Angry people on roll it up read this


Well-Known Member

Kinda funny...I was a little high...but when FDD brought up the pirate thread and people jacking the thread and talking about the best prez...I was thinking swashbuckling pirates with parrots and peg legs....and wow that is kinda strange, dude is into pirates so much he started a thread about them...then I remembered...Somali pirates...and I remember the thread...

I remember saying screw this I'm not going to waste anymore time reading all this bickering...someone was all pissed at the prez for stumbleing when asked about the pirates...what was he supposed to say...we are going to drop seals out of the sky who will simultaneously snipe the pirates from the stern of a ship? These are the same people who get pissed off when they lose playing monopoly.


thank you, i thought i was crazy for a minute.


Well-Known Member
i got +rep for posts in this thread. har dee har har. hehhehehehehhehehehehhehehehe
i don't require the approval of others for my own security. i'm good with who i am. :)


New Member
you would have won if you would have simply posted "damn pirates". nope you said "president" like 500 times. :roll: you've already declared yourself the winner. so that makes ME THE LOSER. i go cry now. :bigjoint:
Really care to find that post or do you have me confused again? Here I'll help...

Me -
I guess I must have missed the realistic alternatives.

Everything Obama does will be considered a test. obama orMcCain that would have been the same..

One of the few things I really did not agree with in the was the lack of backbone in Somolia and we are paying for that now. Every president makes mistakes. Some presidents like Bush, well history will remember him as a buffoon that did as he pleased and didn't give a fuk about what the people wanted. Clinton, mostly for inappropriate use of a cigar on an intern, and Somolia. What he did for the budget will probablly be swept under the rug or chalked up to economic times. While bush will be deemed a victim of the times (even tho the vast majority of his office was good economic times...).

I also agree that there was only one real outcome to the hostage situation. But why is there bitching when the guy was saved. Someone went off about his press conference where Obama said, hey im talking about the economy now, and how everyone got their panties in a bundle. THIS IS STANDARD PRACTICCE IN WASHINGTON! It has been for years. If you ask a question in a press conference that is not on the topic at hand, your told to stfu or made to leave. Otherwise NOTHING would ever get done.

I guess its just really easy to bag on the new guy because he is not part of the white establishment...

P.S. to FDD I believe I am still on topic if that is what you are commenting about..

FDD - we are talking about PIRATES not PRESIDENTS. jeezus. :roll: :wall:

try to refrain from mentioning presidents and see if you can just focus on CRAZY PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

apparently pot does make people stupid. lolololol :smile:

ME - Thats pretty uncalled for.

The second post in this thread starts the president talk. And you are calling them crazy for trying to take an American ship, inferring that the US is going to stomp the shit outta them. This has to do with policy and what the president will do about the pirates.

True we did get into other presidents, going back to the history of how other presidents actions have emboldened the current pirates actions. (Blackhawk down..)

Basically I was responding to posts that were largely on topic.

I know your one of the "Big" guys on this site, but you are wondering why the site is getting so hostile... And you post hostile stuff like that.. Hmmm


Crackerjax - Maybe take it off of the politics forum...or is that an insane idea... political threads attract political posters.


FDD - even after i ask politely "please don't say president". :roll:
how is lololololol :smile: hostile? you wish it was hostile. sheesh.

pirates, try to stay on subject. thanks. :smile:

FDD - Quote:
Originally Posted by CrackerJax
Maybe take it off of the politics forum...or is that an insane idea... political threads attract political posters.

out. :blsmoke:

maybe try to focus. :smile: :eyesmoke: bongsmilie bongsmilie

ME - Well I took it to the PM's and FDD showed what a nice guy he is. FDD will you let me post it and not ban me?

Keeping on track, only talk of "modern" pirates, not politics, IN THE POLITICS THREAD. Somali pirates are bad, and I think thats about all that can be said with out getting into politics. FDD i would delete every post after your first and just put, Pirates in Somolia r bad m'key and close it?


FDD - can you talk about pirates without turning it into a debate about who is a better president? the whole Bush vs Obama vs who the fuck ever is reallly, really boring. like last year boring.

got anything about pirates that doesn't involve a US president? maybe a story where the pirates are the "subject". not the president. you do understand the word "subject" don't you. (hint) it sounds like "pirate".


Buddy I NEVER TALKED ABOUT WHO WAS A BETTER PRESIDENT. And to post in the politics section and not expect political debate, well I really don't want to call you stupid but...



New Member
i got +rep for posts in this thread. har dee har har. hehhehehehehhehehehehhehehehe
i don't require the approval of others for my own security. i'm good with who i am. :)

When your at the top, there will always be those that are there to kiss your ass....


Well-Known Member
oh my god. and i need a bong load. get a life dude. :roll:

i read none of it. not worth my time. i guess you win again.

is there a point you are trying to make? i already said
i'm an asshole" and you claimed victory. same shit you pulled in my pirate thread.


