DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever


Well-Known Member
Do u get a pet sitter for ur kitties? I have three and they are like my main children :)

Lookin good over here. I forgot we watched your video last how nice you are to your babies!
We have 9 cats... (crazy I know). We have a pet sitter whom we absolutely love. She is totally down and has grown before, so she can watch my plants when we leave too. It's a bummer she is out of town for a while, but all is well, I don't like travelling anyways. And yes the cats are like my children... I love them so much, we all take good care of eachother. I love my plants and take real good care of them, but my kitties are my real babies...

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Grrr dam gravity not sure what to say man

Going to be fun doing your first harvest man i know i am looking forward to chopping my girl down and smoking her up

Your lucky being up in the mountians your not having to deal with this hot weather.


Well-Known Member
smoote said:
Whoa that is a lot of protein mix. That molasses looks perfect, the picture made me laugh, make sure there is ammonium sulfate in it.
You mean the protien mix should have the A.S. right? My protein mix does not have that... am I just wasting it putting in my mix without it?



Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals,

I have been sitting around watching things happen in the closet for a couple days now. Today I took control of things again. I decided to up the temps a bit, so I pulled a piece of duct tap a tiny bit off the light. I did it after both lights under the reflector, so I have warm air blowing in... I think it is dry too, from evaporation in the cool tubes (aside: one of my cats is sitting behind my head bathing me/ eating my hair, I hope it doesn't encourage my bald spot to grow..... oww, she just walked away, forgetting my hair was in her digestive tract) so I have warm dry air blowing in. I'm keeping it at 76 below the screen 82 above. To adjust the temp I adjust the width of the opening of the closet door.

I also made up a batch of co2... I did some investigating and learned new tips. My investigation (reading the back of the yeast packet) led to the realization that my water was too cold when I dissolved the yeast. The packet said use 100-110 f water. You dissolve first with warm water... then add 1 teaspoon sugar per packet and let sit for 10 min. it said the volume of the mix should double, mine 4 timesed (like my word). It totally didn't do that last time. Sorry if you told me that smoote, I just didn't get it. So read your yeast packets people, haha. All kinds of knowledge on them.

I also lowered the light a couple chain links... I think that's about 1.5". I checked the airstones and they are harder to blow through than when new, but still ok... I'll pull them out and clean them soon.

In the picture, I have my finger pointing to where the water and yeast mix was at, before I added the sugar and let sit for 5 minutes.

Thanks for reading. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
You mean the protien mix should have the A.S. right? My protein mix does not have that... am I just wasting it putting in my mix without it?

Actually the molasses should have the Ammonium Sulfate. The protein mix does kinda the same thing for them as it does for us. Make us beefier. You can add it in at any point its just easier to add it in when you mix everything up.

Haha i did kinda say that but i said warm water and didn't give a specific temperature, so there was plenty of gray area and i won't hold it against you :mrgreen:. Yea activating the yeast does wonders for its start up time. Like i said before i went from a few hours with out any action to tons of bubbles in the first half an hour to hour. Thats funny that it says to let it sit, i like to whisk the yeast, sugar, and warm water mixture off and on for the 10 mins. I feel that it helps but that could just be me. If you don't see a difference then don't bother.

How long is youre yeast reactor lasting you?


Well-Known Member
How long is youre yeast reactor lasting you?
I made mine on the 12th... and lasted me until about the 20th, but I think I killed most of the yeast at the beginning last time.

This time, the bubbles seem to be even faster and more. I think this one will be the real test of effectiveness of the super mix.

Either way, it's definitely better (in my opinion) that the normal yeast, sugar, water.

About the grow, my plants look good, about the same, maybe a little bigger. I've lowered the light another couple links. I'll have to check how high it is off the plants.

I'm debating whether to add any more gravity... does anyone know.... should I be seeing some difference after 4 full days of application. I feel like it's all on pause. No complaining though... if I was to harvest today, I would be happy.

