just started growing wondering if im doinin it right

iight i live in jersey and i just started the germination process for 3 of my seed on 4/20/09 and for one seed i just put it in straight into some miracle grow dirt inside an 8in high and 8in wide clay pot on 4/21/09 i kept the 4/20 seeds in a metal drawer and been wetting the paper towel every day and for the 4/21 i kept it in the porch which is prob the same temp as it is outside and im planning in watering it every other day also for the 4/20 seeds im planning to put them in prob the same kind of pot each w/ thier own pot and w/ miracle grow dirt they will also be kept in the porch the lighting for all seeds being the sun since 3 of the 4 walls are basically windows im also planning to keep them in thier same pot the whole entire time. so does anyone have any tips or can tell me if im doing anything wrong so far???


Well-Known Member
So far your good man. With dirt becareful about over watering. Over watering can cause your plants roots to suffocate. Your plant breathes thru it's roots too & it will cause the plant to seems sad. Avoid using any nutes since miracle grow dirt comes loaded with nutes in it. For about a month maybe a bit longer keep it all water.
As for the lighting, if your space is as bright as it is outside then your a lucky guy & your plant should grow healthy & pretty speedy. Considering there is no bulb in the world as bright as the sun.
Try & place a small fan inside your space with your plants. You want a nice breeze hiting your plant all the time. The plant sweats & the cool breeze helps it dry off all those chemicals. The light breeze also bruises the plants stem making it heal & grow thicker to become imune to the "wind" be careful to not make it a constant rough air on the plant. It's gota be light Enoch to cause a breeze & heavy enough to cause a bit of swaying. A soothing sway. The plant has to breathe so the fan is a must.
Water every week. Or lift your bucket daily. Get used to it's weight. Notice & grow a feelng as to how heavy the bucket is just after you've watered your plant & compare it to when your dirt goes dry. You should be able to tell the difference in a light dry pot to a heavy just watered pot. Be cautious of over watering dude. Sorry but I can't stress it enough. Personally I let my plants go dry for a while. The dry dirt makes the roots go thirsty & they grow out in search for water left over in the dirt. & your plant will always let you know when she's thirsty.
As for pruning never cut more then a 1/4 of your plants mass off at 1time. I personally prune right before I water & my lights go off so they can heal while they rest. Always use very clean sterile utensils too.
So your good so far man. Love your plants & just be cautious about everything. & all your fellow growers are always here for advise or feed back man.


Well-Known Member
So far your good man. With dirt becareful about over watering. Over watering can cause your plants roots to suffocate. Your plant breathes thru it's roots too & it will cause the plant to seems sad. Avoid using any nutes since miracle grow dirt comes loaded with nutes in it. For about a month maybe a bit longer keep it all water.
As for the lighting, if your space is as bright as it is outside then your a lucky guy & your plant should grow healthy & pretty speedy. Considering there is no bulb in the world as bright as the sun.
Try & place a small fan inside your space with your plants. You want a nice breeze hiting your plant all the time. The plant sweats & the cool breeze helps it dry off all those chemicals. The light breeze also bruises the plants stem making it heal & grow thicker to become imune to the "wind" be careful to not make it a constant rough air on the plant. It's gota be light Enoch to cause a breeze & heavy enough to cause a bit of swaying. A soothing sway. The plant has to breathe so the fan is a must.
Water every week. Or lift your bucket daily. Get used to it's weight. Notice & grow a feelng as to how heavy the bucket is just after you've watered your plant & compare it to when your dirt goes dry. You should be able to tell the difference in a light dry pot to a heavy just watered pot. Be cautious of over watering dude. Sorry but I can't stress it enough. Personally I let my plants go dry for a while. The dry dirt makes the roots go thirsty & they grow out in search for water left over in the dirt. & your plant will always let you know when she's thirsty.
As for pruning never cut more then a 1/4 of your plants mass off at 1time. I personally prune right before I water & my lights go off so they can heal while they rest. Always use very clean sterile utensils too.
So your good so far man. Love your plants & just be cautious about everything. & all your fellow growers are always here for advise or feed back man.
So far your good man. With dirt becareful about over watering. Over watering can cause your plants roots to suffocate. Your plant breathes thru it's roots too & it will cause the plant to seems sad. Avoid using any nutes since miracle grow dirt comes loaded with nutes in it. For about a month maybe a bit longer keep it all water.
As for the lighting, if your space is as bright as it is outside then your a lucky guy & your plant should grow healthy & pretty speedy. Considering there is no bulb in the world as bright as the sun.
Try & place a small fan inside your space with your plants. You want a nice breeze hiting your plant all the time. The plant sweats & the cool breeze helps it dry off all those chemicals. The light breeze also bruises the plants stem making it heal & grow thicker to become imune to the "wind" be careful to not make it a constant rough air on the plant. It's gota be light Enoch to cause a breeze & heavy enough to cause a bit of swaying. A soothing sway. The plant has to breathe so the fan is a must.
Water every week. Or lift your bucket daily. Get used to it's weight. Notice & grow a feelng as to how heavy the bucket is just after you've watered your plant & compare it to when your dirt goes dry. You should be able to tell the difference in a light dry pot to a heavy just watered pot. Be cautious of over watering dude. Sorry but I can't stress it enough. Personally I let my plants go dry for a while. The dry dirt makes the roots go thirsty & they grow out in search for water left over in the dirt. & your plant will always let you know when she's thirsty.
As for pruning never cut more then a 1/4 of your plants mass off at 1time. I personally prune right before I water & my lights go off so they can heal while they rest. Always use very clean sterile utensils too.
So your good so far man. Love your plants & just be cautious about everything. & all your fellow growers are always here for advise or feed back man.
thx a bunch its really appreciated kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
hi, welcome. the advice above is pretty sound. if your looking to start more plants i recommend peat pods. they work wonders for me. the 6$ wallmart jiffy greenhouse's work great. personally i like the ones i got from a local hydro store, but both work just fine. the warning for over water i would say is especially important for you with MG, if you over water it could release even more nuts than normal, and lead to burns.

good luck with your grow


Active Member
I have a three to four inch plant that is showing signs of being male. Is this odd that its showing when the plant is so small?


Well-Known Member
im on my frist grow like i use MG also i started in peat pellets which i think is better then starting in just MG soil since mg has nutes in it and seeds dont need any nutes for the frist 2 weeks but im a noobie

i have ten babies i started in peat pellets now in MG soil they r 22 dayz old now i feed them 16 dayz of age MG all purpose plant food 8-7-6 they took off after that but i notice about 4-5 days after i feed them some had yellow tips and brown spots been looking around RIU for the last 2 days and notice more people haveing the same problem as me and thier were useing MG soil. So i look at the ingerdients of MG soil/nutes and notice a big difference in ingredients vs Fox farm soil/nutes
MG soil doesnt have boron,magnesium and alot other ingredients fox farm has
Im not downing MG well ya i am :finger: MG
just a heads up on some of the problems u might be faceing
heres my babies 21 dayz old in Mg soil loveing how they look all but the yellow tips/spots FF next grow for sure tho im foliar feeding with fox farm grow big hopeing it'll fix the problem

Good luck on ur grow Bro:weed: