So if I do 12/12 from seed...


Well-Known Member
That means that an 8-9 week strain should be done in about 75 days if all the conditions are correct?


a 8-9 week strain would prolly be done in 10-12 weeks


Well-Known Member
if you don't allow the plant to have some veg time. you will have a bad root base. when you put the plant into flower the root growth slows to just about zero.


Well-Known Member
by 8-9wks you mean flowering time??
i grow 12/12 from seed alla time, and a reg 8-9wks 'flowering' strain STILL needs to reach maturity before it will start flowering.
Once the sprouts show thir heads I tend to get a short veg period of 3-6wks dependant on strain n pheno and vigor.
once they reach the 6th or so node i will get preflowers, and a wk or so later they will start real flower production.
so in theory you might be lookin at 11-15 wks from germination to harvest

just my .2


Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
stumps is right, not allowing the roots to take before flowering will leave a small weak plant with little to no yield. Wait at least 3 sequential nodes, 5 is the best to keep them small and still yield


Well-Known Member
The plants will veg and a decent rootball will be achieved under 12/12..
Under 12/12 schedule The plant will naturally grow in a VEG state til it reaches maturity and is ready to flower, and this can take anywhere from 3-6wks, or usually around the 6-7th node preflowers will show.
The only drawback of 12/12 is that your plant would not be quite so nice as those that had a veg period of 18/6..
As for 12/12 giving poor yield...would you call 3.5 oz from 1 un-topped plant under a meager 150w hps poor yield?


Well-Known Member
by 8-9wks you mean flowering time??
i grow 12/12 from seed alla time, and a reg 8-9wks 'flowering' strain STILL needs to reach maturity before it will start flowering.
Once the sprouts show thir heads I tend to get a short veg period of 3-6wks dependant on strain n pheno and vigor.
once they reach the 6th or so node i will get preflowers, and a wk or so later they will start real flower production.
so in theory you might be lookin at 11-12 wks from germination.

just my .2

just asking.. if you use 12/12 during veg dosen't that just slow groth during veg??


Well-Known Member
I need to back up. my 12/12 grow was from a clone. using a bubbler. the clone rooted and produced a bud. It finished about two weeks later then the mother.

2009 contest 006.jpg

2009 contest 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
I like growing 12/12 from seed but only bagseed don't waste a good strain on it. I've had decent results everytime usually fill any extra space with bagseed in solo cups the veg about 3 to 4 weeks and then start to flower at about a foot tall for me in solo cups they end up at about 20 to 30 inch 10 to 25 grams its fun and somtime killer bagseed smoke i usually try to get almost all amber trichs stoned to the stone


Well-Known Member
I use my 150 hps in one of my cabs, runs 12.12 from bean..The growth isnt really slow,i 've had some real fast lil fuckers that absolutely flew into bushes and others that seemed 'tarded..could also be genetically slow or seed that had diminished vigor.
The main difference from the plants grown under 12/12 and the others in my main growspace which are 18/6 is size, which obviously will affect yield.
My poiint being, i grow using both schedules, the main room is 18/6 cuz i can afford to have some big ladies in there, the cab is 12/12 cuz its still easy to achieve decent sized 4ft-ish healthy plants with an adequate root sys that will yield more than enough bud for their size, and still fit in my cab.

Here's a couple of previous grows at various stages under the 150 on 12/12



Well-Known Member
Right on, I am in the middle of a 12/12 grow from seed, and I use aeroponics and the root system is huge so saying that the roots will be weak is VERY false. Unless it's just the aeroponics that helps the roots grow so much, might be different for soil and drip. I saw someones 1oz honnies page from 12/12 and his were in little solo cups and finished in 75 days so I hope to finish up in that amount of time... does anyone know how long nute burn will set you back in flower time?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You cant start a plant on 12/12 flower from seed as the plant needs to be mature to reproduce or flower. meaning about 8 nodes to be a mature plant. You can flower a clone as soon as it is rooted. I can flower rooted clones for 5 weeks and harvest. When a strain say 7-9 weeks that is the flower time no veg time figured in.You also will increase the stress factor increasing male and hermi plants. You may get it to flower but your decreasing potency and yield


Well-Known Member
You cant start a plant on 12/12 flower from seed as the plant needs to be mature to reproduce or flower. meaning about 8 nodes to be a mature plant. You can flower a clone as soon as it is rooted. I can flower rooted clones for 5 weeks and harvest. When a strain say 7-9 weeks that is the flower time no veg time figured in.You also will increase the stress factor increasing male and hermi plants. You may get it to flower but your decreasing potency and yield
How do you flower 7-9 week strains in 5 weeks? Putting a rooted clone into flower should still take 7-9 weeks to flower all the way to harvest, no?


Well-Known Member
well can you or cant you do 12/12 from seeds and if you can what should your ph be and your nuts thanks


Well-Known Member
johnny961, dont believe?? go to the 150w hps club thread, you can see the grapefruit in action, grown from seed on 12/12 in soil with organic nutes,dense as fuck and covered in trichs.
3.5 dry/11.1 wet. The pics (see previous post ^^^) were around 6wks into its 11-14wk flowering period.

If its possible to get 2+ oz off some autos, why would a non auto pure sativa yield any less?

go steady:D



some strain will still veg 3 weeks or more under 12/12 from seed simply because its not mature enough to flower. in my opinion its better to veg