favorite drug?


Well-Known Member
what is your favorite drug and the way you like to use it?

for me it alternates, because i smoke only every other week for tolerance reasons,

obviously my top fav is the ganj, and i would have too say my favorite way is a joint on a beautiful day out in the woods by myself.

on my off weeks alcohal is my fav, though it never will top budda, but i like to take a gulp from a can of miller light, then pop a hole in it as im drinking it, so that i can drink the whole can in 2 large gulps, quickly followed by 3-4 more cans.

and when im on mushrooms of course they are the best thing in the world and nothing can top it, when i sober up the top two prevail but durring the trip it's total extacy and there is nothing i can think of but how much i love mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
x hands down right behind the herb of course. i love brekin them in half settin them on my tounge an wait for the fun.


Well-Known Member


here read this

Erowid DMT Vault

Now my version to sum it up. DMT is the most potent psycodelic known to man more powerfull than shrooms, lsd, acid combined. This shit is so intense your seeing eyes and going through warp vortex and dimensions and you and the place is changing pysical propteries and its just a dream world.....Now theres key world i wrote "Dream World" because whats cool is DMT isnt like your normal street drug. We here have all done DMT 1 time or another only we call them "Dreams" (good trip) or "Nightmares" (bad trip) these are DMT trips because all living organism (even grass clippings) have DMT in them and when we sleep or are about to die (hense why we see shit like a white light and stuff) our body produces massive quanities of DMT. Its so cool and intense, and thing is the more heavy the dmt trip (im talking dreamwise like ur sleeping and u have a dream) come time u wake up in morning u remember alot of it, but as day goes on ull forget it, the more intense and unrealistic the trip was the faster you will forget it.

How do you get dmt? easy. its a chemical in our brains (horomone) we use a simple chemistry set and find something living (no not a kitty kat) such as grass clippings and i forgot how but u can extract chemically the DMT and you can use it with a nitrogen atom or a oxygen molecule. Different timr duration of trips. You mainly smoke DMT. Sad thing is its only a 15 minute trip around that. But its great it will blow your socks and give life a new perspective. everyone should try this at 1 point or another.


Well-Known Member
well trust me on your discription i would, but untill you mentioned it i had no idea it existed and as such i would not be able to try it.


Well-Known Member
lol most people dont, but if u get a basic chemistry set. and you read up on it u can extract it.


Well-Known Member
i like to take a gulp from a can of miller light, then pop a hole in it as im drinking it, so that i can drink the whole can in 2 large gulps, quickly followed by 3-4 more cans.
Thats kind of like a shotgun except you tilt the can at an angle and stab it in the air pocket then you put your mouth over the poked hole and pop the top. shoots straight down. I love doing this it gets you drunk quick. The only problem is if you dont burp your probably gonna blow chunks:spew:
1.Marlboros ( really addicting should be a drug)
2.Mary Jane
4. Cocaine (did it for like a year but I quit cold turkey and ill never do it again. very bad I know people who are still addicted to it.)


Master of Mayhem
OK this is a hard one for me as I am an ex-junkie and there isn't anything I haven't tried. I would have to say that my favorite highs rank as follows:
1. Crystal Meth
2. Oxycontin
3. Weed

I've been clean for a little over 2 years now, so my one and only is weed. It is the only thing I do (I don't even drink anymore) so therefore it is now my favorite:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
for me it is skunk and booz, i have bin snifin coke for about 10 yers but need to stop, as it is to deer and fucks my brain up?
and i dont do e, any moor but i do do mushy once a yer. and that thing you lot wear talking about with a beer can? we call that skulling,,,,lol:peace:


The Gardener
If The Ganja Was A Real Drug Then It Would Have To Be That But As In Drug Drugs Lol Chemicals Id Prefair A Lil Bit Of Base Rather Than White
Boxing Day Or New Years Only Unless Somthing Else Comes Up Lol


Master of Mayhem
Wow never heard it called that before. I've heard of "freebasing". Down here they call coke "bitch" and crack "hard", heroin is called "boy".