Best Stealth Pipe


Well-Known Member
I am going on a cruise and want to toke as stealthily as possible.

Any Ideas????
I would bring a tobacco pipe.... there are ones used for tobacco.. and always remember to use a sploof you would be able to smoke anywhere and know one would smell it.


Well-Known Member
I've seen wooden pipes that aren't much bigger than a lighter. Heck, you could make your own. Drill some holes and get out the sand paper, just make sure you pick a suitable wood for the pipe, some woods are treated, which is bad, some themselves are bad, do a little research.


Well-Known Member
one hitters and dugouts are cool except its obvious you arent smoking a cigarette. i would empty out some cigarettes and pack them with weed. that or just roll joints in your room first and then just smoke them outside away from everyone. buy a pack of tobacco for $2.50 and always have it in your hand when you are smoking as a cover. also, buy flavoured tobacco so if anyone asks about the smell you can tell them its the flavouring.. if you smoke tobacco, i would go with the pipe idea. get a tobacco pipe and some tobacco. pack some weed in the bowl with some tobacco. this will help cover up the smell.. long story short, i know a bunch of dumbasses that have smoked on cruises and not gotten caught. you should be good.


Active Member
I would bring a tobacco pipe.... there are ones used for tobacco.. and always remember to use a sploof you would be able to smoke anywhere and know one would smell it.

WTF is a sploof?????I'm 40 guys. I just started smoking again after 20 years. When I smoked before, we used to get dime bags of grass on Pico In L.A. Now, I use it for sleep.


Well-Known Member
WTF is a sploof?????I'm 40 guys. I just started smoking again after 20 years. When I smoked before, we used to get dime bags of grass on Pico In L.A. Now, I use it for sleep.
a sploof is a wierd name used to a devise that you blow smoke through to filter its smell.. just use a paper towel tube.. and use a couple sheets of dryer sheets/ fleecy sheets and cover the end tube with the sheet with an elastic now just blow smoke through it ine a one hit and the room smells fresh.


Active Member
a sploof is a wierd name used to a devise that you blow smoke through to filter its smell.. just use a paper towel tube.. and use a couple sheets of dryer sheets/ fleecy sheets and cover the end tube with the sheet with an elastic now just blow smoke through it ine a one hit and the room smells fresh.


Why didn't you just say" Make a freakin' air filter"

I wonder if you could fart thru a sploof>>>>


Active Member
There's a onehitter that looks just like a cigerette. Same width, length, etc. Just has a small bit on the end to stuff shit into.

Or, you could just go old school and bust out the tin-foil. I do that sometimes if I forget where I put my bowl. =p


Active Member
a friend of mine has a pipe that fits inside of a zippo lighter. Its awesome, the pipe slides out of an outer metal shell (which appears to be the outside of a lighter.) and a little handle screws into it.. complicated to explain but take my word..... its soooo AWESOME!

joints are always a safe bet. they look like cigarettes and are easily disposable if your smoke has been compromised... good luck


Active Member
If your cruise stops at places, then just roll some joints. Take a stroll on the beach and puff away.

I see that you use it for sleep... if you need to do it before bed, then just make an air filter, like stated above. Cover the bowl after every hit so no smoke escapes. Block off any ventilation so nothing can escape. These are the things I did back when I was sneak tokin while living with the parents.


Well-Known Member
Dude,yeah, joints, I smoked me a few fat ones right on top of the top platform on the cruise ship to bazzarutto... was awesome... seaair at night blows that shit away so fast....


SToNeR CheckList:

1. ceramic cigarette piece (one hitters all you need for you ninja smokers, dont want ambient smoke to burn)
2. your tastiest bud in a med container to trap smell and keep freshness
3. 10 lighters, just in case you loose one
4. Snozzle to Trap all the smoke odor you exhale
5. Eye drops so you can mingle with the hot chick at starbucks

*Puff *puff *Pass


I think a small chillum would be your best bet, just find one that looks like a cigar. In some headshops I have seen metal ones that are colored to look like cigs