Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

It doesn't have to do with that, it has to do with that it's an idea and you don't know the finished product for sure, so you search for other people's thoughts to help you form your own opinion. Whether or not you want to admit it, that's the way everything is.

edit: forgot to quote CrackerJax
It doesn't have to do with that, it has to do with that it's an idea and you don't know the finished product for sure, so you search for other people's thoughts to help you form your own opinion. Whether or not you want to admit it, that's the way everything is.

edit: forgot to quote CrackerJax

I came to the conclusion it was ok for me to smoke weed all on my own :D
I came to the conclusion it was ok for me to smoke weed all on my own :D
I wasn't trying to say that you can't do that, I'm just saying that not everyone can do that. It doesn't mean they are indecisive or lost, it just means they wanna make an educated decision on the rest of their life. You can't knock someone just because they ask a question.
We are talking about Christianity here right? Sure, you can look for answers, but you must FIRST find a reliable source and that is where Christianity falls flat on its face.

You are better off reading philosophy books to get the meaning of life than reading the Bible.

out. :blsmoke:
my buddy is sort of christian, he's more into the idea/feeling of god rather than the religion itself.

his logic is, the sort of body is a temple thing . . . and that by smoking he's hurting god (not badly but still hurting him.)

I'm not christian or religious in any way, I'm a ridiculously logical thinker so religion isn't compatible with me.

but I was wondering what sort of idea's could back up smoking weed and being christian from my friends perspective? any educated christians out there?
and God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. and the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. - Genesis 1:11-12

then again,

all things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. all things are lawful, but not all things edify. - 1 corinthians 10:23

it comes down to personal belief. there can be no right and wrong.
We are talking about Christianity here right? Sure, you can look for answers, but you must FIRST find a reliable source and that is where Christianity falls flat on its face.

You are better off reading philosophy books to get the meaning of life than reading the Bible.

out. :blsmoke:
You're telling me that a philosophy book will help you understand whether or not smoking marijuana is a good decision? Send me a link, I need to read this...
This thread is in the context of "is smoking weed a thing Christians should do"

Medically speaking I can answer you that smoking weed is not good for you. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
This thread is in the context of "is smoking weed a thing Christians should do"

Medically speaking I can answer you that smoking weed is not good for you. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
And i was speaking in the context of a Christian who is wondering whether or not smoking marijuana is a good decision. Medically speaking, yes, smoking marijuana is harmful to your lungs, but there are other methods of ingesting marijuana. We can argue all day about the facts and the differences in our beliefs, I was just stating that just because someone asks a question does not hold them to the category of being indecisive or lost.
And i was speaking in the context of a Christian who is wondering whether or not smoking marijuana is a good decision. Medically speaking, yes, smoking marijuana is harmful to your lungs, but there are other methods of ingesting marijuana. We can argue all day about the facts and the differences in our beliefs, I was just stating that just because someone asks a question does not hold them to the category of being indecisive or lost.

it's simple really. So you know that smoking is bad...nice and secular.
What I am talking about when I say only people who are indecisive or lost, are people who need some sort of reinforcement from a particular group of people as to what they should or shouldn't do. That part of you should already be distilled. This is one of the inherent problems of the religious. they dwell on things which are out of their control, but by accepting other folks belief systems(Christianity), become under the control of something far more insidious. Since the church has no answers to life or death, why do people continue to believe, other than it being a comfortable chair in which they have grown accustomed to. As you grow up (mentally), you'll see it is time for a new chair.

out. :blsmoke:
I don't think so! I'm not a Christian, but I know plenty of Christians who smoke and are okay with it. It's more a governmental/societal taboo than it is a religious issue... and in this case, Christians should be grateful for the separation of church and state. Smoke on, lil' buddy!!

Agreed, what can be considered 'sinful' covers a great deal of areas, and most of them were just included for political reasons. Take Leviticus for example; a whole heap of crazy rules that make no sense in modern times. On the whole, X'tian 'teachers' will largely say whatever they think their audience wants to hear, so in an intolerant society (e.g. USA) smoking is considered a sin, but in a society which is tolerant of smoking (take Holland for example) no such prejudice exists.

When it comes down to it, your religion is a personal thing, so it's not what your preacher says that counts, it's how you feel about such matters. The whole purpose of post-reformation X'tianity is to wrestle the message of Jesus out of the hands of political power-elites and allow people to interpret it for themselves. For me smoking a joint is completely victimless, but then I also stongly believe that there is no god at all. :peace: