Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

That's funny, when I saw the title of this thread, I was going to come here and ask if anyone has heard this or verified it.

Are mangos in season now?:twisted:
yeah. here in hawaii, mangoes are just starting to flower. very early stages yet though....no mangoes yet, just flowers
As a bodybuilder who enjoys fine herb, I can definitely confirm that smoking after a good workout is the shit. Goes all the way back to Arnie tokin' after the '75 Olympia in Pumping Iron. On a serious note...I don't advise smoking before a workout, especially if you plan on using heavy weight. Get caught under a barbell on an incline bench and you'll know what i'm talkin bout.
bong or vaporizer with kush and or hash and keif on top of every hit this gets me ripped cuz im not just smokin green im also smokin concentrated thc
eating slightly over ripe mango will f you up. ask ed had an article in cannabis culture about it. something about a chemical the slightly over ripe mango produces increases the high from pot..

I finally got over to doing this last night. I'm not 100% sure it worked but I think it did. I didn't smoke all day and at 11 pm I and a friend demolished 2 mangos and smoked at 11:45. It kicked in really fast and I felt much higher then I should for like 30 minutes, then it seemed to go to just a normal high. I think it worked but for all I know it could have just been a placebo affect.
"mangoes contain myrcene, which crosses the blood-brain barrier and transports thc across the barrier too"."increasing the amount of myrcene in the blood system results in more thc getting into the brain."............. excerpts taken from Q and A from Ed Rosenthal in article from cannabis culture mag :)
forget all that workin out, quittin for a day, or any other random "gets you higher" theory.
ther is a thing called tolerance factor...no matter how dank your weed is..just like poison, if you take minute amounts over time and continuing to up dosage, your body will become tolerant to whatever it is your taking.....the best advicec would be to quit for a week, then you'll really get stoned ... :)
I'll just stick with the water bong (glass of course).. Deff. gets me toasted longer (Plus tastes yummy if you keep your piece clean). Blunts taste good but they leave so much resin on the end and they burn up more bud for the same effect and smoking the roach later. Yuck only as a last resort! Total waste of a good stash, and it's not worth smoking if a phat bong rip won't do the job. :)
Ok guys I have a few personal experiences but here are somethings that have kept me higher longer and made the high stronger. Also I realize MAry affects everyone different but for the most part its all the same. Please feel free to add your ideas! :bigjoint:

1. I found that when I smoke anytime before or even after I play basketball with friends or simply jog around I feel at least 3 times higher when I get home and watch tv. I dunno if its the adrenline or what because people say dont talk to cops while high because you will get nervous and your adrenline will kill your hi, but whenever i get my blood pumping faster it seems my high goes up. Also even if I dont smoke that day and work out really hard or run round I will still feel some high at the end. Probably because I smoke everyday and there is still some thc in me.

2. Bong!!! i think this one is obvious, bong rips get you ripped!!bongsmilie

3. and I also found that if your a heavy smoker like me actually quittin for a day or two will help you out. Your next hi will be better and last longer, But do you wanna wait? i never do :lol:
To 3, would that be your tolerence? I heard if your smoking everyday you'd have a higher tolerance. take a break and it goes down so next time the high would be better. Dont people take tolerance breaks all the time? pz
playing baseballs wit a 3 people or more take a hit and hold in the smoke till the bong pipe/blunt comes back to u. and then u got the

I used to do that but it doesnt work. THC is absorbed pretty instantaneously. all you are doing is allowing your lungs to soak up the harsh elements of whizzle. just trying to help!!!!!

I like to use a two person mini hookah. Cheap and two people can go at it instead a your lonesome!!! And you dont even know how much smoke youve just inhaled until you exhale and choke your fuckin head off!!!!! :hump:
Every time I get and I laugh really really hard it feels like I get higher. It probably has something to do with endorphins.