New Member
oh my god. and i need a bong load. get a life dude. :roll:

i read none of it. not worth my time. i guess you win again.

is there a point you are trying to make? i already said
i'm an asshole" and you claimed victory. same shit you pulled in my pirate thread.
No you got owned in the pirate thread. Hell, you just accused me of saying shit I never did. You should read it because a few thing might become clear to you. Its your lack of reading that made you accuse me of being off topic when I was not.

I have even been respectful to you when you did not deserve it. I know most of the people on this site are going to kiss your ass, so what? Soooooo many poeple have been trying to tell you they respect you, but less asshole would be nice. Don't bitch about the site when your the one perpetuating the BS.

FDD - I gotta go now, I have a life. It was fun and I honestly hope you goto E-thug rehab. You can be helped....


Well-Known Member
I think the point of bitching about talking presidents in the crazy pirate thread was BECAUSE from the second post all the closet racist evangelicals who have been convinced by the snake oil salesmen to vote against their best interest because of the sanctity of slut spawn, while huge amounts of corporate welfare (tax breaks, farm subsidies to mega farms etc) long before "bailouts" is justifiable, but the spare change thrown to the welfare momma who is forced to live in section 8 drug and gang infested housing because she can actually pay the bills on welfare, but a "2 weeks from the street" wage job won't unless grandma can watch the damn welfare kids who were so precious up to minutes before their first breath, and yes she should have been more responsible, but for the last 8 years if any sex ed beyond basic anatomy and abstinence was taught...the school had to give up all federal funding....oops sorry, I meant jumbo shrimp...dammit...I mean republicans, started bitching about Obama.

I went to that thread thinking the talk was going to be about how crazy these little mofo's are in little tiny boats and 50 year old conflict Ak's are getting huge ransoms from global shipping companies, and how the US was probably not going to put up with this crap...somebody was bound to die...entertainment....not the same paranoid fantasy obama hater bs.




Well-Known Member
I cant believe this is still going...

I guess some people just love to argue till they are blue in the face....even long after any debate or argument should have long since been over..:lol:



New Member
I cant believe this is still going...

I guess some people just love to argue till they are blue in the face....even long after any debate or argument should have long since been over..:lol:

Very true and I'm partly to blame for that..

I'll be honest, I've been bored, and I felt FDD jumped all over me when he didn't really read when I had to post.

I made an honset contribution to his thread ON TOPIC and not only did he get hostile with me, be got personal with me. I was very polite to him in a PM and he was a complete ass, totally uncalled for. It was at that point things got outta hand.

FDD if you look at my posts previous to this, you will see im a newer guy to this forum trying to help people out and learn stuff myself. (edit) I'm not here for "rep", I'm here to help other people and get help myself. NOT here to argue but I will defend myself.

P.S. When I was talking FDD got owned please see post #87, not our arguement, sorry if that was unclear.

The Prize Is Inside
Mr. Ganja

Join Date: Aug 2008

Location: You call it Earth.
Posts: 5,184

Maybe take it off of the politics forum...or is that an insane idea... political threads attract political posters.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
i got +rep for posts in this thread. har dee har har. hehhehehehehhehehehehhehehehe
i don't require the approval of others for my own security. i'm good with who i am. :)
It Was I Cap'n!!! The Scally wag looks ripe for a keel-hauling or at least 50 lashes with the cat'o nine tails......... :bigjoint: sorry, it's just so easy to carried away when someone on a thread is spiraling out of control...and you're stoned and taunting

all boot-licking aside, none of the moderators @RIU seem to have particularly big egos IMO. there is plenty of boot licking to be seen @RIU, but i think most of it comes from a sincere desire to produce weed comparable to the stuff shot here by the moderators. I mean, I wanted some of subcool's stuff before I found the site, so it was thrilling to find tutorials here and I mean FDD is all about the Colbert....what more could you want?



New Member
Yeah, your right. I deserve to be banned because FDD yelled at me for being off topic when i was talking about the situation(on topic). I never was part of the "which president is better" arguement, but FDD still yelled at me for it, called me names etc. I have done nothing but to try to defend myself. Whatever...

Bottom line is FDD was outta line and i'm the bad guy for it... Gotcha!


New Member
I think I was just owned :bigjoint: you really need a keel-hauling, land-lubber!

i'm playing....chillaxe - enjoy a beverage and a smoke :bigjoint:

Have you been threatened with banning? I don't think you deserve that. My estimation of the site might drop if you really were threatened.

but really,'s just a forum

just realized olosto is not using quotes so he probably didn't own me...Rats!!!!!!

Yeah, your right. I deserve to be banned because FDD yelled at me for being off topic when i was talking about the situation(on topic). I never was part of the "which president is better" arguement, but FDD still yelled at me for it, called me names etc. I have done nothing but to try to defend myself. Whatever...

Bottom line is FDD was outta line and i'm the bad guy for it... Gotcha!