dont need to take in fresh air from the house if i use carbon filter im really confused about this :wall: i just dont want it stinkin up my house as i have people round alot family etc .. well get back to me dude cheers



Well-Known Member
Alright so here's the deal...

You need to cool your lights.... AND you need to ventilate your grow room. You can do this with one vent/ fan system or two...

Advantages to one system: ease, one exhuast hole (in door/ ceiling), one fan.

Adv to two systems: better control of both, powerful fan for lights does not need to blow through carbon filter.

Using different systems is better if possible.

So, on the left in the pic are two systems. There is a fan sucking 'cool air' from your bedroom or whatever, blowing directly onto your light then directly out the room. There is also a fan that sucks cool air and blows it strait into the room, to be vented at the top.

On the right there is one fan, that sucks air though the light... the air sucking through the light will suck cool air from a hole at the bottom of your grow room, draw it over the light and take the hot air and push it out the room.

The blue things are where the carbon filter needs to be... it has to be at the 'end' of the grow room system. This is the air that will stink and you want to filter it before it leaves the room, not coming in.

You always want to suck cool air from as low as possible... and want to vent/ exhaust/ collect it as high as possible. It's that whole heat rises thing.

Another thing is passive holes you have made for intake/ exhaust have to be fitted with some sort of light blocker, to keep the light in, and also keep light out for the 12 hours of darkness each night of flowering.

Let me know if anything is unclear... or you have more questions.



Nah... I'm on my first grow... get back to me in 5 weeks when I hope to pull a pound and a half out of a 2'x3' closet...
THEN I will be a legend. (haha, i have a big head)
ok im still a bit :wall: let me take some pictures and get back to you buddy you got any pictures of your grow room ? :weed:


Well-Known Member
There's a ton in my journal, but it's spread out over 45 pages... this is easier.




Nah... I'm on my first grow... get back to me in 5 weeks when I hope to pull a pound and a half out of a 2'x3' closet...
THEN I will be a legend. (haha, i have a big head)

ok great i just tried turnin my camera on and out of battery so have to wait for pics ill get them up asap in the mean time here is a list of things ive made for myself to get for it let me know if this all sounds kool

Bulbs M/H Hps
2x , 8" Fans
2x timer switches
duct flexible 4" 2x3mtr one 5"
2 inline fans 4"
Hanging chain
Scotch brite
Activated Carbon
3 duct clips that will fit 4



Well-Known Member
i have a similar design to urs but i use only one 400w hpss as long as u can cool the bulbs it will be no problem and it will work definatly i suggest getting a stanley blower they move alooooot of air just picked one up today and i love it its very quiet and will cool anything u need it to


Well-Known Member
Looks ok... just make sure you have things totally planned before you buy, I have quite a few supplies I bought that I don't use at all, just opened the box and was like... well this doesn't fit.

What is the Scotch brite for???

Here's my checklist... I know we do different set ups but you might like looking at it:


Also here's how I made my light:



There's a ton in my journal, but it's spread out over 45 pages... this is easier.


nice one man looks really good im thinking maybe i could use my intake on the back of my door just cut a whole and have the fane blowing air straight in would that work ok without duct ?


Well-Known Member
nice one man looks really good im thinking maybe i could use my intake on the back of my door just cut a whole and have the fane blowing air straight in would that work ok without duct ?
It would work... you just need a hole to let the air out of...

And that hole that lets the air out should have the carbon in front of it...

Also... the plants don't really smell untill very late... For example I am finishing week 5 and have Hindu SKUNK they should smell to high heaven soon, but as of now, with the door closed you can barely smell it. With the door open it smell some... so anyways, you will probably only need the carbon filter the last 2-3 weeks of your grow.

phil le b

Well-Known Member
Hows it going

any comments on my design for my cupboard would be great any suggestions tips just anything to point me the right direction

first grow

+Rep to anyone that even leaves a comment thanks guys take it easy:mrgreen:
looks good mate how many u thinking of put in there and is it soil ?


Well-Known Member
well just guessing your scale but you might want to either lower the lights below 6 ft when you get some plants or raise the plants, lol but seriously it seems you got the major bases covered, you might wanna find a way to up the wattage for flower maybe some cfl's on the side, also if you wanna go all out some co2 wouldnt hurt


looks good mate how many u thinking of put in there and is it soil ?
yeah im gonna use soil and im not sure how many yet as many as i can fit lol see how it goes when i set everything together:leaf:

It would work... you just need a hole to let the air out of...

And that hole that lets the air out should have the carbon in front of it...

Also... the plants don't really smell untill very late... For example I am finishing week 5 and have Hindu SKUNK they should smell to high heaven soon, but as of now, with the door closed you can barely smell it. With the door open it smell some... so anyways, you will probably only need the carbon filter the last 2-3 weeks of your grow.
yeah thats a boost i will just by the fan and if its 5" , 6" or whatever ill cut a circle out on the door and fit it to the door so its at the bottom of the plants so when i turn it on it will just bring the clean air straight in and ill have my exhaust above the light think it should work ok cant wait to get it all set up!

well just guessing your scale but you might want to either lower the lights below 6 ft when you get some plants or raise the plants, lol but seriously it seems you got the major bases covered, you might wanna find a way to up the wattage for flower maybe some cfl's on the side, also if you wanna go all out some co2 wouldnt hurt
yeah i was thinking about some co2 will stick to the basic just now maybe once ive set up everything then ill start adding to it and ill have the light on chain so i can adjust the heaight if an when needed :bigjoint:

cheers for all the comment people appreciated:-P repped:leaf: !!!