Hope life is well for all of you. Things out here are going pretty well.



Well-Known Member
i tried that Co2 yeast thing, Co2 is a great boost in growth, glad to see you reaching higher all the time, never get happy, and stop experamenting, ok? LOL

it works, but you got to keep on top of things, keep the escape valve for the gas underwater, no backfeeding of air, (if you follow me) it will mold up, yeast is bacteria, i seen it start to put spores into the air.

grats on keeping with it, on top of it, and hanging in there.

i got to learn to resize my pics, i got a ling with a 5 days later pick on bottom.


Well-Known Member
i tried that Co2 yeast thing, Co2 is a great boost in growth, glad to see you reaching higher all the time, never get happy, and stop experamenting, ok? LOL

it works, but you got to keep on top of things, keep the escape valve for the gas underwater, no backfeeding of air, (if you follow me) it will mold up, yeast is bacteria, i seen it start to put spores into the air.

grats on keeping with it, on top of it, and hanging in there.

i got to learn to resize my pics, i got a ling with a 5 days later pick on bottom.
Why would you use myspace to post pics and ingfo of your grow? You will get a hell of a lot more hits if you start a grow journal on here. It just seems odd to me that's all


Well-Known Member
good idea with the co2 man. I think im guna use it when I flower my babys. I cant believe you have 9 cats.... Im a little allergic so going to your house kind of seems out of the question all of a sudden. lol jk.

Great job man keep it up.


Well-Known Member
good idea with the co2 man. I think im guna use it when I flower my babys. I cant believe you have 9 cats.... Im a little allergic so going to your house kind of seems out of the question all of a sudden. lol jk.

Great job man keep it up.
Damn... are you really kinda allergic? Do you know if claritin works for you? That really throws a wrench in things.

Thor... man the plants are looking good my man. I also appreciate the encouragement. I'm going to make my check 'bottle' right now... no spores getting on my girls. (anymore at least)

Tom... I'm answering for people again, but for whatever reason Thor can't seem to upload pics... he gets an error saying the site can't resize them... It really is weird becuase the same size pictures upload for me. Eventually we will figure it out (and I mean we royally, you know 'we'), haha.

Anythings I'm overlooking in the grow guys? You can call me out, it's all good.

One strange thing, things haven't really started stinking yet. I'm taking that as a good thing. I"m taking it as they still have a few more weeks to go, and I'm just and anxious first time mother freaking out about them finishing early.

Whatever, we will see. Patience (i keep telling myself).


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Thanks guys for the support. I really appreciate it.

I've been lowering the light more, I think 2 or 3 more links today. The closest tip to the glass of the HPS is 9.5 inches away. That us up from about 5.5 before the gravity went in.

Speaking of gravity, I added another 5 mL today, so that is a total of 40 mL for about 28 gal, so I'm still not close to their suggested 2 mL (instructions say 1 - 2 mL). I started at less than 0.8 per, now I'm at 1.4 mL per gal. I keep telling my wife "I'm not going to add anymore, I swear". But still nothing in any direction after 4 full days. I asked her what she noticed different in the past few days and she also said things look pretty much the same, funny.

I'll say one thing, I know it is working at getting the nutes to the plants, I only added 20% nutrients and it looks to me that everything the plants need, they are getting.

I will say one change is I feel like the concentration of trichs has increased where there were trichs before, however it also seems that the trichs have stopped marching. It is like they have set up camp on everything they are on, and aren't going any further. Again, not complaining, the buds are covered.

I'm also keeping it hotter. Around 79 f under the screen and around 83 above. And my new co2 mix is pumpin out the jams.

Question about harvesting (not that I'm there yet). I'm thinking that my buds will be done at different times, from light or what not, so should I be anticipating cutting one branch at a time.

