Fish GUTSSSS!!!!!!!!!! +rep


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone? Been doing some research for my outdoor grow this season and I have been looking for cheap soil additive n what not. Ive heard about fish emulsion you buy at your hydro-shop but I figured since I love fishing why not catch my own and add it to my soil.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this, like what type of fish works best, what parts of the fish?

If all els fails I'm just gonna chop up some trout, bass, and maybe even catfish and throw them in the soil!! I added some of my recent catches to the post.

+ rep for helpp!



Well-Known Member
haha, i know animals love antifreeze and it kills them, but thats not what I'm trying to go for, I'm trying to be as organic as possible lol. Do you think if i were carfule not to let the fish touch anything and just place in the ground like 3 ft that animals could still smell it?


Well-Known Member
Do you think if i were carfule not to let the fish touch anything and just place in the ground like 3 ft that animals could still smell it?
never know, maybe. are about talking about digging a hole 3 feet deep and throwing a fish in it and refilling with soil and planting the weed on top ? That's too deep, maybe a foot or two deep so that the roots grow into it sooner. I'd do some experimenting on one plant before trying it on a whole crop.


Well-Known Member
Hey Northernlights4, I used fish last year for my outdoor grow and it worked great as a fertilizer. I put 3 or 4 good sized fish about 2 foot down under each plant and never had any problems with animals. fish meat starts to rot and brake down really fast compared to other meat which is why it's so affective as a fert. The only problem is that if you put it about 6 inches under your plant so the roots get to it a lot sooner then you might have animals smelling it like your talking about....personally I'd just go with about 2 foot cause outdoor plants that have plenty of room spread roots pretty fast.

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
yea vapor, i agree + rep dude, i was thinking that, cuz i know when plants arnt in containers the roots grow like crazy. So they would have reached the fish in like a week or two. I have like 2in seedlings and the tap roots are already like 7in long. I'm going fishing tomorrow morning, I'm going to bring some containers with me so I can bring the fish to my site, dig some holes and put them in it. I'm thinking about 2ft is good, gives the roots a short time to reach them and gives the fish time to decompose before I transplant!


Well-Known Member
I've got one hole with about five lbs. of salmon and halibut parts and another hole with about five lbs. of shrimp heads and shells, both buried roughly 2 feet deep. I put the seedlings on them about two weeks ago. They are now over two feet tall with no signs of flowering. Lets hope it stays that way for another three months. I've been in some fishy holes, but this is the first time that I've tried putting the fish in the hole. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
looks like you went fishing at a golf course ^ lol

if i do this this year,and i might im gonna put the meat(fish) in a blender with like some bannanas and apples and then put that shit in the bottom of a hole and then pour molasses water on it lol


Active Member
i use fish heads and egg shells in my soil... member that it might atract racoons and such....... use chickn wire aound crop


Active Member
I use dried fish meal and fish bone meal from Dr. Earth in my soil. The fish meal has mostly nitrogen and the fish bone meal has a good dose of phosphorus. These don't seem to attract as many animals to the area, but they are both good strong organic fertilizers. I sprinkle a little around the root ball as well as bury a few handfuls about a foot and a half down.