Nirvana Misty grow With Pics


Well-Known Member
So that means you have 2 LST'd plants, and 4 untamed under a 400w HPS.... That's a pretty good size for the plants... I don't see why you couldn't get 1 gram per watt. I'd guess off each plant, you're looking at anywhere from 2-1/2 OZ - 4 OZ(amazing if so).

So my guess, is 15 OZ, give or take an OZ.


Well-Known Member
No, i have 3 plants there, 2 that were LST'd, and 1 not LST'd. The others turned out male..gutted.. but yeah thats the size of the plants!!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, i found out yesterday that the timer actually broke one night last week, and so didnt go off until i checked on it next day!
So im thinking this is going to delay them, and also has caused what i can see a growth in leaves around the buds, bit pissed of to be honest, but i have wacked em now on 11hrs15mins light, and the rest dark, to help keep the buds producing..
good idea? or any other tips?


Well-Known Member
Could do with some help as to whether or not this is a good idea or not?
from what ive heard and read,it wont hurt it,but it really doesnt help,they did tests of light with time changes and they found that it is better to just keep it in a cycle,but there was something about added light over a two week period,it did increase bud size but not enough to equate for the higher consumtion of resources.they tried emulateing the outdoor grows.


Well-Known Member
the above post i wasnt talking of adding more light,which definately helps but adding a longer light cycle in relays.


Well-Known Member
woohoo, well we will know soon enough! Day 45 now, becoz of the lighting situation i had, the cropping date is going to be put back...i now think that about day 57 so.....27th August is the date we will be looking at, i may be wrong, it may take longer, as only the smaller buds are starting to orange, and thats only slightly! Crystal production is on the rise as well!


Well-Known Member
WOW Kudos on the grow man =) Looking really good. I ordered some misty from nirvana a couple months ago and none of the seeds sprouted so they sent my new ones ^_^ should be planting them soon. I hope they go as well as yours, now I have a reference to go by as far as plant looks. Keep up the good work man and have a happy harvest :blsmoke:


New Member
very nice plants man.. do u think this plant would grow well in a small area say 3 ft high under scrog which is an alternate form of lst... it looks like those plants have alot of branches that can be easily bent which would be perfect in my situation also i wanna know how the yeild is :mrgreen: and do those plants put out alot of odor ?


Well-Known Member
To be honest, i have smelt things stronger, it does wiff a bit id say out of low, med, and heavy odors, id say medium. I would say yeah, the plant does stay small, the buds are quite long tho, i will update you with pics soon. VERY sticky! the seedlings do stretch, well did for me anyway, if you can stop that, i would say they would be even shorter.



Well-Known Member
Buds seem to be quite leafy, and also the tops seem to be stretching for light...bizarre, this is perhaps becoz of the mishap with the light and timer not going off that once...



Well-Known Member
excellent, where they are temp drops to bout 15 - 17*C at night :-D

They seem to have filled out a lot more today..soz no pics


Well-Known Member
You think? Cool.

The back plant i checked today, about 7 leaves have gone yellow/browny all over in thinking potentially magnesium defiency???
What effect will this have on flowering?
Can be cured i know with epsom salts, i will do that tommorow...but what you guys think?

Still not much sign of orange hairs, and im a bit dissapointed on crystal production, i want more!!


Well-Known Member
Nice updated pics :-D

going very white now. orange hairs appearing in places, and only on water now. ferts over and done with.

the middle picture i think it is looks like the bud is as big as the arm in the pic, its not THAT big i think that it is a trick of the camera, but its still damn big!!