I mean, I know it's all up to me, I could just go in there now and chop it all, but my question is if I was going to be crazy meticulous about it and counted each trich and wanted to cut each but exactly at say 70%/30% Amber/ cloudy would I probably chopping a couple branches at a time? Or do you think for the most part, like big chunks will be done together?

I'm sure I'll figure all this stuff out as it comes, just wondering what to expect.

Thanks again everyone. I'm getting really really excited.

Pics turned out good tonight.



Well-Known Member
looking good jig
about the harvest, i think a multi-part harvest is a good thing, you get the ripest buds off, and more light gets to the smaller buds so they can mature more
how many days you planing to flower for?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rep. Yeah I could use some traffic on my grow.

Just set up my 1k HPS and its a ghost town on my thread. Brand new pics too.


Well-Known Member
yes, multi seeds/strains, multi day harvest. until you get to 1mother/1 flower run, you wont get a uniform harvest. i am in same boat in my grow, i got 7 or 8 strains now, with 3 more waiting in the gate, until i thin a true 50/50, i got 45ish plants, i am legal for 45, but like, i got 5 clones of my black widow, only got 1 female from seed, so i am working that girl hard, but those are still unrooted, had 48, but killed 6 males, i dance right on the line, been 12/12 for 2 days now, i figure, 7 more, kill males, go back to 24 hours take it back to veg, these are all for an outdoor greenhouse, it is being built.

i will keep the best 5, that like my environment, the greenhouse will hold 18, 6 plants, 3 people with cards in house. then, i will clone 10 off of my hand picked 5 female moms, foe a run on 50 clones, in my 4x8 hydrohut. the greenhouse people bought my hydro-huts for me, to get them 2ft to 3ft high, for going outdoors by may 15th, they are all 1ft to 30 inches


Well-Known Member
I'm happy with my setup and all, but man thor... that all sounds like a lot of fun.

Almost there jess.

And ganjaboi you ask a seemingly simple question, that even now, confuses and upsets me. I'm not saying you did anything, just that I totally don't know about when I'm going to flower to.

The whole grow I was aiming for 56 days (8 full weeks of 12/12). Then a couple weeks ago I realized my plants were 9 week flowering plants, so I changed my aim to 63 days (9 full weeks of 12/12). Then I found Amber trichs and totally freaked out thinking they were going to be done in a week or two. But I've gotten over that freak out, and it looks like things haven't changed much since then, so I think I am back to something like a 8.5 week flower period. Which I guess is like 60 days.

So by my schedule I will be cutting the last of things down in 18 days.

But I'm going by trichs, plus I'm a newb, so who the hell knows.

haha, sorry to answer an easy question with a crazy answer.


Well-Known Member
Ok... so this has got me to thinking and I really would like to understand the whole flowering time.

I have posted two threads asking whether people considered flower time to start at the sign of flowers or the switch to 12/12. The answers were 50/50 each way. So I know that when people talk about flower times they are relevant to which beginning they are talking about.

Now... what is it that all the seed/ strain websites are talking about. I don't care what timmy and frank consider to be their flowering start time, but when I read on many many different sites that Hindu Skunk is a 9 week flowering plant, What does that mean.

9 weeks from 12/12, or 9 weeks from when flowers show?

And I understand that the 9 weeks isn't exact, that's not what I'm getting at. I just wonder where they are counting from. Any one know, or at least care to guess (my bet is we get 50/50 again).

My vote is: I have no idea.


Well-Known Member
looking good jig. 1 rule of thumb for newbs: when you think it is ready, give it 2 more weeks at least. i still have a hard time waiting.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, not much has changed with the plants. I have been altering their environment a bit.

I added the check bottle to the co2, I also lowered the light a few more links.

Plus I haven't kicked the gravity habit yet. I added another 5mL with 2 gal RO, plus 30 mL of FloraNectar, and some pH down.

I also put in one of the home depot fans, to try and keep the air good and moving. It stays 60% humid overnight, and I don't want no mold.

