Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright just a update on how the Flower room is .... i checked allot of different trichomes most of them were cloudy some were starting to get amber and i even had some that were clear at the bottom and the very top was cloudy.... so the girl is into another week of nutes, i doubled the shooting powder nute. I am trying to find one of those messure tools that look like a clamp that will close in on the nugs and tell me how thick/wide they are so i can messure the last month of the grow see how much bigger they get.


Well-Known Member
Hey Hulk, It will pay off (working, school, dad). I am going to school full time because my industry has taken a crash also. I am an auido/visual technician (projectionist) and those big companies that are closing doors are the big companies that hired me to do events, seminars, expos, conferences, and studio work.

These companies used to fly me all over the place to operate equipment, but now I can hardly find gigs near home, and I'm really good at what I do.

I know that when I am done with school it will all seem SO worth it.

On many job I travel all over and meet all sorts of people who genuinely like my personality and ask me about working for their company as a sales representative, but as soon as I tell them i have no degree, they change their tune. Most of them are honest and have told me that without it (a degree), I will not get hired, so call them when I get it.

One of the companies sells a new insulin that does not need to be refrigerated and will be released on the market soon (maybe it has already), but what a product to sell. That will revolutionize how diabetics live their lives, and I would've like to be part of it.

I'm just rambling cuz I'm high. Got me some Skunk OG that tastes real good

Sheesh!!! - So many strains/names these days... Cannot wait for the "OG OG Quadruple OG OG OG OG", or the "Grandaddy OG to the Super Duper OG OG"...

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea i cant wait to go back but i will be a while untell i can see the rewards .... i was never good in school i have A.D.D. hahaha always day dreaming and i didnt even start smoking tell after highschool anyways now i am just rambaling......

I think i heard over 3000 strains now i love it but shit its so hard to figure out what to get when i am looking at the board, i am glad i found WT i can check out everything before i go in, i cant wait tell 420 there is going to be some good deals out there i have been waiting and saving for then lmao :bigjoint: going to try and hit up acouple of places. I just got some Green Crack really nice heads all gone and light but been on my feet since i got up gotta love a good sativa. I have noticed there are more Indicas out there and when they say hybrid and i ask is it HS or HI and like i said i love my sativas i check it out online and all the hybrids are normaly Indica. Like i said i am glad i have WT so i can check that all out.


Well-Known Member
Hey, hey whats up hulk! hows it goin? I'm so jealous. But good news, their starting a bill here to legalize medical marijuana and to actually LEGALIZE the pruduction, processing and sale of it here. So Maybe I'll have access to some of those crazy clones soon enough eh?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey, hey whats up hulk! hows it goin? I'm so jealous. But good news, their starting a bill here to legalize medical marijuana and to actually LEGALIZE the pruduction, processing and sale of it here. So Maybe I'll have access to some of those crazy clones soon enough eh?

crossing my fingers man, i really hate cigs so if they can be legal i say why cant mj its better for you anyways and only harm it has on secondhand is munchies .... you can always come to cali and get your card just make trips on vacation to get clones. or get someone to mail you clones hahaha not sure if they would make it thoe, well i will be hoping for the best oneday it will be legal everywere i just hope that every one dosnt gain 20lbs because of it.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I will have a update tomorrow on both rooms.

Flowering room will start Two week flush.

Veg/Flowering one month to go.

I have been trying to find a motorized light lifter. I want to be able to lower and raise my lights on Cable wire no more chains. So i am looking for a motorized crank with safety clip. There was another thread i was reading now i cant find still trying to find it, he used pulleys and rope. I can figure out how to setup the pulleys but i just wanted to get another look at his setup. If i cant find a motorized crank i will make my own motorized or manual crank out of a fishing reel or pencil sharpener or something hahaha just throwing this idea out there, if you have a idea don't be shy trying to brain storm before i start trying to make something.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Day 34 Vegroom Flowering

DWC 2 gallon 2 plants 6 site,(built for cloning)

Aero Bucket 2 gallon 4 plants 8 site,(built for cloning)

Water Farm 2 gallon 1 plant,

2 Coco 5x5, Handwatering

House and Garden - Aqua a/b - BudXL

PPM 1550

PH 5.7

DAM DAM DAM Just checked my Temp 105, Humidity 42 grrr and its not even summer yet.

