favorite drug?


Master of Mayhem
Theres No Crystal Meth Here Is That Ice ? That Stuff Its A Mess To
True Crystal Meth is Ice. If you're doing "base speed" it's just as bad if not worse. Speed or "Crank" is waaaay filthier than any other drug out there. It has all kinds of nasty shit in it like red devil lye, battery acid, ink (thats where the different colors come from), muratic acid..I could go on forever.


The Gardener
True Crystal Meth is Ice. If you're doing "base speed" it's just as bad if not worse. Speed or "Crank" is waaaay filthier than any other drug out there. It has all kinds of nasty shit in it like red devil lye, battery acid, ink (thats where the different colors come from), muratic acid..I could go on forever.

pure white dence sticky white wooooooo But whatever dude i just smoke the weed unless i need a lift for a big night the base fells a cleaner buzz than white :joint::mrgreen:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
As an ex junkie myself I would have to say my all time favorite drug is Heroin....hands down....There is no median with heroin....you either love it or hate it. I unfortunatly loved it but I am 3 yrs clean from it. It is by far the greatest high...I know its nasty and I cant believe some of the shit I did to get it but it's where it took me.


Master of Mayhem
pure white dence sticky white wooooooo But whatever dude i just smoke the weed unless i need a lift for a big night the base fells a cleaner buzz than white :joint::mrgreen:
Oh def man...I would take speed over coke ANY day. It lasts longer and doesn't make you all skitzy like coke (unless you have been up for 8 days).

Zekedogg...I know what you mean about that shit dude. I used to do some fucked up shit for those Oxys..and the meth.

As far as terms for Ice, that's what they used to call it in GA....glass or shards.


Well-Known Member


here read this

Erowid DMT Vault

Now my version to sum it up. DMT is the most potent psycodelic known to man more powerfull than shrooms, lsd, acid combined. This shit is so intense your seeing eyes and going through warp vortex and dimensions and you and the place is changing pysical propteries and its just a dream world.....Now theres key world i wrote "Dream World" because whats cool is DMT isnt like your normal street drug. We here have all done DMT 1 time or another only we call them "Dreams" (good trip) or "Nightmares" (bad trip) these are DMT trips because all living organism (even grass clippings) have DMT in them and when we sleep or are about to die (hense why we see shit like a white light and stuff) our body produces massive quanities of DMT. Its so cool and intense, and thing is the more heavy the dmt trip (im talking dreamwise like ur sleeping and u have a dream) come time u wake up in morning u remember alot of it, but as day goes on ull forget it, the more intense and unrealistic the trip was the faster you will forget it.

How do you get dmt? easy. its a chemical in our brains (horomone) we use a simple chemistry set and find something living (no not a kitty kat) such as grass clippings and i forgot how but u can extract chemically the DMT and you can use it with a nitrogen atom or a oxygen molecule. Different timr duration of trips. You mainly smoke DMT. Sad thing is its only a 15 minute trip around that. But its great it will blow your socks and give life a new perspective. everyone should try this at 1 point or another.
Not entirely true, LSD is the most potent hallucinogen known to man because its the only one measured in ug, it also has one of the lowest LD-50's. DMT produces crazier hallucinations, but you have to take more of it. I'd say behind the Ganja (def my favorite) are:
1. DMT
2. LSD
3. Shrooms or truffles.


Well-Known Member
pure white dence sticky white wooooooo But whatever dude i just smoke the weed unless i need a lift for a big night the base fells a cleaner buzz than white :joint::mrgreen:
That shit, no matter the purity, is just a bad idea. Although if you do want meth you could always take your kid's Desoxyn ADHD meds, guaranteed 100% pure. Still a bad idea. Funny that we give this shit, and it's little brother methylphenidate to kids.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member


here read this

Erowid DMT Vault

Now my version to sum it up. DMT is the most potent psycodelic known to man more powerfull than shrooms, lsd, acid combined. This shit is so intense your seeing eyes and going through warp vortex and dimensions and you and the place is changing pysical propteries and its just a dream world.....Now theres key world i wrote "Dream World" because whats cool is DMT isnt like your normal street drug. We here have all done DMT 1 time or another only we call them "Dreams" (good trip) or "Nightmares" (bad trip) these are DMT trips because all living organism (even grass clippings) have DMT in them and when we sleep or are about to die (hense why we see shit like a white light and stuff) our body produces massive quanities of DMT. Its so cool and intense, and thing is the more heavy the dmt trip (im talking dreamwise like ur sleeping and u have a dream) come time u wake up in morning u remember alot of it, but as day goes on ull forget it, the more intense and unrealistic the trip was the faster you will forget it.

How do you get dmt? easy. its a chemical in our brains (horomone) we use a simple chemistry set and find something living (no not a kitty kat) such as grass clippings and i forgot how but u can extract chemically the DMT and you can use it with a nitrogen atom or a oxygen molecule. Different timr duration of trips. You mainly smoke DMT. Sad thing is its only a 15 minute trip around that. But its great it will blow your socks and give life a new perspective. everyone should try this at 1 point or another.
Lsd and acid are the same thing.. :lol:

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
i like to take a gulp from a can of miller light, then pop a hole in it as im drinking it, so that i can drink the whole can in 2 large gulps, quickly followed by 3-4 more cans.
Thats kind of like a shotgun except you tilt the can at an angle and stab it in the air pocket then you put your mouth over the poked hole and pop the top. shoots straight down. I love doing this it gets you drunk quick. The only problem is if you dont burp your probably gonna blow chunks:spew:
1.Marlboros ( really addicting should be a drug)
2.Mary Jane
4. Cocaine (did it for like a year but I quit cold turkey and ill never do it again. very bad I know people who are still addicted to it.)
Nicotine is a drug :cool: