Removing Males


Well-Known Member
How long do I have from when males first show to pull them.

I have what I assume are 2 more males but I am not 100% sure.

Can I give them 2 - 3 days to make sure without any adverse effects?


Well-Known Member
How long do I have from when males first show to pull them.

I have what I assume are 2 more males but I am not 100% sure.

Can I give them 2 - 3 days to make sure without any adverse effects?
2-3 days is fine. you have a couple weeks from when they show sex until the pollen sacks open up.


Well-Known Member
this is why rollitup needs a new server.

if they pushed the search feature to the newbs instead of letting them ask the same question 100x a day, there would be alot less traffic.


Well-Known Member
i tried using the search feature at first but what i found was that most questions i had were personallized to my situation, so a stock answer wqouldnt have helped me.....yeah it would on some, but the wwhole point of this site is so we can discuss and learn, i could go by a book if i just wanted to read something...i feel that no question is dumb or a waste because everyone has different experiences and such when it comes to every aspect of growing. so ask away bro. thats what we are here may help to check the FAQ section first because some of the cut and dry questions get answered, but i think the newer the info the better because when i first started growing there was a lot of shit that now people say, wow i actually thought that? example: whats lst, lst is low stress training. yes the ? ? ? has been asked a million times but you may ask it today and get someone who has an amazing way of doing it andd your gonna get a better answer than what someone may have said on the first 200 times it was asked....did i make sense? plus you then can go back to your own threads and work from there....hope i made sense.....i guess if you went on a prostitute site and asked do you give blow jobs? the faq would say yes , hookers give blow jobs......but if its asked again . that hooker may tell you why her blow job is the best....know what im sayin? ask away no question is a dumb question..
and if you think about it every damd question has been asked 8 million ttimes...if i want to read a non personal book ill go to the library or buy george cervantes bible of growing.....


Well-Known Member
jordisgarden - great post! + rep

I think the reason this site works so well is that questions may have been posted before but we are all learning. If you don't want to help people don't answer posts. Helping someone out makes you obliged to help people out in the future and that keeps the whole site going.

We all have a lot of time and money invested in this. People want to make sure they are correct before moving forward with big decisions. I knew the 2 plants I pulled were males but that didn't make it any easier, I put a lot of time, money and effort into those little fuckers, it was hard killing them off.

If you think there is only one answer to every question try posting a picture of a problem leaf and see what you get. Or try posting asking for advice on Nutrient lines or feeding schedules and see what you get there.

I learn from this site every day and I would have some pretty pathetic little plants if it wasn't for the great people on this site. I am going to be putting up cash for the servers once I get my check this week, not because of the ease of searching it will bring but because I owe it to every one of the people that have posted replies to my questions.


Well-Known Member
Can I give them 2 - 3 days to make sure without any adverse effects?
more than that, 10 days ball park. When they start turning from green to yellow LOOK Out ! they'll open up in a couple of hours and your still safe until the pollen dries off and can float.


Well-Known Member
this is why rollitup needs a new server.

if they pushed the search feature to the newbs instead of letting them ask the same question 100x a day, there would be alot less traffic.
If you are actually worried about this (as opposed to just not being nice), how is your additional post helping the problem that compelled you to admonish the op?



Well-Known Member
this is why rollitup needs a new server.

if they pushed the search feature to the newbs instead of letting them ask the same question 100x a day, there would be alot less traffic.
hey smutty, funny how you just added to the TRAFFIC you so hate just by posting how you hate trafic on the site...good job bro. lol


Well-Known Member
lol i dont get why ppl rreply to a thread saying stuff like use the search forum. we were all at that point at one time. its not like we just knew how to grow from the start. the best way to learn is by asking questions so ask away :joint:

Grandma's boy

Active Member
Funny, I just used the search function with a specific question about male plants.

A whole page of threads with titles that do not have anything to do with my question came up.

Most of them are 5-20 pages long.

Hard to find an answer reading through that many threads.

So the search function has limited value.:peace: