Active Member
Oh I guess I shoulda posted these results too lol my bad..... At 1/8th tsp ph is 6.5. Oh and no prob man thats what we're here for <(<(o.0<)<)
I will not be able to water my plants for another 5 or 6 days because the it will take that long to dry out because I just watered them, but not with epsom salt. Can I foliar feed with epsom salt? How much would I add to a gallon of water for foliar feeding?
You can foilar feed with epson salt. Depending on how often you do it dosage will be different. Every other week is 1tsp/gallon or 1Tbsp/gallon when your flowering and again at the begining of budding. Never understood why peeps used epson salt as a substitute for magnesium and sulfure nutes? Does it really work that well for you guys?
I will not be able to water my plants for another 5 or 6 days because the it will take that long to dry out because I just watered them, but not with epsom salt. Can I foliar feed with epsom salt? How much would I add to a gallon of water for foliar feeding?
Also, Big balls: at watch age do you start giving them the espom salt? Did u give them the same amount all the way though? Also, did you give it to the Mircale grow soil and the FF soil too? Thanks Alot
I wouldn't use the ES for foliar feeding (but then, I'm against foliar feeding)
I start the ES when it goes into flowering. I give it to this strain no matter what soil its in.
(BTW, the MG soil produced the most, FF and Pro Mix were identical, and behind the MG)
this thread is for all the people who uses MG and don't get their panties all up in a bunch.... instead of hearing,
waaaah waahhhh.... my plant burn.... i hate you MG....wahhhhh wahhhh
ummmmm, how about not overwatering (prevents burning... and why the hell are you overwatering anyway... stop babysitting your plant)
oh, how about not adding more nutes to something that ALREADY has nutes? (damn....how much do YOU eat? greedy bastards)
how about this one...buying soil just to pick out all the white stuff out of it, DOESN'T make sense.... (do you date girls that you have to makeover? i didn't think so)
PH problems? don't blame MG (PH stands for playa hater...thats right...MG has a playa hater problem...haha....stop hating all you big face bastards)
bottom line... MG doens't suck... you do...haha...
sorry...had to say this... getting tired of people on here "swearing on their lives" not to use the stuff....
people CAN and ARE ABLE TO grow with the damn thing...so please... stop given out bs... people come here for help and guidance... i understand everyone has things they like and are good suggestions/alternatives... but when i see a something like...
Newbie: i have miracle grow, 2 cfl's up my butt blah blah blah
response: don't use MG... i "HEARD" and "READ" not to use it... (stfu with the he say, she say crap... i know i'm rude..sorry)
or the other typical response: don't use it... MG burns and blah blah blah
i truly believe, if you can grow in MG... you were doing the right thing, which is basic gardening and following directions...which means you are able to adjust if you choose a different soil later on... you also know how to treat the plant and what to look for...
this excludes experience growers (unless you have beef with MG... well then...welcome, come on in, i would like to introduce you to my foot) haha.. i love this site
mg sucks unless your a little old lady with some petunias
mg grow works awesome. the plant phood that i get is the kind that you mix in the water. and it has worked woderful for my soil and hydro applications both, i just change from mg veg, to mg bloom accordingly... skeptics of mg are totally ignorant in my book, that goes especially for you mistaphuk
mg sucks cause its not promix and if you had read any of my posts i have a 150 and a 400 watt hps. cfls are great for vegging