Stumps guess you have never used sweet leaf,sweet, carbo load?? these are all derivitives of bl;ack strap molasses made for hydro. As I said you use 2 table spoons few days before the res change. The purpose of molasses is to boost the carbohydrates which yes all plants use soil and hydro. the only time you do not use it is in aero or fog ponics. You disolve the molasses in warm water then add to the res. It does nothing to gunk up your system and your changing the res in 2 days anyways. the added carb allow the plant to use its nutrients quicker and promotes the plants uptake. Its a proven hydro and soil method and has several dozen companys making thier own version. i have used it in hydro for about 12 years now and even tried to expirement with small amounts for aero. Yes aero will be a mess as the mist foams the molasses making a gummy foam. In hydro flood and drain or drip its fine and works excellent.
I remember reading a thread here a while back regarding the carbo-load, i believe... seems it was quite similair to molasses no??