Less expensive substitute for perlite?


Well-Known Member
Went to the store today to get foxfarm soil and perlite.. Turns out the perlite costs just as much and did not anticipate this, am lacking funds and need a less expensive substitute for perlite (that works just as well or darn close)

Thank you!


Johnny Purple Seed

Active Member
I get Fox Farm Ocean Forest for $10.50 for 1.5 cubic feet. Perlite is $16 for 3.8 cubic feet. The key is to find a good wholesaler in your area.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I had to call a bunch of places and didn't have much luck in Seattle area so I took what I could get at 3 gallons for 7 bucks.. I will probally have better luck with the perlite I believe it'll be more common and easy to find a better price..

Johnny Purple Seed

Active Member
I was just up in Portland and I noticed they had coco blocks for $10 and 2 cubic foot bags of Black Gold Cocoblend for $11 at Fred Meyers. It was the regular price. I used to love the regular Black Gold soil when I lived in Portland, but they don't sell that brand down here. I wish I would have gotten the chance to bring back a bag or two.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the great perlite shortage, was like the gas shortage in '72. :)
Some places in the Caribbean and Java Sea have supply issues, but they usually use pumice..thats another choice.
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