just say NO to HR 669


Well-Known Member
some of you who thought this was a good idea may want to read this....


Pet owners, pet industry members, and others have been burning up the phones in response to NOHR669.com. The opposition in Washington is hearing us and they have launched a major offensive to try and silence us for good! Read the rest of the update below to find out what they are doing and how you can help!
OFFENSIVE AGAINST US: Congressional Misinformation Campaign
There are tons of reports coming in about Congressional staffers that are telling callers that they have nothing to worry about and that they are "over reacting". They are claiming that peoples "pets" will be included on the approved list. Counter Offensive:

  • Once HR 669 is passed, Congress will have no say in what goes on the Approved List. Only US Fish and Wildlife will have control of the list. So a Representative or their staffer has no idea what will actually happen once USFW gets the power to execute and enforce HR 669.
  • Which pets specifically are these Representatives talking about when they say "pets" will be safe? If there is a list of "pets" that will automatically be "Approved", why isn't that list included in HR 669. They took the time to add dogs, cats, goldfish, and a dozen other animals and then STOPPED!
  • The Preliminary Approved List may be less stringent than the actual Approved List, but if animals can easily be put on it, they can also easily be taken off. There is no definition in HR 669 as to what "widespread" or "commercial" is or how they will be defined in the future, so how can a Representatives make promises based on specifics that are not even talked about in the bill?
  • HR 669 allows special interest groups to challenge animals placed on the Preliminary Approved list, so any animals that the Representatives feel will be "automatically" safe might be for a day, or two. Then the groups that pushed HR 669 will challenge those preliminary approvals one by one. While those challenges are occurring (for years potentially), the "limbo" state described in HR 669 will prevent the breeding, import, export, or interstate transport of those challenged animals.
OFFENSIVE AGAINST US: Back door deals!!!!
The other thing we are hearing is that we've turned on the heat so high that behind closed doors people in Washington supporting HR 669 are trying to cut deals with organizations representing a variety of people involved with non-native species outside of the pet industry in order to get them to back off. Large national and regional groups who's membership might be affected by HR 669 are being told that language could be added that will exempt their groups activities. Instead of these large organizations standing up with us in the fight, they will get the little piece that they need to make their members happy and go away.Make no mistake about it -- we have heard from individuals that they reportedly have been told that the real intent of HR 669 is to target pet owners and the pet industry.
Counter Offensive:
If you belong to a state or national organization involved in any way with non-native species, speak up! Hunters, Zoological Professionals, Gun Owners, Laborers, Doctors, Farmers, and everyone in between ... contact your organizations! Let them know that you are a member and a pet owner and you will not stand for any compromises on HR 669 unless they are geared towards a reasonable and realistic approach to invasive species management. You have a voice and if you use it, people will listen. Also, if you know someone in an organization that might be involved, have them call!
What else can you do?
Keep going! We've sent thousand upon thousands of emails through NOHR669.com and obviously we're having an impact. Our friends in Washington are blown away by the response and support that they've gotten from us and it's clear that we're making the other side nervous! But, we can do more!

  • Don't forget that you can send emails every day! So if you've only sent one, click on the "Do Something" link above and send another ... or two more.
  • Keep the phone calls coming! Call once a day. Be polite. Don't believe their lies when they tell you that "you'll be fine". Make sure they record your opposition to HR 669.
  • Schedule a meeting. Call your Representatives local office, ask for 15 minutes of their time and talk to a staffer. If you can get in with your Representative, even better!
  • Write your letters! The deadline is AM on April 21st ... we need to get a truck filled to the top, so keep them coming!
  • Recruit! We need more people! ... Friends, family, neighbors, strangers, it doesn't matter ... if they own a pet great, if they don't they know someone who does. Ask them for their help.
  • Keep checking www.nohr669.com for the latest updates!
  • If for any reason, your email doesn't go through, take the time to fax your comments to your congressional office in Washington as well as in your district!!!!


Well-Known Member
KP2 you know how I feel about this...BUT, I will say I am not too happy where it says it will be illegal to have exotics and they don't have a grandfather clause. That does bother me. We will see what happens with this on April 23rd. This is far from over and I think they will make this bill more acceptable.


Well-Known Member
KP2 you know how I feel about this...BUT, I will say I am not too happy where it says it will be illegal to have exotics and they don't have a grandfather clause. That does bother me. We will see what happens with this on April 23rd. This is far from over and I think they will make this bill more acceptable.
i do, and i thank you for your reply. my feelings are that no matter what side you're on as far as the theology and ideology of keeping pets, we are about to lose our freedom to have a choice!

again, thank you for posting :weed:

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
The biggest thing that bothers me is that it seems like just one more way for the government to have a say in our personal lives.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you guys can't have a komodo dragon.....waaa get over it.................conspiracy theorists sure are funny:shock: ....................whats sad is that people actually believes the straight up lies:cry: Where has critical thinking gone


Well-Known Member
Yeah you guys can't have a komodo dragon.....waaa get over it.................conspiracy theorists sure are funny:shock: ....................whats sad is that people actually believes the straight up lies:cry: Where has critical thinking gone
no oscars, cichlids, hamsters, guinea pigs...... don't just view the extreme; i mean when have you ever even heard of a komodo dragon as a pet? i haven't....

it's not the extremes that i'm worried about here, it's the big popular animals that have been kept for decades and bred in captivity for hundreds of generations. i do agree that importation needs to be monitored much more closely, but i DO NOT agree that we shouldn't even have a fucking choice! our rights are slipping away slowly but surely..... well.... surely, and pretty quickly...

legalize pot, but illegalize pets..... o.0

not cool at all.


Well-Known Member
What happened to your lie about cats and dogs?
do some research please. you'll find that cats and dogs were included in the original document. you'll also note that all dogs fit under the category canidae. exemptions for canis lupis familiaris can be reneged because of listing the ban of that category. please don't call me a liar just because you're too lazy to google, or click the links i've provided.

thank you! :weed:


Well-Known Member
This thing is never gonna pass. What you think their gonna fine everybody who as a goldfish at their house?


Well-Known Member
This thing is never gonna pass. What you think their gonna fine everybody who as a goldfish at their house?
gold fish are on the list of exemptions for now, but also covered by the same type of loophole. however, say good bye to the oscars.... :(