The Afghan Kush is going to need allot more time i believe, The nugs are nothing really as you can see in the pics you cant even really see nugs compared to the unknown bagseed. There is Master Kush in there to but its under the big unknown in the aero bucket, it does have a nice size cola to just could not get a good pic of it. I am just having fun with this grow seeing how everything works, its fun learning first hand. I noticed that DWC for some reason uses the most water not sure why but it does, i fill all my water res tanks every 3 to 4 days. The Aero takes the least amount of water and it has 4 plants, The Waterfarm is never empty at 3,4 days but it about 3/4 empty, blabla just rambaling now hahaha.

Another thing i have noticed is my PPM i dont know if this in a book or another thread some where but just from what i have done but the higher my ppm is the better my buds looked, The plant in the flowering room never went this high with the ppm and at 30 days it did not look as good as the veg room is looking right now.

The last 6 pics are the Afghan Kush, all the other pics are the Unknown Bagseed from the aero and dwc, witch has taken over this room.



Well-Known Member
looking real good and fuzzy... nice trichs going on there... that one nug is huge man.

It's funny, you can tell we are about the same place, becuase your room looks like mine, but with mylar on the walls.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
looking real good and fuzzy... nice trichs going on there... that one nug is huge man.

It's funny, you can tell we are about the same place, becuase your room looks like mine, but with mylar on the walls.


Thanks Jig, yea the pics dont do my nugs justice i even have a nice camcorder that takes pics, and shit just not the quality of pics i want to see... i remeber my old friend used to use a bubble eye or somthing like that got some crazy pics and video footage. yea i dont really like the mylar i got allot of it and now i wished i would have went with the panda film or the foam 4x8 sheets oh well its just hard to cut and get a good tight looking fit but i have a huge roll of it to pratice hahaha after i harvest the rooms.

Will have the Flower room update tomorrow pics already taken just enjoying the 420

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Flower Room Flushing

Water Farm - Unknown bagseed

Veg Time - 5 months

Flower Time - 56 Days (Nutes)

Nutes - House and Garden Aqua, Bud XL, Top Shooter, Shooting Powder, Multinizim, Super-thrive were all used durning this plants life

Temp - Shit never had a problem with the temp but now since its so hot my room is staying 75- 80 with lights out and with lights on its getting 90 - 105 fuk

Humidity - Lights off gets around 50 - 60%, Lights on 30 - 45%

Flushing - Right now the Waterfarm is filled with 2 gallons of ph 5.6 water with Clerex to start its flushing, i was going to flush for two weeks but i read that hydro does not take two weeks with in 7 days your good to go

Trichomes - Cloudy, Milky i thought i had some amber but i cant find any, i read that amber trichomes are for sleeping and cloudy will keep you up. Not sure if this is true just something i read, i thought it was based on if it was a sativa or indica if it put your to sleep or was a work high. I will flush for two weeks and if the trichomes don't change then i will just harvest anyways.

Well went to go spend some time last night with my big birtha took some pics of her so you all can check her out, The nugs are getting really big and there all falling over on each other laying on top of each other. Well i tried to get in there and put some string up from side to side in the room but i was hitting the front colas trying to reach over and work so i didn't get a great job done but i do have three lines up holding the tops back(i hope they stay like that and don't fall again) Well i hope two weeks and then i can start chopping and drying this has been crazy watching this little girl go from seed to 4 foot tall plant. I have noticed that allot of my fan leaves or the leaves that are around the colas are starting to burn or turn color or even die off, my guess was the nugs are taking the energy from the leaves so there turning. I will have lots of trim at the end but will i be able to use all the trimmings or should i separate the green from the yellow/brown??

Big thanks to everyone that has been helping me threw this grow and watching tell the end.




Well-Known Member
wow man... those things are fat... I can't beleive my eyes. Dude you have to be happy with that, no?

When i got to the pic where you are holding the microscope, I busted mine out and held it up the the computer screen to compare sizes.... and damn, that nug is huge.

Plus you have all the stuff in the veg room.... Your living room is going to be like one of the pot stores, for real.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hell yea man i am soo happy i cant wait tell everything cures and i can smoke my own howegrown nugs thats going to be a day i will remeber for ever.

There is another pic were i am holding the nug up my hands on the left not sure witch pic it is but thats my biggest i was trying to hold the nug up and the microscope but since it was so big i couldnt hold everthing and still get a good pic. but that nug is bigger then a coke can woo hoo i love it.

