NEED HELP FAST,banans in my buds


Well-Known Member
Lol no, it's not.
ha, ive been to many other countries that know wat 420 is.

Despite your knowledge of it or not you know now.
Today is four twenty.

As far as your banana problem, snip that bitch
I lived in England for 3 years and they did not know what the fuck I was talking about when I mentioned it.

Neither did people in France, Germany, Spain, or Even Holland. So what countries are you talking about?

So let me rephrase, it's a North America pot head thing AKA a high school kids lingo when trying to act cool.


Well-Known Member
Too many kids on this site that think they know shit!

Fuck Em

But yeah like Boneman said, clip them carefully :) It's really about the only thing you can do.
thanks,im gonna chop the cola now but im gonna have to leave the rest for tomorow,its 4 30am now i gotta get up at 8 so that it


Well-Known Member
I would pull it before you know it there will be a million balls coming all over your girls. Had it happen more than once! Also 420 is supposed to be the time Jerry Garcia of the Gratefull Dead died.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
i can guarantee that at leat 99% of people in Macedonia who smoke weed dont know what 420 is,how can they know when most dont even speak english,just couse u met some people in europe that knew does not mean its that prevalent and thats probably EU u were at,

ither than that

whats the couse of this i found on the bud,is it normal if she went for too long or a light leak
Who care's he doesn't know what 420 is? The world doesn't revolve around the United States and their slang, customs, trends, etc. Get a clue.

As far as the cause of the bananas--i've heard (and it sounds plausible) that the female plants wants pollen so bad, literally "yearning" for it, that it will do anything to get it. Late in flowering, it can even herm out.

As others said--pluck em, snip em, whatever.

And make sure you don't miss any hiding underneath, sneaky little fuckers.

Good luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I would pull it before you know it there will be a million balls coming all over your girls. Had it happen more than once! Also 420 is supposed to be the time Jerry Garcia of the Gratefull Dead died.
LOL.. Funny! Everybody talking about 420 like they know what 420 is. For all everybody knows it is the day to smoke. Every day is 420. But yea 420 started in America and again I'm no expert but from my understanding it was the time some high schoolers were suppose to meet to smoke. Find it on youtube. There is a video there that explains it all and how it all started (according to them). Some say it is the international code for drug bust though it might be I don't know. Anyways 420 is the day groups and activist and friends meet up for smokeouts to celebrate ganja...or something like that. It was NOT started by the time Jerry Garcia died. I do know that.


Well-Known Member
And oh, even though Jerry Garcia was found dead at 4.23AM, it doesn't have anything to do with 420.:lol: