+ Rep, you get the concept.
Hell there are still people that have not come forward or admitted they lost money in that Bernie Madoff scandal......and that is legit money lost.
Comparing a 2 month old clone business to the biggest ponzi scheme in US history is laughable. Of course there are people that won't come forward when they are scammed, but you have to have people to scam. CD wasn't in business long enough to have gotten enough people involved. When I say pull out early, I'm talking in terms of a scam. If it was a scam, they didn't let it play out long enough. They were only just convincing people to order. Hell, some people delayed ordering because of the new payment method. It was only after a few trials with the quickpay that they went away. All I'm saying is if it was a scam, it was poorly planned and done. Hell, my little sister could have ripped off more people in a night at the bar then these guys did. Do you think that people wouldn't sign in to the forums for their shipping updates, since that is what they told buyers to do? What you fail to understand is that we were getting updates as to who was buying and there wasn't anyone that ordered and didn't post at least once checking on their shipping status.
@delusional, limiting the orders is only brilliant if you stay around long enough to reap the reward. That was why I mentioned they were limiting the order right up until the end. If it was a scam, you let the last few fish send as much money as they want. You don't limit everyone. If they were brilliant limiting orders, they were dumb in every other aspect of the con. To me, Occam's Razor tells me that it was the worst scam in the world, with a couple of ingenious setups (mulitple aliases on various forums, setup months to years in advanced; their 'brilliant'[?] idea to limit the amount of money the mark will send but terrible execution; the great idea of publicly linking to a well-known and respected clone provider in the MMJ community)
or it cuts the other way and tells me that it was a legit business, like the other mail order clone outfits (this isn't the only one out there) that had something happen.
Think it's a scam all you want but they spent a lot of time and effort for a very small reward.