I have been collecting those Planters Penut jars and now baby jars for when i get back from the clinic i switch all my stuff over into glass jars and lable everything. I just put all my Planter jars on the counter and think of them filled. Still wondering how much i am going to just get off that one plant.

wow man... those things are fat... I can't beleive my eyes. Dude you have to be happy with that, no?

When i got to the pic where you are holding the microscope, I busted mine out and held it up the the computer screen to compare sizes.... and damn, that nug is huge.

Plus you have all the stuff in the veg room.... Your living room is going to be like one of the pot stores, for real.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea man i am soo happy i cant wait tell everything cures and i can smoke my own howegrown nugs thats going to be a day i will remeber for ever.

There is another pic were i am holding the nug up my hands on the left not sure witch pic it is but thats my biggest i was trying to hold the nug up and the microscope but since it was so big i couldnt hold everthing and still get a good pic. but that nug is bigger then a coke can woo hoo i love it.

I have been collecting those Planters Penut jars and now baby jars for when i get back from the clinic i switch all my stuff over into glass jars and lable everything. I just put all my Planter jars on the counter and think of them filled. Still wondering how much i am going to just get off that one plant.
It's funny us first timers... we are so giddy... like little girls, haha. I still need to pick up some glass jars. You have a scale? I need to get one still.

oh yeah, and sorry for kicking your update to the last page... i hate when that happens.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
It's funny us first timers... we are so giddy... like little girls, haha. I still need to pick up some glass jars. You have a scale? I need to get one still.

oh yeah, and sorry for kicking your update to the last page... i hate when that happens.

No worries man i knew it was going to happen soon my updates are so big they take up most of the room, just trying to let everyone know were it is.

Yea i have had a scale for a while, i have trust issues hahaha so i wieght everything i get.

Yea right now i am ok but once lights turn on and i see her agian i feel like a little kid,

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Dude, has it always been the hot in your flowering room? I just noticed it said it was 98 degrees.

Nope, it was 75 maybe 80 for the whole grow, but just like last week i had my pcfan for my coollight and the glass that holds the heat in all fall apart on me so i am fucked i have been trying to fix it but with out taking everthing down and doing it right i think its juts going to fall agian so i just took it apart and that made the heat go way up, and now with this heat wave going on its 105 outside my house the air i am pulling in from the ouside is hot so i am just fighting a loosing battel right now with the heat. I am just glad i decided to have my flower room on when i am sleeping so its on from 7 pm to 7am when its the coolest outside. so around 3 am i checked on the temp and it went down to 90 but still thats hot. Another problem i have noticed is that all my outake air goes into my bed room, stupid i know, so my bed room even with a portable ac in there its hot as hell so after i harvest both rooms i am going to figure out a different way to outtake my hot air.


Well-Known Member
Oh man that sucks. Well at least you don't have to long to go. Buds are looking so sweet man! COngratulations! you must be psyched!

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Oh man that sucks. Well at least you don't have to long to go. Buds are looking so sweet man! COngratulations! you must be psyched!

Yea thats what i was thinking only 7 to 10 days then no more light we can make it. Hell yea i am so excited man this has been a blast learning and growing cant wait to do it all over agian.


Well-Known Member
Right on dude! I'm stoked for you. You'll be smoking them in no time.

I start flushing tomorrow!

I'm having a temp problem as well. When I fire up the 1000W lights my grow area goes to about 100 degrees. This weekend I'm gonna have to install another exhaust fan. Gotta get it figured out before I start growing in the new room.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, its been a crazy grow but really fun, learned allot so i am looking forward to my next grow but with summer coming soon not sure if i will be able to grow with how hot it gets in the rooms, going to have to figure that out to.

Your using a cool tube to with the 1000w? Yea still looking forward to seeing the new room, outake fans are the way to go when it comes to heat. Then you have to think of where the hot air is going?

I hooked up my outake to inside of my closet so it just makes my room so hot and the veg room, need to switch the intake and outtake around maybe not sure if just the air from inside my bed room will be cool enough for intake, i wanted fresh air so i was trying to get it from the outside still have to think how i am going to set it up now

Just got my New Fiskars CutSliceSawSnip for trimming, harvesting aww homegrown smoke cant get any better.

Right on dude! I'm stoked for you. You'll be smoking them in no time.

I start flushing tomorrow!

I'm having a temp problem as well. When I fire up the 1000W lights my grow area goes to about 100 degrees. This weekend I'm gonna have to install another exhaust fan. Gotta get it figured out before I start growing in the new room.