5 Purple Chitral X Uzbeki Pure Indy Landrace and 1 BB X CC Grow Log


Well-Known Member
Sup yall!! I know its been awhile since my last update. However, I promise the wait was worth it:headbang: Your going to love this. I took some pics of the girls and I am going to trim them and harvest after I finish this post. Enjoy these preharvest pics


Ill post post harvest pics tomorow

Till then...



Well-Known Member
Fuckin sweet man bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

And Happy 4:20 :bigjoint:
Thanx fishing dog. You to brobongsmilie I know I sure had a good'n. Well Here are the harvest pics folks. I am very happy with my results. I set out to prove you can grow great bud using CFL's and....well, I'll let yall deciede:mrgreen: I have really enjoyed this grow and I am in love with this strain. So without further ado I give to you...The Harvest Pics!!!! lol



Well-Known Member
haha what a trip....just read through my log for first time in over year. The yield for all 6 5 PC X Uzbek and 1 BBXCC totalled just over 2 zones. Was 58gr or so. Knowing what I know now, even though it was successful...it could have been alot more had I did more things with them. But not to bad for first real successful grow I spose. I know it was some DAMN good smoke....I harvested a lil to early. Prolly could have let em go another week or so. But, maybe its a good thing cuz anymore and it would just knock you out. This was some strong med shit. You better not have any plans for after you smoek this lol. Cuz you are done. Period. Lol..good times. Nothing like your first real harvest. Something so pure...and innocent about it I guess?... anyone else feel like that lol? I didnt sell any of it..jsut gave a lil to friends and smoked the rest. But ya...I kinda skimped on this journal towards the end...I mean, theres lots of good pics but about a month missing. But ya...just thought id reread it and remember the sweet piney smell of those gorgeous frosty sugarcoated herbal goodies. Imma bout to bust out a new grow log with another personal garden of some Autos with HPS. Should be interesting. I might build a CFL box and grow 1-2 plants just to see how much better I can do it now then then? @_@ spontanious idea....but something I might do..idk. I love to challenge my self. I mean...really with all the info around...nowadays its kinda hard to grow bad bud...if you know how to read you can figure out how to do just about anything now adays on the net lol..kinda trippy. Nothing is hidden in this virtual age...all is available if you but just use your damn eyes!! or in this case...fingers. But ya...im really stoned right now if you cant tell...and I get real philisophical when im stoned...I'm having a stoner rambling moment lol. I should be starting up this auto/hps grow in a few weeks to a month. Gonna run Auto Ak-47, Blueberry, BCN Diesel(Havn't seen anyone do this, why I got it..sounds great and I love to test shit out) and a sweet dwarf(another one i havnt seen much of and wanna see what its made of)

Stay stoned,