Rightly said............. get up and leave. Just don't come to Nv. we've got our share of outcasts from Ca. They all expect the same living conditions as Ca. They even built a whole city, called Summerlin. That's where 80% of the foreclosures are. This city of roughly 500K was built in the last ten years, and filled with wingnuts from Ca. Please go back and take your cotton picking attitudes with.............No Vi, New York has the highest taxes in the nation....
Besides, if you don't like it, get the fuck out of California.
They are a CANCER...a slobbering, festering, suicidal mongloid with herpes, running rampant through this country raping everything and everyone they can get their hands on.
It scares the hell out of me that there are people like you running around the country. Tell me, what brand of bleach do you use on your sheet?Oooh Oooh, can I play too?
Blah Blah Blah "ignore the 10 trillion in new debt" blah blah blah "we lost the popular vote, take it to the courts" blah blah blah "fuk the constitution unless and only unless we can use it to cram our agenda down the throats of the masses" blah blah blah "pay no attention to the community reinvestment act that CAUSED the economic disaster, that a liberal congress passed and BARAK OBAMA sponsored" blah blah blah "how dare you bring up the FACT that the Congress voted to go to Iraq based on the EXACT same evidence that the administration had access to" blah blah blah "Chavez and Castro are really humanitarians" blah blah blah...
Man, I think I could fill three pages up with the delusional, suicidal beliefs of the typical liberal. Liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER.
As a libertarian in the fullest sense of the word, it amazes me that liberals or more accurately...statists...don't just look at the states and cities that get their WISHLISTS of liberal policies passed with ease. They are the most unstable (even in the best of economies), can't provide their own energy needs, and are typically crime ridden cesspools. Case in point, New York, California, Michigan and the list goes on. The sick thing is these people are FLEEING the cities they ruined with their deranged voting habits and are moving to the "sane" cities and states. The problem is they DONT LEARN...even as they RUN like rats from a sinking ship to dry land, they bring their lunacy with them and are now ruining those areas as well. They are a CANCER...a slobbering, festering, suicidal mongloid with herpes, running rampant through this country raping everything and everyone they can get their hands on.
Look another frothing at the mouth idiot.Why not start a revolution kill all those liberals
Kill KIll KIll those liberals![]()
It scares the hell out of me that there are people like you running around the country. Tell me, what brand of bleach do you use on your sheet?
No Vi, New York has the highest taxes in the nation....
Besides, if you don't like it, get the fuck out of California.
I've got your stinkin Badges.MuyLoco ...
Its nice to have another logical, clear thinking Libertarian posting in the forum.
I predict that it won't be long before Med presents you with a death threat via private message as he did me. When it happens, look at it as a badge of honor.
I've got your stinkin Badges.
I count the moments until it arrives. I like medicineman...hell, I like everyone on here...even the crazies. The great thing about being a free thinking libertarian is you get to watch the mindless drones on both sides blather talking points and fling unoriginal, impotent attacks at each other. And if you're real lucky, you get to throw in little jabs and stir the pot a bit.
Kalifornee here we come......straight back where we started from!! Oh they are broke cuz lib's are DUMB!! Kalifornee here we come!!
C'mon, everybody on the Obamanomics train...we're headin for kalifornee!!! Toot Toot!! All those aboard that aren't already offshore!! Toot Toot!!!
At least i could put the tv on mute and "think" of palin doing the nasty.CJ, would you prefer that Mccain was president now? Because that was the ONLY other choice at the time. Yes or no?
CJ, would you prefer that Mccain was president now? Because that was the ONLY other choice at the time. Yes or no?