Topping the plant


Active Member
Hey guys so I haven't even started flowering yet, still got another 15 days or so of veg but whats involved in topping a plant to you can get two main tops or colas? is it risky at all or a bad idea?


Active Member
its to stop it from getting taller and makes it more bushy you just cut the new growth coming out the top of the plant there is a forum devoted to just topping and fimming


Active Member
aite so seems doable, does it allow the plant to have like two large top colas tho...ive read that a couple times, or is topping a plant simply for keeping it short and bushy


Well-Known Member
aite so seems doable, does it allow the plant to have like two large top colas tho...ive read that a couple times, or is topping a plant simply for keeping it short and bushy
Yes, you will end up with 2 main colas! My last crop I did, I topped. I was real pleased...It does control the height of the plant and it allows light to get to other buds that it normally woudn't get too. But, YES, you will get 2 main colas...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
wow man thats some nice looking bud right there...what type of lights are you using?
Thanks. I am using a 400W MH/HPS...It seems to be pretty good for 4 good sized plants. I have topped and not far, I am down with the topping! Nothing like having a set of big ass colas! You won't be sorry if you give it a try.:leaf:
Thanks. I am using a 400W MH/HPS...It seems to be pretty good for 4 good sized plants. I have topped and not far, I am down with the topping! Nothing like having a set of big ass colas! You won't be sorry if you give it a try.:leaf:
im not close to toping or anything, but im wondering in two weeks should i do it? i have a strawberry kush clone almost a week old, sposed to get huge. im wondering if it is a good idea with this particular strain. will i get fat buds? and the same estimated 8-10 ounce yeild?